Topics covered in this article include:
- Introduction
- Adding New Measurement Devices
- Deleting Measurement Devices
- Modifying Measurement Devices
- Copying Measurement Devices
- Viewing Tasks for a Measurement Device
- Add a Document to a Measurement Device
- Manage Conversion Factors for Measurement Devices
Some measurement data can be captured automatically from supported devices. Other data can be selected for devices not currently supported. If you have a measurement device that is not supported please contact customer support as addition of new devices is largely determined by user demand.
You may also export conversion factors, baselines, and tolerances to a CSV file from this page.
To open the "Manage - Measurement Devices" page click on the "Measurement Devices" link from the Manage Your QA page.
Measurement devices are displayed by device type. Each section may be collapsed or expanded. Measurement devices can also be searched or filtered by site, type, and status:
Adding New Measurement Devices
Navigate to the Manage Measurement Devices page, then click the + Add Device button.
The Add Measurement Device form will open.
Enter the descriptive fields for the measurement device. Fields marked with red asterisks are required.
- Device label: This device label will be displayed in the software and reports. The device label must be unique.
- Site: Select which site the measurement device will be associated from the drop down menu.
- Status: Choose whether this device will be active or inactive. Inactive devices cannot be used in the software.
- Device description (optional): A description of the device.
- Serial Number (optional): Device serial number.
Device Type: The Ion Chamber/Electrometer or Other options should be chosen for devices that do not have automated data transfer configured. Currently, the following devices are supported for automatic data transfer: Standard Imaging QA Beam Checker Plus, Sun Nuclear Daily QA3, and Fluke Tracker Model 90100. If the device type "Ion Chamber" is selected the following addition fields will appear:
- Used for TG51
- Chamber Type
- Wall Material
- Wall Thickness
- Cavity Radius
If the device type "Electrometer" is selected an additional field will appear: Electrometer Model. This field is optional and can be left blank.
Click the Add Device button once all the device fields have been entered.
A confirmation message will appear towards the lower right of the screen and the new device should appear on the device list.
If you receive a red status that your device was unable to be added, please try again and if the problem persists, contact customer support.
Deleting Measurement Devices
Navigate to the Manage Measurement Devices page. Click on the Delete button next to the measurement device that you wish to delete. Note that this will also delete any calibration factors associated with that equipment.
Modifying Measurement Devices
Navigate to the "Manage Measurement Devices" page and click on the Modify button next to the measurement device that you wish to edit. The Edit Measurement Device form will open.
Edit the descriptive fields for the QA equipment. Fields marked with red asterisks are required. Click the Sign and Update Device button once any edits are complete.
A confirmation message will appear towards the lower right of the screen and the edited device should appear on the device list.
If you receive a red status that your device was unable to be updated, please try again and if the problem persists contact customer support.
Copying Measurement Devices
When creating a large number of measurement devices, it can become very tedious to create new similar devices. To copy a measurement device navigate to the "Manage Measurement Devices" page and click on the Copy button next to the measurement device that you wish to copy. A popup dialog box will appear for you to enter in the name of the copied device.
** Note - Names cannot be already in use within the account.
Click Copy Device. The Edit Measurement Device form will open. Edit any descriptive fields for the copied measured as needed. Click the Sign and Update Device button once all fields are verified and complete.
A confirmation message will appear towards the lower right of the screen and the copied device should appear on the device list.
Viewing Tasks for a Measurement Device
Tasks may be associated with measurement devices to track tasks associated with a particular measurement device (i.e. preventative maintenance or schedule calibrations). When a task has been associated with a measurement device it will appear in the edit screen as shown below:
Use the task link in the main navigation pane to create, edit, and complete tasks.
Add a Document to a Measurement Device
Documents can now be associated with measurement devices to track tasks associated with a particular measurement device (i.e. user manuals). To add a document, navigate to the "Manage Measurement Devices" page, click on the Modify button next to the measurement device that you wish to edit. The Edit Measurement Device form will open. Click the Add Document button:
Click the Choose File button in the "Add a document" popup and select the desired file from the file browser:
Once a document has been added it will appear on the right hand side of the Edit Measurement Device form. Documents can be deleted using the trash button below the document:
Manage Conversion Factors for Measurement Devices
For information on setting conversion factors for measurement devices see Manage Conversion Factors. If desired all calibration factors and baselines may be downloaded by clicking the Export Calibration factors & baselines button.
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