Performing QA
Once you have your institution's sites, machines, users and test schedules setup you are ready to start entering data.
To perform QA, click on the Schedules link in the main toolbar at the top of the software. The Perform QA page will open.
To start a new report or enter data into a report in progress, hover over the desired schedule name and click the Perform QA icon.
Only one report for a given schedule to be in progress at a time. The behavior when more than one user attempts to open the same in progress report is as follows:
- If the first user is actively working on a report (i.e. the report is open in their browser and has the focus) and another user attempts to start the same schedule they will be informed that the first user has the schedule open and in use.
- If the first user saves the schedule but does not finalize it then when another user starts the schedule they will open the report that the first user has been working on and can enter data into the same report.
- If the first user loses internet connection they will be logged out of the report after approximately 5 minutes. Another user can then enter the report but may have to refresh the page. The first user will receive an error message informing them that their internet connection has been severed.
- By default, if the first user is inactive for approximately 120 minutes they may be logged out of the report and another user can then access that report. The timeout is an account setting that can be changed by support.
Upon opening the new or in progress report, the data entry page for the report will be displayed:
To see the tests click on the bar or click the test section on the sidebar and expand until you see the tests for which you wish to enter data. The sidebar will also display the current pass-fail status of each section if tolerances have been set.
- The Collapse all and Expand all buttons may be used to collapse all sections into just the section heading or to expand the section to see everything respectively.
- The Back button may be used to exit the new QA. Any changes since the last save will be lost. A warning will be issued if there are unsaved changes.
- The section headings may be clicked to navigate directly to that section. There are also completion/tolerance indicators to provide a visual indication on where that section stands. A hollow indicator circle indicates that one or more tests is incomplete while a full indicator circle indicates that all tests are complete or marked as NA. Green indicates that all completed tests in the section are within tolerance; yellow indicates that one or more tests in the section are at a tolerance limit (warning); and red indicates that one or more tests in the section are outside of the action limits.
- The Instructions button will take the user to the instructions for the schedule. If instructions have not been set in the Schedule settings for the schedule, this button will not be shown.
- The Save button will save any progress to date but leave the new QA open to be finished later.
- The Finalize button will complete the report at which point it will be ready for sign off by a physicist or physicist administrator. Until sign off, the report may be reopened to correct any issues.
- The report date defaults to the date the report was opened but can be changed to reflect the period for which the report is intended. This date will be used to determine if the next due date of the report should be updated.
- The QA Device date filter field determines which date will be used when pulling data using buttons such as Get results or MPC Import. This date can be updated as needed before pulling any of the data. For example, one date could be used for the QABC Get results button and another for the MPC import.
- The Add comment button may be used to add a comment that applies to the overall report.
- The date the report was started is displayed here. By default, the report date and this date are the same but the report date may be changed while this date cannot.
- The status of the new QA is displayed here.
- This is a section heading and may be collapsed or expanded.
- Each section has completion/tolerance indicators to provide a visual indication on where that section stands. A hollow indicator circle indicates that one or more tests is incomplete while a full indicator circle indicates that all tests are complete or marked as NA. Green indicates that all completed tests in the section are within tolerance; yellow indicates that one or more tests in the section are at a tolerance limit (warning); and red indicates that one or more tests in the section are outside of the action limits.
- This arrow allows for sections to be expanded or collapsed and will change direction to indicate whether or not the section is currently collapsed.
- An entire section may be marked as NA (non-applicable) which will mark all tests in that section as NA. Any NA tests will not be used to determine if a section is complete and will not be shown in the incomplete test section of the report, however, a list of tests marked NA will be shown in the report.
- Each test has completion/tolerance indicators to provide a visual indication on where that test stands. A hollow indicator circle indicates that the tests is incomplete while a full indicator circle indicates that the test is complete or marked as NA. Green indicates that the test is within tolerance; yellow indicates the test is at a tolerance limit (warning); and red indicates the test is outside of the action limits.
- Preset values for a test may be added via the Schedule settings. If added, they will be shown here.
- Tests may be marked as NA (non-applicable). Any NA tests will not be used to determine if a section is complete and will not be shown in the incomplete test section of the report, however, a list of tests marked NA that are incomplete will be shown in the report. If a test is completed but also marked as NA, the test will be shown on the completed report and the data points from the test will be shown in trends (these data points may be marked as hidden if desired).
- Any calculated fields will be marked in grey and cannot be filled in by users.
- The Get results button is used to pull in data from measurement devices via the Equipment Hub.
- Individual fields of a test will be highlighted to indicate the tolerance status. No fill indicates that there is not a tolerance set for the field; green indicates that the test is within tolerance; yellow indicates the test is at a tolerance limit (warning); and red indicates the test is outside of the action limits.
- The Add comment button may be used to add a comment specific to the particular test.
When entering data you can save the current entries and return later to finish by clicking the Save QA button.
To complete the QA report click the Finalize QA button. No further edits will be allowed after finalizing a QA report. You cannot start a new report for a schedule if any non-finalized report exists.
If schedule Instructions have been set up for the current schedule then a button will appear in the upper right of the page to access web pages or documents set as instructions.
While performing tests if you want to skip all or part of a test deliberately you can click the NA check box for the test. This indicates that the test was deliberately incomplete and it will not be counted as incomplete on the final report.
When the report is finalized a dialog will appear allowing you to add comments and/or attachments to the overall report. If there are any incomplete tests for the report they will be noted in the dialog. Click on the link to expand the list. Click Finalize QA to proceed and Cancel to go back to the form.
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