This article covers the following topics:
- Introduction
- Template
- Schedule Instructions
- Calibrated Equipment
- Test Equipment
- Upload Control Display
- File Uploader
- Dose Unit
Schedule settings are where schedules are customized to fit the workflow and environment. Schedule settings may look different from schedule to schedule as some sections are only visible when a test is in the template that requires a specific settings section. The Schedule Instructions, Calibrated Equipment, and Test Equipment sections are always available for all schedules.
To view or edit schedule settings navigate to Manage Schedule Configurations and click the pencil icon next to the desired schedule.
A screen similar to the one below will be shown.
To edit a given section, click the pencil icon to the right. The sections below will detail the general settings for each section.
The template section allows the selection of a template, which roles are able to access the schedule, whether it is active or inactive, the name and the frequency it is due. All of these settings were originally set when the schedule was created. For full details on each setting, visit the Managing Schedules help article.
When finished with any modifications, click the Update schedule button to save any changes.
Schedule Instructions
Links to documents or web pages may be added to a schedule for easy access while entering data. To add a document or a link proceed to the Edit Schedule Settings page as explained in the previous section. At the top of the page, you will see a heading called Schedule Instructions.
When performing QA, with a schedule that has a document or link associated, an Instruction button will be added to the upper right of the schedule. Clicking on the Instruction button will open the link or document in a separate tab. If the file type is not one that can be displayed in the browser it will be downloaded instead.
To upload a document or to select one from within the Documents repository, click the Document radio button.
If you upload a file it will automatically be added to the document repository.
To add a link, click the Link radio button.
To create an inline instruction, click the Embedded Instructions radio button.
The edit window allows a wide selection of rich text and images.
To display the instructions in the finished report, as well as new QA, check the Display test instructions in finished report box.
Click the Save button to save any changes made.
Calibrated Equipment
The Calibrated Equipment section associates the electrometer, ion chamber, or ion chamber/electrometer combination that will be used for output constancy tests. If there are no devices with calibration factors for the machine this schedule is associated with, a link to the Manage Measurement Devices page will be shown.
If devices with calibration factors for the machine the schedule is associated with, then the device may be selected from a list of devices with calibration factors. Here is an example using a separate ion chamber and electrometer:
The Allow Selection During Report Entry box is checked, users will be able to select the device in the new QA. In the event that you alternate measurement devices frequently, there is an option to check the Allow Selection During Report Entry box and leave the selected list of devices blank.
If the electrometer chosen has more than one setting under the Settings column, the specific setting desired may be chosen. This is to accommodate different factors for each range.
Click the Save button to save any changes.
Test Equipment
Any device or devices on the Manage Measurement Devices page may be associated with a schedule as a whole.
The device may be selected from the drop down menu. As this list may be quite long it can be filtered by type or by site. Checking the Allow Selection During Report Entry box will allow users to make this selection during new QA.
Note that test equipment may also be associated with individual tests.
Click the Save button to save any changes.
Upload Control Display
The Upload Control Display section controls where the image analysis files are uploaded.
When set to No all images are uploaded through a single control near or at the top of the schedule. If Yes is selected, each image analysis section will have a separate control and the Type will be pre-selected to match the image tests.
Click the Save button to save any changes.
File Uploader
The File Uploader section allows one or more file uploader devices to be selected. To add additional file uploaders, click the Add equipment button, select the specific file uploader, and select the Equipment Hub.
Click the Save button to save any changes.
Dose Unit
The dose unit may be selected for tests that display output as dose. Either cGy or cGy/MU may be selected.
Click the Save button to save any changes.
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