Once templates have been created they can be assigned and scheduled for the machines in your organization.
To assign your templates, navigate to the "Manage - Schedule Configurations" page.
The Manage Schedule Configurations page will appear with the sites and their associated machines will appear. Each machine will have the currently assigned templates listed under it.
To update or change a schedule, click on the individual template.
Adding a Schedule
Locate the site and machine to which you want to add a template and click the Add QA schedule button.
- On the top is a scrolling menu of the templates you have created. Select which template you wish to use. That template will be highlighted in blue upon selection.
- Indicate which users will be able to perform and access this test (ex: Daily Linac QA performed by a therapist, or Monthly Linac QA performed by a Physicist).
- Set the Status to active. If you set a status to inactive the template will not appear on the Schedules page.
- On the right, create a name for this schedule (ex: LINAC 1, or 4 Slice CT simulator). The default is the name of the template you have selected.
- Select the frequency for which you wish to have this schedule performed. When a schedule is chosen as Ad-hoc, a checkbox giving the option "No start date" is available to the right of the "Starts on" date. Selecting "No start date" will disable the ability for alerts for upcoming schedules as well as alerts for overdue schedules. Below are the details for each frequency:
- Daily: the report date is compared to the next due date. If the report date is on or after the next due date, the next due date will advance to the next day. If weekdays is selected, weekends will be skipped.
- Weekly: the report date is compared to the next due date. If a single weekday is selected and the report date is on or after the next due date or the report date is 5 or fewer days before the next due date, the next due date will advance to the next period (1, 2, or 3 weeks as selected in the schedule). If multiple weekdays are selected and the report date is not in the past, the due date will move to the next selected day of the week. Once the selected week days are exhausted, the due date will move to the next period (1, 2, or 3 weeks as selected in the schedule).
- Monthly: the report date is compared to the next due date. If the report date is on or after the next due date or the report date is 25 or fewer days before the next due date, the next due date will advance to the next month.
- Yearly: the report date is compared to the next due date. If the report date is on or after the next due date or the report date is 60 or fewer days before the next due date, the next due date will advance to the next year.
- Select the date to begin performing this schedule.
- After establishing a frequency, select when you would like to have that schedule repeated (for example daily on weekdays for Linac Daily QA, once a month for monthly’s).
- Select when you would like this template to terminate if at all.
- Select deadline in days to sign off on a report.
Next, click the Update schedule button to finalize your template. This will take you back to the Manage QA schedules page and give a green notice in the bottom right corner indicating that the “QA schedule added/updated”.
If you receive a red notification that your schedule was unable to be added/updated, please try again and if the problem persists contact customer support.
Modifying a Schedule
To modify a schedule, click on the schedule name next to the machine. The Edit QA Schedule page will appear. The settings are the same as when adding the schedule.
Copy a Schedule
After setting up a schedule complete with schedule settings, baselines, and tolerances you may want to apply the schedule to a different machine. To copy a schedule to a new machine:
- Click the Schedule link in the Manage Service page.
- You will see each schedule assigned for all the machines you have access to.
- Next to each schedule is a copy icon. Click on the copy icon to copy the schedule.
- In the dialog give the new schedule a name and assign it to equipment from the drop down.
- The schedule will be copied and you will be taken to the configuration screen for the newly created schedule.
Note that if the original schedules schedule settings use calibrated QA equipment that does not have a calibration set for the new equipment then that part of the settings will not be copied and you will see a warning.
Ordering Sites, Machines, and Schedules
From the Manage Schedule Configurations page, click the Order Sites/Machines/Schedules button:
Once the button is clicked sites, machines, and schedules can be moved by dragging the title to the desired location. Note that machines must stay within the site to which they belong. Similarly, schedules can be reordered but cannot be moved to a different machine. The changes are immediate. When finished click the Back button or navigate to another page to leave the order mode.
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