This article covers the following topics:
- Introduction
- Create Table Groups
- Manage Groups
- Delete Groups
- Create a Lookup Table Manually
- Create a Lookup Table from a CSV File
- Manage Lookup Tables
- Lookup Table History
Lookup tables allow users to extend meta-items for custom tests and custom numeric tables with custom database tables. Use cases include providing calculation factors associated with measurement devices or institutional practices. This can also reduce the number of custom tests created by allowing easy customization by machine or site.
To manage Lookup Tables navigate to Manage - Lookup Tables:
The Lookup Tables page include typical navigation and search functions:
- Collapse All/ Expand All: collapses the page down to the Table Group Level or Expands it to the Custom Table Level.
- Search for table: searches for matching text in the names of Table Groups and Lookup Tables.
- Display Hidden Tables: toggles whether hidden tables are shown on the page. When on is selected, hidden tables are shown with a strike-though. When off is selected, hidden tables are not shown. The last state should be remembered for a user.
Create Table Groups
To create a new Table Group, click the Add Table Group button:
This will open the Add Group dialogue window:
- Name: enter a name that identifies the group. This name will be used when adding lookup tables to custom tests and numeric tables.
- Description: optionally enter a description that describes the collection of lookup tables under the group. The editing window may be used to add graphics and rich text.
- Add group: use the Add group button to add the group.
- Cancel: use the Cancel button to abort adding the group.
Manage Groups
To manage groups navigate to Manage - Lookup Tables
- Manage: Opens the Update group dialogue, similar to the Add group dialogue, so that the group may be edited.
Delete Groups
Only empty groups may be deleted. Empty groups will display the Delete button as shown below:
Click the Delete button to remove the group.
Create a Lookup Table Manually
To add a new table, click the Add Table button:
This will open the Lookup Table page shown below:
- Table Name: a table name is required and should describe the use of the table as this will be the name shown when linking the table to a meta-item. Ideally the table name should be unique within a group.
- Description: a description is optional and may be used to describe the table. The editing window allows creation of rich text and graphics.
- +Add Row: clicking the +Add Row button will add a row at the bottom of the table.
- +Add Column:
- <: clicking the < button at the top of a column will move that column to the left.
- x: clicking the x above a column will delete that column while clicking the x to the right of a row will delete that row.
- >: clicking the > button at the top of a column will move that column to the right.
- Name: a name is required for each column; ideally the names should be unique.
- Key: when the key checkbox is checked above a column, that column will be used as a key. When the key checkbox is unchecked above a column, that column will be used as a value. There must be at least one key value column. Key rows if there is one or the combination of key rows should ideally be unique.
- Type: the type field is not user changeable. It will toggle between numeric and string. If any row in the column is contains a non-numeric value, the type will be string. If all rows in the column contain numbers are empty, type will be numeric.
- ID: the ID is not user changeable and is the identifier used to perform calculations. ID beginning with an R identify rows while those beginning with a C identify columns.
- Save: click the Save button to save the lookup table and stay on the page.
- Save & Exit: click the Save & Exit button to save the lookup table and exit the page.
Create a Lookup Table from a CSV File
Creating the lookup table from an existing CSV table will be the most practical way to populate a table in many cases. In the interface shown below, if a file is selected and imported, the CSV’s contents will be used to populate the table as if it had been manually created.
The first row in the table is used to populate the column names. The Save button will save the table without exiting the page while the Save & Exit button will save the table and exit the page.
Manage Lookup Tables
To manage Lookup Tables navigate to Manage - Lookup Tables
- Edit Table: opens the lookup table for editing.
- Preview: opens a dialog with a non-editable view of the table.
- Move/Copy: opens a dialogue that either moves or copies a lookup table. There is an option to change the name when a table is moved or copied so that table names are unique.
- Hide: hides the table from view on the page if “Display Hidden Tables” is set to off. Note: hiding a table does not sever any existing links to a lookup table.
- Delete: deletes the table if it is not in use.
Lookup Table History
Whenever a lookup table is changed a log is kept with the date of the change and the user who made the change. To view this log edit the table and click the History button:
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