Image Owl uses the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) development model to ensure that we release new changes to our customers quickly in a sustainable way. We deploy small batches of code changes to production regularly, usually weekly so that the code is fresh in developer's mind and there is a limited amount of dependencies to test. This allows us to be responsive to customer needs for bug fixes and new features while maintaining a robust and well tested code base.
Note: Equipment Hub versions are documented in the Revision History article. That revision history only contains changes to the Equipment Hub service itself. There may be related changes that are listed below that may also be of interest.
Release 25.01.08
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3745 | Updated edit template page to include a list of all schedules using the template. |
3741 | Added log of changes made to template page. To see the logs click the Historical Changes button in the upper right. |
3751 | Added log of changes made to Calibration Equipment section within schedule settings page. To see the logs click the Historical Changes button in the upper right. |
Reference Number | Details |
3739 | Fixed an issue within DSS setup where child tests unable to be selected. |
3749 | Corrected an issue with MPC Import where tolerances were not displayed in the report for MPC tests that were added after the initial MPC setup. |
3753 | Resolved issue with the Electron Dose Rate Output Constancy not calculating output. |
Release 24.12.11
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3612 | Added show trends button in finalized reports so that trends may be accessed directly from the report. |
3735 | Updated Somatom Quality Constancy PDF Import to support imports from Siemens Confidence Somatom model. |
3736 | The IC Profiler PDF Import will now display NaN (Not a Number) for penumbra values on FFF beams where there are no results. This allows the test to show as complete for older IC Profiler equipment that does not support FFF beams. |
3738 |
For the Catphan analysis, reduced the overestimation and variability of slice thickness measurements for wire ramps. The three main differences are:
Testing showed these to produce more accurate slice thickness and less variation between the module's four wires. |
Reference Number | Details |
3713 | Fixed a Machine Log issue where changing the specified machine for an incident to a machine that did not have the same custom fields resulted in the fields being shown. |
3729 | Resolved issue with Ion Chamber/Electrometer with disabled calibration factors displaying as available in schedule settings. |
3734 | Fixed issue for Catphan analysis where the sensitometry plug ROIs were not shown correctly on the report graphic. |
Release 24.11.27
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3715 | Added support for Siemens Biograph 64 Vision 600 PET CT to the Somatom Daily QA PDF Import. |
3710, 3639 | Added support for importing Siemens PET Syngo PDF files. To support the new analysis a new built in machine type, PET, was added. |
3717 | Added Help Request link to the main navigation pane so that users could link to the support page. |
3695 | Added schedule setting for IC Profiler analysis to account for whether or not the top plate is used. |
3698 | For the DSS (Decision Support System), which is still in beta testing, adjusted SPC limits to use the wider of control limits and action limits so that both the action and control limits are within view. |
Reference Number | Details |
3714 | When editing a numeric table, a warning will be displayed if there are preset values for that table in the schedule settings. In addition if changes are made to a numeric table such that the schedule settings no longer match the table, we trap any errors to prevent JavaScript from crashing. |
3708 | Resolved issue with users were unable to preset lookup table meta-items for custom numeric tables in the schedule settings. |
3718 | Corrected sort order for file and image processing tests where the results where sorted by meta-items in the schedule settings. |
3722 | Fixed issue where empty custom numeric tables with no calculation columns were showing as complete in new QA. |
3724 | Resolved issue where settings in the Excel Spreadsheet and Upload Control Display sections were not copied when copying a schedule. |
Release 24.11.13
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3643 | Clinic hours are now supported at the account or site level when calculating schedule due dates, time to sign-off completion times in periodic reports, and downtime in machine logs. |
Reference Number | Details |
3660 | Fixed issue with IC Profiler PDF import where tests displaying as complete in new QA despite one or more results are missing. The report rendered correctly. |
3704 | Corrected issue for custom deviation tests where the rollover point was always set to 360 when rendering in reports. |
3707 | Resolved issue in schedule settings where the frequency incorrectly displayed as ad hoc for yearly schedules. |
Release 24.10.30
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3658 |
Improved the loading time of Report List screen. |
3689, 3696, 3691 | For the Magphan RT analysis, added contrast tests for the optional center section. The new tests are Contrast Sphere Signal Measurements, Background Fit, Background-Normalized Signa, Contrast Pairs, and Relative Contrast. There are new schedule settings to support these new tests. |
3693, 3697 | For Magphan analysis, added a test that makes the analysis log file available for download in a report. |
3694, 3692 | For the S162 analysis, added contrast tests for the optional center section. The new tests are Contrast Sphere Signal Measurements, Background Fit, Background-Normalized Signa, Contrast Pairs, and Relative Contrast. There are new schedule settings to support these new tests. |
Reference Number | Details |
3687 | Fixed issue editing Machine Log incidents when the user was editing an incident where they were not connected to machine the incident was opened under. Prior to the fix, the machine would randomly change to a machine that the user was connected. |
3690 | Corrected issue with excel imports not populating custom numeric tables when there was only a single reading. |
Release 24.10.16
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3627 | Added feature to import cells from an uploaded spreadsheet to be imported into most test fields. The mapping of cells to test fields must first be mapped in QA settings. TG-51 worksheets are excluded from this new functionality. |
3678 | Updated how Decision Support System(DSS) is displayed in reports. Test limit were renamed to action limits, the Summary section will default to expanded, detail sections will default to collapsed, time displayed will be in local time for the account, and the precision in hover graphic was reduced to three decimal places. |
3665 | If a custom numeric table test is modified, the data in that test for any in progress reports (new QA) will be cleared. |
Reference Number | Details |
3654 | Fixed issue where titles at the top of the intensity plots for the Catphan wave analysis do not match the correct ramp number. |
3663 | Corrected issue with trends not including data from the current day. |
3675 | Improved registration of MV-QA in the analysis to avoid processing errors. |
3676 | Corrected issue where tasks on the measurement device edit page could not be completed. |
3680 | Resolved Decision Support System(DSS) error message displaying when editing some projects. |
3681 | Fixed issue where Decision Support System(DSS) counting days where energies were not measured. |
3667, 3670, 3679 | Resolved Decision Support System(DSS) issue with users being logged out when attempting to edit a project. |
Release 24.10.03
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3636 | The picket fence analysis has been refined to eliminate artifacts when determining the rotation of the picket fence pattern. |
3580 | Updated radioactive source exchange allow exchange of a source without adding a new source. This handles cases where a machine is being deactivated. |
3651, 3652 | Added analysis options for the Picket Fence analysis to the Image Processing section of the schedule settings. |
3489, 3519 | Added Decision Support System(DSS) analysis feature. This new feature is in Beta testing currently and will be generally available at a future date. |
Reference Number | Details |
3644 | Fixed error in finding pickets on very short Picket Fence patterns. |
3635 | Corrected invalid data point displaying on trends accessed from the new QA page in certain cases where there is an open ended tolerance. |
3646 | On TG-51 worksheets where Dose at dref is used, the graphic for the formula was incorrect. This has now been corrected. |
3648 | Refined Picket Fence analysis to detect the correct number of pickets when the pixel size is smaller than 4 mm.. |
3650 | Resolved issue with where the Equipment Hub download button was pointing to the wrong version of Equipment Hub. |
Release 24.09.19
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3619 |
Elekta CBCT images may now be manually identified by adding the following ID strings to the Patient ID or Study ID dicom tags of individual slices:
Multiple manual IDs can be set up in a series; however, if any manual IDs are employed, only slices with manual ID strings will be processed. ID strings are case-sensitive. The older ID strings of Contrast, Uniformity, and Spatial will no longer work |
3625, 3626 | Added new X Scaling test for the CT/SIM image processing analysis. |
3608 | Updated Summary Reports page to include an optional section, "Report completed by due date". |
3385 | Updated Create Task page to include the option to create recurring tasks. |
3640 | Updated Machine Log to autofill the machine downtime end with the current time. |
3568 | Changed the rendering of new QA pages so that wide tests have an individual scroll bar rather than a single scroll bar at the bottom of the page. |
Reference Number | Details |
3616 | Fixed issue with VMAT open field image was identifying as a strip image. |
3621 | Fixed scaling issue with PRM profile comparison analysis. |
3575 |
Resolved issue with tolerances set for energy dependent custom tests not utilizing the "energy unspecified" tolerance settings when there is no preset energy used. |
3634 | Corrected problem where the Reports page presented an error if a user saved a blank report. |
3630, 3631 | Fixed issue with the inability to hide or filter hidden documents within Documents page. |
3642 | Corrected issue rendering special characters in meta-item names for reports. |
3641 | Resolved inconsistency between the test completion indicator for test with NaN results. Both the new QA and report will consider tests as complete if all of the test fields contain some result, NaN or otherwise. |
Release 24.09.05
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3601 | Updated reports page to include a "Finalized Date" column. |
3557, 3607 | Added the ability to create recurring tasks. Also changed the label on the Email Assignee(s) checkbox to Email Assignee(s) on Creation/Update for clarity, made the Email Assignee(s) checkbox sticky to retain its state when a task is reopened, and updated links in notification emails to open the individual task rather than the full task list. |
2942 | Added automatic notifications and banners to alert when Equipment Hubs are nearing end of support. |
3615 | Renamed several CT/SIM Check analysis tests and reorganized the sections.. |
3617 | Added the ability to change source activity date to HDR Monthly test. |
3600 | Updated periodic reports to accept and display filtered date range data points. |
Reference Number | Details |
3584 | Fixed issue with custom child tests for daily output results not displaying when attempting to set set default tolerances. |
3587 | Resolved MPC Beam output energies incorrectly being displayed for previous reports. |
3609 | Corrected problem with the output constancy test when removing adjusted rows. |
3613 | Updated Reports page to accept and filter schedules correctly that contain symbols in the name. |
3614 | For the CT/SIM analysis, fixed error in determining the range of slices when looking for the orientation RL markers and added enhancements to make the letters stand out better. |
3620 | Corrected issue with built in system tolerances crashing default tolerance screen. These built in tolerances are currently only in use for the CT IQ analysis for specific accounts. |
3623 | Fixed issue with "Registering files" spinner in new QA displaying for long periods of time when uploading empty folders. |
3624 | Resolved issue where if the user clicks away from “Export Results” on the machine log list page, the contents of the confirmation dialog are still visible on the page |
3629 | Resolved schedule settings issue preventing some tests from being shown/hidden. |
Release 24.07.10
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2805 | Organization name is now displayed below users name for users who work with more than one organization. |
3551 | Updated schedule settings to include the ability to sort tables in reports by meta item. |
3183 | Updated the Starshot test to report angle values for each collimator beam. |
3605 3606 | Added support for Standard Imaging's CT SIM QA phantom. |
Reference Number | Details |
3582 | On the Schedules, the most recent report will be shown in black if that report has been voided. |
3586 | Resolved issue with saving the MPC ENERGY (FROM FOLDER NAME) field in QA settings for MPC tests. |
3588 | Updated Picket Fence analysis to account for low resolution image when finding extents of pattern. |
3579 | Resolved issue rendering monthly output test results after they have been marked as NA. |
3603 |
For numeric tables, row, column, and table equations no longer require a semi-colon for intermediate calculations. Previously the results for the first calculation in a multiline equation that did not end in a semi-colon would be displayed. |
3604 | Fixed issue where IBA MyQA Daily results were not being automatically pulled when entering new QA. The results will now be pulled upon opening the new QA if the schedule settings are set to automatically pull. |
Release 24.06.26
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3565 | Added the ability to set and change the next due date when finalizing a report. |
3564 | Updated reports to render NaN values when image processing completes but no valid results are generated. |
3532,3533 | Moved Accounts Settings section from the owner's settings to its own page under the Manage page. |
3536 | Added the option to appoint a co-owner in Account Settings page. |
3563 | Updated schedule page to display current status of the latest report. |
3555 | Updated new QA to clear measurements when changing the calibrated equipment selection. |
3573 | Added Collapse All and Expand All buttons to test selection in periodic report. |
Reference Number | Details |
3572 | Fixed issue with machine log export results not displaying. |
3540 | Created new error message when there are daily QA device results for the given date but none of those results match the energies mapped to the schedule. |
3574 | Created additional checks for FC-2 phantom to identify validity of center BB detection. |
3576 | Resolved issue with preset tolerances not matching scan description. |
3571 | Improved sign off report functionality to display error message when incorrect password is entered. |
Release 24.06.12
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3342 | For weekly schedules the largest frequency has been increased from 3 weeks to 6 weeks. |
3488 | Updated the API to perform calculations for numeric tables if all needed readings and/or meta-items were uploaded via the API. |
3510 | Changed schedule due lead time used to determine the due date of the next schedule for schedules that used a multiple of the schedule frequency. For example, a monthly schedule set for every three months will now have a 75 day lead time rather than a 25 day lead time. |
3504 | Added sign off due column to report section on Review page to support new option to apply a deadline to report sign off. |
Reference Number | Details |
3535 | Updated code library that was interfering with Active Directory login. |
3538 | Improved SNC MV processing thresholding to include dilation to the edge lines when doing the initial thresholding. |
3539 | Corrected issue where setting empty tolerances by meta-item prevented further tolerances by meta-item to be added. |
3549 | Resolved issue where when selecting calibrated equipment besides the schedule default would show as blank in subsequent visits to the new QA in progress. |
3552 | Fixed issue with schedule that are one day overdue, displaying as due today in the Schedule page. |
3550 | Corrected display issues for longitudinal plots for periodic reports when tests were excluded from the report. |
3567 | Added filter for the Machine edit page to disallow certain special characters and to escape the resulting string to avoid potential security issues. |
Release 24.06.05
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3457, 3518 | Added support for PTW Mephysto Beam Profile PDFs. |
3497 | Added system for pre-setting tolerances for built-in tests. |
3499 | Added signoff name to radioactive sources. |
3507 | The lookup page export button is now available from the edit and preview pages. |
3527 | Option to set calibrated equipment w/out default and allow selection in new QA. |
3523 | Improved the speed to load the View Machine Log page upon opening the page or setting filters. |
3509 | For summary reports, meta item and test selection controls inactive (grayed out) unless the schedule text box is checked. |
3524 | Handle a single slice upload for CT591 Slice thickness results |
Reference Number | Details |
3508 | Resolved issue with summary reports where the test selection reverted back after deselecting tests and saving. |
3514 | Resolved issue where lookup tables could not be saved. |
3516 | Fixed typo on schedule create and edit pages when daily is the frequency. |
3517 | Corrected report format when "display test instructions" is checked. |
3520 | Resolved issue saving tolerances for a linear regression test where the tolerance for the statistics was also applied to the deviation. |
3525 | Resolved issue with display of tolerance preview graphic. |
3534 | Fixed issue where changing to a different electrometer setting did not clear the output test. |
Release 24.05.23
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3013 | Added the option to set a sign off deadline in schedule edit page and view sign off indications in periodic reports. |
3492 | Added Gamma Cameras to the list of machine types. |
3493 | Updated monthly user account login history to automatically inactivate any user account that has not been used in one year. |
3380, 3496, 3421, 3445, 3428, 3369 | Added support for IBA CT IQ phantoms |
3484 | Added a /GET request to preview how adding results is done through API. |
3500 | Improved the sidebar to include a count of tests completed while in new QA. |
3502 | Improved Isoalign radiation/light field analysis to handle extraneous objects in the field. |
Reference Number | Details |
3494 | Fixed cell references when building custom calculations in numeric tables. |
3495 | Corrected issue with Hancock charts not rendering in new QA. |
3501 | Resolved the issue with the top save button on default tolerance page not displaying existing tolerances before the save. |
Release 24.05.09
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3478 | Added option to set deadline (in days) for signing off on reports. |
3375 | Added option to allow new rows to be added to numeric tables in new QA. |
3471 | Updated Sites and Machines page to include option to not allow users selection if they don't have users modify permission. |
3448 | Improved Schedules page to display a Tests Performed section that includes number of tests complete while performing QA. |
Reference Number | Details |
3481 | Fixed issue with IBA myQA data clearing preset common data meta items. |
3482 | Corrected issue with incorrect number of tests displaying with In Progress reports after reopening. |
3487 3490 | Resolved issue with added preset rows not saving without requiring data. |
3471 | Updated Sites and Machines page to hide user selection link if they do not have permission to modify users. |
Release 24.04.10
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3458 | Added visualization of tolerances to the edit tolerance page. |
3459, 3461 | Added the option to add a reference image for Dose lab kV and MV analysis. |
3394 | Released new Equipment Hub version which added support for IBA myQA Daily device. |
2954 | Added option to hide rows for numeric tables in schedule settings. |
3470 | Added the ability to sign-off on periodic reports. |
3473 | Added the ability to select and/or deselect individual tests in periodic reports. |
3480 | Updated Somatom Analysis to accept alternate titles for processing. |
3474 | Created variables for PTW Mephysto beam profile. |
Reference Number | Details |
3463 | Fixed issue with Longitudinal screen not rendering correctly for numeric variables. |
3464 | Corrected issue with custom numeric tables where some row names were not accepted. |
3465 | Fixed issue where hidden tests were included in complete/incomplete total in reports. |
3370 | Resolved incorrect display of tests completed and tests performed in finalized QA and Reports page. |
3466 | Fixed Longitudinal trends missing from new periodic reports. |
3467 | Updated IC Profiler PRM tests to accommodate when both collimator and gantry angles were included in the PRM file. |
3472 | Resolved meta items not rendering preset values in New QA for lookup tables. |
3476 | Improved algorithm for finding MTF bead for the Elekta Catphan analysis. |
3477 | Improved thresholding to allow poor quality Elekta Catphan images to process normally. |
Release 24.03.28
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3442 | Machine Log notifications to vendors will now include the incident number. |
3333 | Updated Beam Checker QA to allow selection/deselection of individual tests in the schedule settings. |
3452 | The edit page for measurement devices will now display time stamps in user's timezone. |
3403 | Periodic reports are now granular down to the individual test level. |
3460 | Updated task subject line in email notifications for due tasks to read "Your task is soon to be due!" |
Reference Number | Details |
3447 | Corrected units for MPC Rotation Offset test to degrees. |
3433 | Fixed issue with inconsistency between new QA completed tests displayed and the number of completed tests displayed as completed on reports page. |
3450 | Corrected error in estimated rotation on Ethos Picket Fence analysis. |
3454 | Updated displayed measurement units for max position error for MPC Couch test to mm. |
3453 | For the Ethos Picket Fence analysis, the Leaf Deviation Summary column was renamed to Median Deviation to avoid confusion. |
Release 24.03.07
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3262 | Updated Report page with more options to filter by schedules, sites and machines. |
3440 | Added Energy meta items for FS-QA phantom analysis for cases where the energy can be read from the DICOM tags. |
Reference Number | Details |
3434 | Corrected issue with numeric tables where tables with more than one row could not be updated via the API. |
3436 | Fixed issue where expected source activity for brachytherapy could be prefilled from the browser cache and override the calculation. The browser cache will now be ignored for source activity. |
3438 | Resolved issue where tolerances imported from a daily QA device were shown in new QA when unspecified energy tolerances were set. The report contained the correct tolerances. When any tolerance is set it will override the tolerances from the daily QA device. |
Release 24.01.31
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3408 | Added unspecified energy to tolerances for energy dependent tests. |
2455 | Improved edit tolerances with the options to set a single tolerance for any meta item and an option to set a single tolerance for applicable energies. |
3406 | Updated Catphan analysis to include Noise Power Spectrum tests. |
3392 | Updated date options for Summary Reports to include "Last 7 Days" and "Previous Month". |
3416 | Added analysis type to Image Processing emails. |
3419 | Improved application of schedule settings to reset in progress tests and apply any new settings, if schedule settings are changed. |
3425 | Updated custom tests for angular deviation to allow nominal and difference fields to have units other than degrees. |
Reference Number | Details |
3409 | Fixed issue with the inability to copy custom tests that included lookup table meta items. |
3414 | Corrected calculation issue with lookup table meta items displaying incorrectly in new QA. |
3418 | Resolved FSQA analysis crashing when Y direction leakage is very high. |
3422 | Improved thresholding with FC2-kV Scaling images with significant shading. |
3423 | Fixed an incorrect variable reference with Picket Fence analysis when thresholding fails. |
3426 | Corrected issue with the inability to download templates from Template Library. |
3424 | Resolved custom test issue with the inability to store pass fail labels with < or > symbols. |
3429 | Fixed ACR CT analysis situation where a large phantom tilt caused extra slices to be cut off. |
3431 | Corrected issue when choosing "Use new default tolerances" would clear all tolerances from schedule. |
Release 24.01.17
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3267, 3384 | Added support for Quart DVTvn model phantoms with the additional water plug in sensitometry module. |
3388 | Updated the star shot analysis using TIFF images to accept meter as an acceptable resolution unit. |
3357 | Improved report list screen to update in progress reports every time that report is saved. This allows the saved report to display the most recent incomplete and complete numbers. |
3396 | Updated custom test lookup tables to allow multiple fields for single meta item. |
3399 | Added the ability to display all available slice thickness measurements on Catphan results. |
Reference Number | Details |
3381 | Fixed situation in Elekta CAT where all raw plug values displayed error when calculating sensitometry linearity. |
3382 | Corrected issue with Caphan analysis where .mat files uploaded for a different analysis were causing Catphan image sets not to process. |
3368 | Resolved issue with custom test section instructions not showing up in new QA. |
3391 | Fixed issue with the inability to delete lookup tables. |
3395 | Corrected issue with saved date meta items not rendering in new QA. |
3405 | For Catphan image sets, the HU value threshold needed to identify the CTP 515 low contrast module was relaxed. |
3404 | Fixed issue where the series descriptions in new QA still display for removed image sets. |
Release 23.12.21
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3310 | Added ability to use numeric and calibration fields from measurement devices in custom numeric tables. |
3343 | Updated login page to user current TotalQA branding. |
3264 | The results from image processing tests will now be grouped by series description in the new QA similar to reports to allow for easily differentiate between sets. |
Reference Number | Details |
3348 | Presets for certain ion chambers are outside of the allowable range to automatically calculate kQ and were not able to be saved. This is now corrected. |
3359 | Fixed issue with MPC tolerances not being imported. |
3360 | Resolved issue with raw fields setting for monthly output tests being reset. |
3356 | Corrected issue with finalized comments displaying in new QA from old QA report. |
3362 | Fixed issue with wrong site and machine displayed in saved Summary Reports. |
3367 | Resolved issue with the inability to re-save new QA where the MPC data was populated using the API. |
3366 | Corrected issue with energy dependent tests displaying incorrectly on QA test settings. |
3373 | Updated CTP700 to handle multiple sensitometry results when writing summary. |
3377 | Separated imaging processing figures in reports so that they are now grouped under scan description. |
3379 | Resolved issue with kQ and k'R50 factors previously set being removed when kQ is set from within new QA for aTG-51 schedule. |
Release 23.12.07
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3328 | Updated schedule settings page with the ability to add reference image files for SNC MV and KV analyses. |
3328, 3322,3344 | Added processed Reference Image and processed ROI JSON variables for SNC MV and KV analysis. |
3062 | Updated Review page with the ability to sort page information by the columns. |
3340 | Added X and Y Off-Axis Ratio tests for OAF (PRM) analysis. |
3287 | Added functionality to save defaultschedule settings for preset and custom tests. The defaults will be used unless a custom settings are saved. |
3288 | Restricted modify rights for the new Manage Test Settings page to the owner only. This may be changed under Manage User Roles. By default, physicist and physicist administrator roles have view permissions. |
3278 | Added capability to access, create, and edit ILS incidents from the API. |
3345 | Updated Winston Lutz analysis to ignore kV Images and images that cannot be processed as Winston Lutz. |
3338 | Added a spinning indicator to the image upload widget so that users are aware the upload is still in process. There can be a delay when large image or file sets are uploaded. |
3334 | Added Collimator Starshot Angles variables for Collimator Starshot analysis. |
Reference Number | Details |
3341 | Corrected inconsistent row calculations in numeric tables. |
3346 | Resolved issue with the inability to set calculation as hidden input on numeric table creation. |
3352 | Fixed edge case for Catphan Analysis issue producing multiple flags and causing a crash. |
3353 | Corrected issue where test comments did not show in out of tolerance email notifications. |
Release 23.11.15
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3329 | Added PRM Asymmetry tests to PRM File Import. |
3330 | Updated page alignment on Manage Equipment Hubs page. |
Reference Number | Details |
3321 | Fixed issue with duplicate file names in a file attachment test when exporting file attachments. |
3197 | Corrected no results returned when Export All QA Data for all sites was selected. |
3326 | Resolved issue with some imported MPC data not displaying after saving or finalizing. |
3325 | Fixed issue with tolerances not saving for Mean Absolute Deviation tests. |
3332 | Corrected issue with users having the ability to change an ILS id on the address bar to see any incident including those they should not have access to. |
3323 | Resolved issue when too many uploads at once times out registration of files. |
3335 | Fixed ILS permissions to allow users to only see the list of incidents they are assigned to. |
Release 23.11.01
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3274 | Updated Baselines and Tolerances by allowing the ability to save baseline variables without baselines, just limits. This is to support a future enhancement to set default baselines and tolerances for a test. |
3303 | Updated the custom test section edit pages to differentiate between sections and groups. |
3311, 3307 | Added Hypersight variables to MPC Import. |
3305 | Updated x-ray output constancy dose rate test by allowing the option to input additional dose rate values. |
3308 | Improved FC2 kV Scaling by adding a check to see if the center of the phantom is determined to be farther than 25mm from the center of the image. |
3319 | Updated Las Vegas phantom by adding a check to ensure at least 1 of the targets 1-3 is found and if not found to display an error which will trigger an attempt with a mirrored image. |
Reference Number | Details |
3275 | Fixed issue where Equipment Hub crashes when pulling data from QA Beam Checker where the field size uses x in place of a comma. |
3304 | Corrected MPC warning limits not properly displaying in new QA. |
3318 | Fixed Leeds phantom issue with CNR's going negative when the the measured CNR drops below zero. |
Release 23.10.17
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3285 | Improved load time for the Custom Tests page. |
3155 | Added an optional comment field on the Tolerance page to allow comments for each tolerance. |
3282 | Updated lookup tables to allow tolerances by meta-items. |
3283 | Improved lookup tables to include a history of changes when someone creates, edits or removes a lookup table. |
3273 | Custom test descriptions may now be edited from the Test Settings page. |
3301 | When in a new QA and internet access is lost, users will now be able to continue to enter new information. The options to save and finalize will be greyed out until internet access is restored. Information entered will not be lost if the user is logs back in and saves or finalizes before the account wide automatic logout time. |
3298, 3245 | Added support for Truebeam 3.0 MPC Collimator Device Group tests. |
Reference Number | Details |
3286 | Fixed error where Leeds phantoms would not process if analysis scaling results are empty. |
3279 | Corrected notations in TG-51 Worksheet Photon Energies - SAD Setup schedules where the notations in new QA did not reflect the entered depth. |
3268 | Fixed issue with TG-51 calibration factors displaying the kQ and k'R50 method, manual vs calculated, incorrectly. |
3291 | Improved the CTP 404 sensitometry by handling the possibility slices will produce more than one result. |
3292 | Improved QC-kV analysis to contour across small gaps in the perimeter to allow the scaling tests to run. |
3294 | Fixed issue where the image processing upload widget would crash if a file with an unsupported modality was uploaded. If a file with an unsupported modality is uploaded an error will be displayed. |
3297 | Corrected issue where users were able to see Machine Logs from other accounts by manually editing the URL in the browser address bar. |
3295 | Resolved issue copying Linear Regression custom tests where the X values link back to the original test. |
3299 | Fixed issue where the folder path is not copied when a user copies an MPC import measurement device. |
3296 | Corrected issue with numeric tables not calculating properly with exponential notation in new QA. |
3300 | Improved lookup table CSV file imports to ignore commas if they are enclosed in double quotes. |
3290 | Resolved issue where uploading specific DICOM files gave a ‘File type is not supported’ error. |
Release 23.09.20
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3272 | The location to edit built in test descriptions has been moved to Manage Test Settings. This location will eventually be a hub to preset a number of default settings for tests. |
2945 | New fields have been added to Edit Equipment Hub page under Measurement Devices - Manage Equipment Hubs for computer name, IP address, and notes. |
3241 | Added lookup tables that link a dropdown test field to one or more numeric values. Lookup tables may then be used in custom numeric tables. |
3245 | Added support for MPC Truebeam 3.0 - Collimator Device Group tests. |
3242 | When adding temperature or pressure to the Monoenergetic or SOBP Output tests, the other test will be prefilled with those values. The temperature and pressure may be edited individually. |
3281 | Elekta Catphan tests are improved to ignore slices with mounting hardware and to allow a Catphan 504 to be used in an Elekta. |
3261 | The warning tolerances used Varian’s MPC is greater than or equal to 0.9 of the action limit. TotalQA uses greater than for all tolerances which means there is potential for TotalQA to not flag a warning limit that Varian did. To reduce this possibility, the warning tolerance was reduced by 0.01. TotalQA will calculate Varian MPC warning limits as 0.9 of the action limit minus 0.001. |
3269 | When adding calibration factors to an ion chamber or electrometer/chamber combination, the table for factors will no longer be shown until a machine is selected. This avoids loosing entered factors if a machine is selected after the factors are entered. |
Reference Number | Details |
3266, 3280 | Corrected issue in automatic kQ calculation where the depth label was incorrect for the 10 cm reading when calculating %dd(10). It will now always use 10 cm plus 0.6 multiplied times the radius of the chamber cavity. |
3259 | Fixed issue where test descriptions were missing and/or rendering incorrectly in the report for a particular customer account. |
Release 23.09.06
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3247 | Updated individual upload widgets to ignore status of other upload widgets. Previously all processing would fail if registered files were not uploaded in other upload widgets. |
3210, 3255 | Added support to upload HTML files such as the Philips IQ reports via Equipment Hub. |
3238 | Added an option for custom Dref to TG-51 Worksheet Photon Energies - SAD setup to accommodate facility protocols that are set to measure final dose rate calibrations at depths other than Dmax. This option is set up under Manage Sites and Machines by editing the linac in question. |
3248 | Improved detection of the low resolution targets in the CTP 528 module for Catphan 503 modules using the Elekta algorithm 528 module to detect for low resolution images. |
3256 | Improved Elekta Catphan 503 module detection in cases where there is sag in the scan direction. |
3260 | Added Uniformity (Pixel Value) test to Elekta Catphan test group. The new formula is maxi,um percentage deviation between measured values in the five uniformity regions based on the unscaled image pixel values result (abs((max-min)/max)x100%). |
3257 | Improved FSQA phantom analysis to use the lower left BB's if the upper right BB cannot be found. |
3250 | Improved identification of the Las Vegas phantom when acquired at low resolution. |
Reference Number | Details |
3240 | Resolved issue with custom numeric lookup list table rendering out of order from what was preset in schedule settings. |
Release 23.08.23
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3229 | Improved MPC Analysis by adding warning limits for when setting tolerances. |
3208 | Added the ability to filter by common meta-item on Analysis page. |
3236 | Updated Schedules/Machines page to keep top panel in view when scrolling vertically. |
3233 | Including the filename for QC-3 and QC-kV Analysis noise results so that multiple file results can be distinguished. |
3235 | Improved tasks to include an option for a reminder of two weeks out for created tasks. |
3193 | Added message for new QA pages when a user has been logged out due to the account wide timeout. If the users has multiple tabs open in a browser with pages that are not new QA, they will show as logged out once the users attempts to use any of the page links or buttons. |
3239 | Updated alert subject line for out of tolerance emails to provide a more informative message. |
3246 | Improved MPC section names with (MPC) for a more evident display. |
3230 | Improved the handling of edge artifacts on Las Vegas analysis. |
3234 | Improved thresholding behavior on QC- kV analysis. |
Reference Number | Details |
3198 | Fixed issue with numerous "Failure to prepare scan" emails being sent when a file upload is interrupted. |
3220 | Corrected issue with custom test descriptions not clearing when edited to contain no characters. |
3252 | Resolved issue with meta options created in custom numeric tables were populating in reverse order. |
3243 | Fixed issue with calculation notes marked as N/A having an effect on incomplete/completed in reports. |
3237 | Removed Degrees from Tw in all TG-51 worksheets. |
Release 23.08.09
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3209 | Improved the estimation of actual pixel size in FSQA phantom. |
3202 | Added support for Philips IQ Constancy HTML report imports. |
3213 | Improved the thresholding of the overall Picket Fence with prominent vertical EPID artifacts. |
3188 | Updated custom numeric tables to allow multiple lines in equation editor. |
3219 | Added a flash warning when processing image series with no files uploaded. |
3192 | Updated the monthly output tests so that TPR/PDI may be unselected in new QA as well as the schedule settings. |
3221 | Improved TG-51 template to filter the display of electrometers to those where the electrometer’s site field matches the schedule’s site or where the electrometer does not have a site selected. |
Reference Number | Details |
3214 | Changed the Somatom PDF import to handle reports from both the Definition Edge and the Definition AS. |
3215 | Fixed issue with the IC Profiler PRM/PRS import where the field size was too small to be valid. |
3201 | Resolved issue where deviation custom tests could not be imported into periodic reports. |
3222 | Corrected issue saving customer numeric tables where the delta character ( Δ ) was used in a column name or in the units. |
3225 3211 | Fixed issue where meta-items were rendered in reverse order in reports. |
3228 | Resolved issue where Isoalign and Doselab radiation/lightfield coincidence test where results from different files were not grouped separately in new QA. |
Release 23.07.26
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3181,3180 | Philips IQ Daily HTML import is now supported. |
3176 | Improved "Show Trends" page by making start dates for longitudinal graphs more intuitive. |
3150 | Updated DailyQA with an option to "Require all energy measurements" in order to display energy dependent tests as complete if any energy is performed. |
Reference Number | Details |
3189 | Fixed "Processing Not Started" issue with File Uploader when separate image processing widgets are used. |
3190 | Resolved issue when individual Daily QA 3 measurements in the schedule settings are turned off, they cannot be turned back on again. |
3194 | Fixed issue with added comments no longer displaying in new QA and reports. |
3084 | Resolved API issue where the get equipment call did not return custom fields unless measurement device were opened and saved. |
3199 | Corrected numeric table issues with cell references with multiple custom by row columns |
3205 | Fixed where Elekta 503 sensitometry Module Mistakenly identified as a CTP 401. |
Release 23.07.12
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3160 | Improved the layout on common meta items in new QA to be on a single line each with no wrapping unless they exceed the page width. |
3173 | Updated Somatom constancy PDF import and the Somatom daily QA PDF import so that both are displayed in the same section. |
3174, 3178 | Somatom constancy PDF import is now supported. |
3134 | Periodic reports may now be scheduled to run on their own on a specified schedule. |
3138 | Updated Periodic Report History headings to now read Summary Report History for a consistent page view. |
3112 | Added meta-item lookup list option to custom numeric tables. |
3177 | Improved Machine Log forms to display a link with vendor contact information. |
3186 | On the Quart phantom more latitude is allowed for the HU values of the polyethylene plug. |
Reference Number | Details |
3163 | Updated Elekta CNR test by removing the units for the CNR (Poly, LDPE) test. |
3169 | Corrected issue with gray bar not rendering correctly on pages. |
3170 | Fixed issue with Isoalign radiation/lightfield images. |
3172 | Resolved issue with the inability to delete old MPC equipment in a copied schedule. |
3175 | Corrected reporting issue containing MPC tests where the pull date and measurement device meta-data are lost when report is reopened and re-finalized. |
3179 | Fixed issue with uploading a document for schedule instructions not saving. |
3185 | Resolved issue with count of completed tests when individual energies were incomplete in energy dependent tests were incomplete. |
Release 23.06.15
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3154, 3159 | Somatom Daily QA PDF Import is now supported. |
3131 | Updated review page to no longer show expired calibrations for inactive machines. |
3153 | Added MV Scaling tests for DoseLab Radlight Phantom. |
3137 | Improved custom templates page with an added usage link that shows which schedules are using a template. |
3148 | Added global Absolute/Deviation toggle to top of reports page. |
Reference Number | Details |
3156 | Corrected an issue under Manage Sites and Machines where machine factors were not saved when a new expiration date was added. |
3151 | Corrected issue with external rooms not loading under schedule settings for Daily QA 3 devices when a deprecated Equipment Hub was in use. |
3165 | Fixed thresholding issue on polyethylene in Quart phantom. |
3161 | Corrected spelling on Sphinx test label to read Proximal Depth. |
Release 23.06.01
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3126, 3127 | Sphinx Compact PDF Import is now supported. |
3089 | Added filter for GET call in API for machine logs. |
3081 | Updated periodic reports to include site and machine level reports. |
3135 | Improved Isoalign/DL Radalight analysis by adding energy and light meta items to the results. |
3139 | Updated schedule settings page to keep the page header in view at the top. |
3102 | Improved image processing error email messages to include more specific detail to assist with the reason of the failure. |
3140 | Updated the results of common meta items in new QA for image processing to display within each table result instead of outside the table. |
3147 | Updated account settings page by removing the options for customer specific email address and notify on failure as this is now handled on a per user basis. |
3144, 3108 | Added scaling to the GE CT QA phantom tests. |
Reference Number | Details |
3120 | Corrected label name for ACR CT test to Measured Pixel Size. |
3119 | Resolved issue with incomplete test sections showing as complete on reports. |
3124 | Fixed issue when attempting to hide a specific custom test the changed settings do not save and the test was still visible. |
3130 | Corrected issue with the inability to add more than thirty eight custom fields within Machine Log. |
3132 | Resolved issue with account owners still receiving out of tolerance emails with notifications turned off. |
3136 | Corrected issue with Winston Lutz inability to edit image processing section in settings page. |
3025 | Corrected missing beam quality factors in the TG-51 electron reports. |
3104 | Resolved issue with built in imaging tests status showing incomplete instead of complete when set to N/A. |
3145 | Fixed issue for Elekta Catphan using the alternative “annular” to isolate the sensitometry slice. |
3146 | Corrected issue where File Uploader DICOM tag filters were not saving when adding or modifying filters. |
3142 | Resolved issue with the inability to change Equipment Hub for Daily QA 3 schedule settings. |
Release 23.05.15
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3105, 2958 | Quart DVT_VN phantom is now supported. |
3054 | Implemented change so that baselines and tolerances can be set per test in schedule settings. If desired, the full baseline and tolerances page can be reached from the schedule settings page by pressing the Tolerances button. |
3115 | Improved edit user page by adding a "Save" button to the navigation bar. |
3121 | The EPID flatness and symmetry tests use the RT Image Description DICOM tag will be used to find the energy value. Alternate energy encodings are now supported. |
Reference Number | Details |
3103 | Fixed numeric table issue where only the first column calculation could be referenced in another in a column calculation. Now any prior column calculation may be referenced by subsequent calculations. |
3100 | Resolved issue where Daily QA 3 baseline mode setting was not preserved on a schedule copy. |
3113 | Corrected Catphan report print issue where the thumbnail images could overlay the tables in some browsers. |
3116 | Fixed issue where Active Directory users created through the API received reset password email in error. |
3118 | Resolved completion indicator inconsistencies between new QA page, image processing tests, and in-progress reports. |
3117 | Corrected rendering issue in reports where the image thumbnail could overlay section headings. |
3123 | Fixed issue where columns or rows were missing on Las Vegas thumbnail images in the report page. |
3091 | Added missing units in column headings for Dynalog tests. |
Release 23.05.01
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3090, 3094 | The CT ACR 464 phantom is now supported. |
3007 | Updated schedule settings page to include the ability to edit the settings of individual tests. |
3087 | Added the ability to directly insert %dd(10) values in TG-51 KQ calculations on TG-51 worksheets. |
3098 | Reduced the minimum SSD to a lower acceptable value of 50 in order to accommodate for certain Linac type machines. |
3106 | Improved improvements to handling of kQ calculations:
Reference Number | Details |
3096 | Fixed Catphan 504 issue where an object on the edge of a slice ramp region of interest prevented slice thickness calculation. |
3097 | Resolved Picket Fence thresholding issue when determining the rotation. |
Release 23.04.15
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3050 | Updated Equipment Hub installer to Version |
3050 | Updated File Uploader to support regular expressions when comparing DICOM tags. |
3067 | Added the ability to upload Dynalog files through the equipment hub file uploader. |
3053 | Improved File Uploader to register all identified files at once in new QA, reducing upload times. |
3052 | Updated processing upload widget to register all identified files at once in a new QA, reducing upload times. |
Reference Number | Details |
3073 | Fixed issue with test description images not cloning correctly when the template was downloaded. |
3075 | Corrected low resolution Isoalign images detecting incorrect BB for the center. |
3077 | Resolved issue where the date field within source widget for numeric table is not editable. |
3079 | Fixed issue with European formatted date string from DQA3 data not allowing new QA to be saved. |
3088 | Corrected time zone issue when changing the device date filter in new QA. |
3082 | Resolved inability to add tolerances by scan description for specific Catphan tests. |
3076 | Fixed issue with hidden custom tests no longer displayed in custom tests page. |
3083 | Corrected issue with Catphan scan descriptions not displayed on report. |
Release 23.04.01
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3058, 3059, 3056, 3071 | Varian Dynalog imports are now supported. |
3031 | Improved long tables in reports by setting the headers to be fixed in place so that they are always visible. |
3063 | Updated reports page by keeping the navigation bar "Report" header in view at all times. |
3068 | Improved the schedule settings page by implementing collapsible sections allowing an easier way to find what is needed. |
3070 | Added link to measurement devices in schedule settings when there are no measurement devices connected to that schedule. |
Reference Number | Details |
3048 | Fixed issue where section descriptions were displaying bullet points. |
3034 | When performing the API GET call to /equipment or /equipment/<equipmentId> the location, pictures, and custom equipment fields were not returned. This issue is resolved. |
3061 | Corrected Winston Lutz schedule settings options so that they appear as a dropdown selection rather than as an open text field. |
3066 | Fixed issue with Halcyon Distal Leaf Position and Reproducibility Bank were not appearing for reproducibility in final reports. |
3065 | Resolved custom test units with characters \ / : * ? " < > | rendering in templates incorrectly. |
3064 | Corrected a problem with Halcyon MPC where the distal bank tolerances were incorrectly displaying the proximal bank tolerances. |
3069 | Resolved custom child test name and units with characters \ / : * ? " < > | rendering in templates incorrectly. |
3072 | Fixed an issue with file attachment custom tests where the test would show as incomplete if multiple files were uploaded at the same time. |
Release 23.03.15
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3006 | Combined schedule settings page and current schedule settings page into one page to allow a simplified navigation for the user. |
3041 | Added a file uploader section to the schedules settings page. |
3029 | Added an option to allow daily QA devices to be queried automatically upon opening the new QA page. |
3049 | Updated schedules settings page by adding MPC import page. |
3051 | Improved schedules settings page by adding PIPSPro page. |
3055 | Changed MPC Import labeling column from "External Room" to "MPC energy (from folder name)". |
3046 3045 |
Added a Gamma Knife specific uniformity test to the Catphan analysis. |
Reference Number | Details |
3032 | Fixed issue where commas used in custom test numeric list items were not handled properly in the manage screen. |
3036 | Resolved issue where triggering a file uploader through API caused a failed email even though image process was successful. |
3043 | Corrected issue where DQA3 tolerance pass-fail tolerance for output is correctly calculated as a baseline percent in the final report, but in the new QA, it was calculated as an absolute baseline. |
3038 | Fixed API issues with body parameter for file uploader. |
Release 23.03.01
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2962 | Improved custom tests to allow multiple files to be uploaded under one file attachment test. |
3023 | Updated IC Profiler analysis by adding profile comparison test. |
2955 | Added table calculation by row for custom numeric tables. |
3016 | Improved File Uploader measurement devices to now require a sign off after any updates or edits have been applied. |
2979 | Updated the Print/Export to PDF dialog box to include the option whether or not to print or export the list of incomplete tests. |
2998 | Improved the copy functionality of all Measurement Devices to now require a sign off once all updates and edits have been applied. |
3022 | Updated Equipment Hub installer to Version |
Reference Number | Details |
3017 | Corrected two Catphan issues:
3020 | Fixed Catphan Elekta issue when the markers for sagittal measurements are out of bounds. |
3021 | Resolved Elekta Catphan issue were a CTP 682 module was mis-identified as a CTP 404. |
3026 | Corrected issue where trends were not appearing when the Show Trends button was clicked in new QA. |
Release 23.02.01
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
3004 | Users on the Manage Users page are now sorted by role. A filter by role dropdown has also been added. |
2994 | Added the ability to custom tests to different groups and sections on the Manage Custom Tests page. |
2995 | Added the ability to move or copy tests within current and other sections on the Manage Custom Tests page. |
3010 | Updated Active Directory login to allow for multiple accounts to use the same identity provider. |
3011 | Improved PRM and PRS file uploader by combining both uploads into a single processing job. |
2866 | Emails sent to Active Directory users were updated so that if a login was required they were directed to the Active Directory login page. |
Reference Number | Details |
3014 | Fixed issue where users were unable to finalize a QA before Image Processing had finished. |
3015 | Resolved issue with custom tests when using a template from the shared template library where the meta-items were not cloned |
Release 23.01.18
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2984 | Updated Elekta CAT analysis by adding the TG142 summary uniformity measure. |
2971, 2848 | FSQA Radlight Phantom is now supported. |
2664 | Added the ability to show which measurement device is used for individual tests and for test sections in the report. The measurement devices may be preset in schedule settings. |
2920, 2921, 2956, 2911 |
Added support for the Hancock MLC test patterns. |
2969 | Improved the Image Processing job to always use the newest tolerance settings. |
2852 |
Updated Custom Measurement Devices by removing the calibration link on the measurement equipment page. **Note - This will include equipment with custom equipment types or "other", except if they were created earlier and have already created calibration factors. |
2982 | Added the ability to allow setting meta-item tolerances with common meta-item. |
2996 | Updated custom numeric table process by displaying an error if a table does not have any cells with calculations. |
2993 | Improved the Catphan 604 analysis decision system on when to use the wire MTF object instead of the bead. This will improve the chance of getting reasonable MTF results for wide FOV images (500mm+) on the Catphan 604. |
Reference Number | Details |
2980 | Added support for Sun Nuclear kV-QA and MV-QA phantom image sets with duplicate filenames. |
2990 | Refined the BB detection and acceptance criteria issue for the Doselab and Isoalign radiation/light field phantoms. |
2974 | Fixed the issue in the Document Repository Page where documents were not sorted properly. |
2992 | Corrected issue when any measurement device field was edited and saved, if it had previously had an image uploaded, the image would be removed from the measurement device. |
Release 23.01.04
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2949 | Added units to display in column headers for Image Processing tests while in New QA. |
2961 | Updated the Monthly Schedule template frequency section with the option to choose up to 11 months. |
2878 | Improved Filter Trends Display by adding an Image Series Description field on the Longitudinal Screen that gives you the ability to choose between the available series descriptions for that test and generate a longitudinal based on that. |
2944 | Added the ability to allow copying of Measurement Devices. |
2960 | Updated User Specific Notifications settings on schedules to override the Account Based Roll settings of the user. |
2983 | When using the API, the command to start processing has been changed. Rather than using the patch method on the upload-images command, users should use the post method on the start-processing command. |
Reference Number | Details |
2951 | Fixed issue with Doselab Radlight artifacts on the edges of the ROI and center the pixel location when only 3 BB's are found. |
2952 | Corrected SNC MV issue with failure of alternate reference. In the case where the alternate reference image does not error but does not produce an ROI set in the background or outside the size range, the size range will then use for the auto register technique. |
2941 | Resolved issue with MPC Graph not autoscaling in the report, resulting in data points being cut off. |
2963 | Fixed issue where changing the Analysis Type for a Filter under File Uploader equipment, was not logging under Historical Changes for that device. |
2965 | Corrected issue where two uploaded Image Series were generated with the same UID and therefore the scan was unable to be removed. |
2968 | Resolved issue with Duplicate Tests displaying within New QA. |
2970 | Fixed issue where clicking on page background far away from control toggles a control behavior. |
Release 22.12.15
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2916 | Added the ability to collapse Preset Templates on Template page. |
2933 | Updated the Custom Tests Page workflow with the following enhancements:
2914 | Tasks in measurement device pages are now clickable to allow completion, editing, or deletion of the task. This avoids the need to go to the Task page. |
2901 | Devices on the Measurement Devices page are now sorted by category. This will allow for future development where the fields show may be different for each category. |
2948 | Moved the filters into the navigation bar for Measurement Devices to accommodate the new categorized view. |
2936 | Added support for Doselab kV tests using Elekta. The Elekta background was different than Varian. |
Reference Number | Details |
2935 | Fixed issue with an edge case in the Catphan analysis where it returned an error when searching for the water plug with two precise locations and same values. |
2930 | Corrected issue where hidden and N/A image processing tests were displayed as "Incomplete Tests" in finalization dialog. |
2913 | Resolved issue where downloading image sets from reports would occasionally fail. |
2950 | Fixed issue where the wrong creation date for machine beam factors were shown in expiration notification emails. |
2894 | PTW Treatment Unit Not Rendering when editing schedule Settings |
2922 | Fixed issue where Catphan wave module test results were not rendering. |
2938 | Corrected issue where Support users did not have the same sign off access capabilities as external authenticated users. |
Release 22.11.30
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2924 | Improved Isoalign and Doselab Radlight Analysis by relaxing the eccentricity constraint slightly on BB detection from 0.40 to 0.45 |
2928 | Updated Isoalign and Doselab Radlight Analysis by adjusting acceptance for BB size by relaxing the low end of the size constraint for BB id from 0.8 to 0.55 of expected size. |
2929 | Improved Radlight Analysis FC-2 Phantom by refining the BB position with both the original and BG-corrected ROI. If both are good "BBs," take the one closest to the center of the ROI. |
2855 | Added the ability for users to track all changes for all fields to Measurement Devices, including custom fields as they do for calibration factors. |
Reference Number | Details |
2926 | Fixed issue when accessing the the Template Library, the screen displayed "An error occurred during execution, please try again later." |
2927 | Corrected issue with Elekta images without XRay Translation tag in the SNC kV files to now run. |
2931 | Resolved issue where Custom List Field in Measurement Devices was not saving the correct value. |
Release 22.11.16
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2856 | Improved Custom Tests by adding the ability to create a Date or Date-Time Meta Item. |
2873 | Updated Table Meta Items in Numeric Tables to display preset units the same way as Table Columns in new QA. |
2804 | Added the ability to upload one or more folders to the image upload widget, when uploading multiple sets. |
2904 | Updated MLC Transmission to be calculated without the full Dosimetric Leaf Gap Measurement set. |
2906 | Improved FC-2 Radlight Analysis to limit the pixel size correction to 3% to prevent unusual field size results. |
2912 | Added extra uniformity check when assessing SNC MV ROI registration. |
2918 | Updated FC-2 Radlight test to change to Radlight algorithm on low resolution images. |
2919 | Improved Winston Lutz analysis to deal with major artifacts around the sides of the image. |
Reference Number | Details |
2891 | Fixed issue where if you create a custom test with a description, the preview will never update the description from the initial description. |
2895 | Corrected issue where the Show Trends buttons were missing from the X-Ray Output and Electron Output test sections while performing Monthly QA. |
2896 | Resolved issue with Inactive Meta Items would show up as possible meta specific values in tolerance screen. |
2900 | Fixed SNC MV issue to Get Center position on Elekta images. |
2899 | Corrected issue with Custom Numeric Table Description Changes not Propagating to Preview or New QA. |
2902 | Resolved issue with Hidden and NA Image Processing test failures being reflected in status dots in New QA and appearing in reports. |
2905 | Fixed issue with ILS Description over 1024 characters long not displaying after Save. |
2917 | Corrected TG-51 reports displaying random equipment on report when exported to PDF. |
Release 22.11.04
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2787 | Reduced the required number of images for Winston Lutz Analysis Test to two images. |
2884 | Improved Winston Lutz Analysis Tests to facilitate couch only rotations. Often, nominally zero angles have very small residual angles in the Dicom tags. If the user is attempting to do a couch rotation-only WL test, where dZ will be zero these very small angles will cause erroneous large dZ values because of the limits of floating point arithmetic in the linear algebra equations that solve the Winston Lutz calculation. Rounding the gantry angles to one decimal point largely removes this issue. The rounding makes it practical for users to use the existing Winston Lutz test for couch only rotations |
2854 | Added Task Summary list that include "Tasks Assigned To Me" and "Tasked Created By Me" to the Review Page. |
2860 | Updated Radioactive Source to display an intuitive error when adding a source where there is no half live value in the Unit Settings page. |
2871 | Improved Report Page to show most recent (latest comment) on summary page. |
2867 | Added the ability to allow users to delete their own comments from reports prior to sign off. |
2849 | Updated Custom Numeric Tests Pass/Fail/(Warn), regardless of test type, to show trends. |
2885 | When exporting reports, added support when including any attached files. |
2887 | Updated Tasks to require an assignee before it can be added. |
Reference Number | Details |
2859 | Fixed issue with measurements not saving for Custom Ratio test when the common denominator was not entered. |
2883 | Corrected issue on LC-CNR when the PV Value could not be found in the results of a Catphan Analysis Test. |
2882 | Resolved issues where completion circles of tests within schedules were displaying as incomplete. |
2889 | Fixed issue with the inability to View Total Activity for Accounts without Gamma Knife machine types. |
2888 | Corrected issue with meta item tolerances not rendering in New QA, but rendering in Report. |
Release 22.09.07
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2810 | Updated the Print Report function with the option to print large tables from a report. |
2834, 2868 | Improved Catphan analysis by adding additional low contrast CNR tests for low dose, fast acquisition CBCT systems. |
2840 | Added the option when printing or exporting a report, to export file attachments. |
2841 | When downloading an analyzed image set from a report, the file names will be restored rather than using the UID, in order to easily identify the images. |
2851 | Improved Measurement Device page default filter to display active measurement devices. Users have the ability to choose whether to show active, inactive, or all measurement devices. |
2832 | Added the option to duplicate tasks upon completion or from task list. Duplicated tasks will include all the original settings except the due date. |
2846 | Updated Equipment Hub installer to check the Windows version before any changes are made. If the Windows version is too low the install will be aborted. |
2845 | Improved Equipment Hub Installer to check the .NET version before any changes are made. If the .NET version is too low the install will be aborted. |
2824 | Added Group Descriptions and Embedded Instructions to display in the report when a user elects to display test instructions in schedule settings. |
2850 | Updated the heading for the Schedule Edit Role text to read: "Select roles that are allowed to access the report". |
2831 | Improved Task Functionality with the ability to have multiple people assigned to a Single Task. |
2861 | Added input validation failure messages when entering Linac specific factors for TMR, %(dd10) and PDD. |
2857 | Updated Corgi2 Analysis to allow files with the Image Type (0008, 0008) containing “VOLUME” to be uploaded along with the regular “AXIAL” files. |
2870 | Improved bead finding on low resolution, low SID on FC-2 Images. |
2756 | Added the ability to have multiple settings for electrometers with the option to add and delete new electrometers and set accompanying Pelec factors and calibration dates. |
2796 |
Absolute and Relative Baselines modes are now both supported in the DQA3 database. The user can select between two modes in the settings for a schedule:
** Note ** This change will apply to versions and (DailyQA3Handler.cs) and the SQL Server versions (3.11+) handled by SQLServerHandler.cs. The older version ( does not have a relative mode. |
2819 | Updated Custom Numeric Table with the ability to designate custom numeric calculation columns, rows and table calculations as hidden. |
2820 | Added the "Show Inactive" option to the Reports Page for users to choose whether inactive sites, machines, and schedules appear in the filter drop downs. |
Reference Number | Details |
2833 | Fixed issue when pulling Machine Logs through the API, a custom status of "Pending" display a status as "Open". |
2829 | Corrected issue where "Action" notice is displayed in report for MPC Import Test, but all tests have passed. |
2825 | Resolved issue when deactivating a measurement device that is being used in an open new QA, where measurements and factors are not cleared from the output test. |
2842 | Fixed issue when performing DQA3 using the API without equipment ID, the results pulled are always relative, even if schedule equipment is set to absolute. |
2836 | Corrected issue with Pass-Fail Child Tests completion indicators inconsistent between New QA and Report Views. |
2858 | Resolved issue where RMS Deviation was not rendering in HDR Reports. |
2872 | Fixed issue where Reversed Custom Deviation test calculation is correct (nominal-measured) in the New QA. However, Final report displays reversed calculation (measured - nominal). |
2874 | Corrected issue where uploaded module files with the same names were unable to overwrite in the schedule folders. |
2843 | Resolved issue where Pearson's R^2 was missing in new-qa for ctp linearity plot |
Release 22.08.24
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2817 | When creating a Numeric Table, if the user does not enter specific labels within the Data Column Labels section, it will automatically default to Reading 1, Reading 2, etc. |
2795 | Added r² to Linearity Plot (CT Number vs Attenuation Coefficient) table to the Catphan Analysis Report. |
2813 | Updated Final Reports to include the option to display instructions. |
2769 | Improved Measurement Device Type drop down menu to be in alphabetical order. |
2826 |
Improved the following Catphan processing Elekta Images are now loaded with the Rescale slope and intercept if present in the Dicom tags.
2830 | Adjusted threshold for recognizing Teflon rods in Catphan sensitometry module by reducing the non-CBCT low threshold for Teflon rods from 600 to 500 for point spread < 1.25mm |
Reference Number | Details |
2802 | Fixed issue when a user forgets to add a device label when creating a measurement device, an error message displays, but the text box disappears leaving no way to correct the mistake. |
2815 | Corrected issue when changing Site Pressure Units settings changes settings and readings for prior signed off reports. |
2816 | Resolved issue where tests were unable to be expanded within the Custom Tests page. |
2822 | Fixed issue where Daily QA 3 SQL databases DQA3 was not working in Equipment Hub version |
2798 | Corrected GUI issue with PRM or PDF File uploads through File Uploader when a user has separate uploaded widgets set for a schedule. |
2811 | Resolved issue with users unable to edit Radioactive Sources. |
2814 | Fixed issue with single column calculated rows in Custom Numeric tests were populating an error. |
2801 | Corrected issue when signing a report where the user rapidly clicks the Sign Report button, it was possible to produce multiple signoffs. |
Release 22.08.10
Reference Number | Details |
2781 | Fixed issue where links in image processing notifications were not working as intended. Users are now able to indicate whether or not they need assistance directly from the links embedded in the notification email. |
Release 22.07.13
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2768 | Added GammaKnife built in machine type. |
2776 | Added Gamma Knife Sources to built-in Gamma Knife Machines |
2791 | Updated GammaKnife machines to display tests with the appropriate units. |
2753 | When filtering tables on the Analysis page, the summary row will always be shown when there is more than one row. |
2758 | The Manage Custom Tests page will now include a search bar. |
2621 | Added throttle for expired calibration notifications for 1 to 30 days to reduce the number of emails sent. Notifications will be held until the throttle time has been met. |
2790 | Added support for the Ethos Picket Fence. |
2793 | Improved the Elekta CAT to pull the strongest CTP528 slice if the slice thickness is greater than 0.5mm for better results. |
2800 | Improved Doselab MV Images initial thresholding to better handle artifacts in the perimeter. |
2803 | Improved thresholding algorithm for QC-kV images to reduce the effects of small sharp object around the edges. |
Reference Number | Details |
2770 | Fixed issue where images were unable to be added to custom test descriptions. |
2773 | Resolved issue where error message "Cannot Exchange Source" was received when attempting to exchange source. |
2777 | Corrected Elekta CT issue if the location of the rods are perfectly square on the CTP404 slice, the rotation calculation breaks down and throws an error. |
2778 | Fixed issue with Doselab MV to handle inverted images. |
2779 | Fixed issue where Series Descriptions were not populating properly on Magphan RT reports. |
2780 | Corrected issue with DICOM tag display on File Uploader filter from disappearing. |
2782 | Resolved issue where copied schedules from one machine to another did not display output energies properly. |
2788 | Corrected issue with file date not matching through API for File Uploader. |
2789 | Resolved issue where negative numbers could be entered in date filter for File Uploader. The date filter now only accepts positive numbers. |
2783 | Resolved issue with R2 not rendering for the HDR Linearity test when displayed in a report. |
2797 | Fixed issue with Active Directory users being redirected to normal login page instead of Active Directory login page when Cognito fails or times out. |
Release 22.06.22
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2689 | Created List test type as an option for Child Tests within Custom Tests. |
2736 | Added Tolerances by Meta item for Energy Dependent custom tests. |
2101-5 | Added feature to Equipment Hub to upload files for image analysis. |
2751 | Added warning when changing chamber/electrometer in new QA that any data in tests associated with those measurement devices will be cleared. |
2757 | Updated equipment hub API functionality to answer the API call before the files are uploaded and to return an error if no files are found. |
2764 | Improved handling of Flying Focal Spot (FFS) acquisitions on old CTP500 scans. |
2761 | When importing from Daily QA 3, we will no longer import readings where the dose is a negative number. The reading will also not be imported when the reading is flagged as incomplete (for database version 1.04.04 only). |
Reference Number | Details |
2750 | Resolved issue for federated login users where cached credentials would keep them logged in after logging out. |
2744 | Fixed issue where users were not logged out for no activity in new QA. |
2752 | Corrected issue when copying schedules where the hidden and NA settings for tests were not being copied over. |
2696 | Fixed preview issue with Generic Linear Regression custom tests displaying incomplete. |
Release 22.06.07
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2731 | Updated TPR and PDI to reverse energy ratios when the measurement depth is less than the reference depth |
2727 | Created EDW factor (test depth) version of EDW Test using TPR reading as the open field reading |
2730 | Added ability for Active Directory Cognito users to install Equipment Hubs by utilizing a generated temporary password. |
2672 | Updated custom numeric tables by adding a convenient CTP Source Activity Widget. |
2701 | Added a new section in table builder for Table Meta-Items for custom numeric tables:
2693 | Updated tolerances by description to be a case-insensitive match. |
2740 | Created specific logout page for Active Directory users. Now when Active Directory users log out they are sent to the AD logout page instead of the regular login page. |
Reference Number | Details |
2737 | Corrected Image Ratios in VMAT tests where corrected images were flipped. |
2738 | Resolved issue with duplicates on Proton SOBP with preset energies |
2732 | Corrected hidden tests showing up in the not applicable list in the reports. |
2743 | Fixed issue where Schedules with old schedule settings for energy dependent tests not rendering preset meta values correctly. |
2742 | Resolved issue when PDI and TPR energy checks are selected in a specific way, preset meta values were not rendering. |
Release 22.05.11
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2671 | Added Proton Monthly Output (SOBP) as an alternate way of doing Proton monthly output tests for those systems that do not use mono energetic beams but rather deliver a SOBP (Spread out Bragg Peak) plan. |
2707 | Added support for parsing SNC Multi-Met WL PDF reports. |
2718 |
Added support for the three image version of the Halcyon VMAT tests:
The older 2 images tests would still be available for people using those plans. |
2722 | Improved the reliability of determining whether the Las Vegas pattern is oriented to the right or left. |
2724 | Updated the Measured Activity Field to always be read-only and calculated from other given values. |
2733 | Improved the discrimination between CT 732 and 682 in Catphan images |
Reference Number | Details |
2710 | Fixed issue with Selected Values As Baselines not populating correctly. |
2711 | Resolved issue where single quotes in a string within a measurement device caused the Java Script to crash when opening new QA. |
2721 | Fixed issue with output deviation for the output constancy tests not rendering in reports. |
2724 | Updated the Measured Activity Field to always be read-only and calculated from other given values. |
2725 |
Updated Linear Regression R2 Calculation where R2 Calculation in plot now matches R2 Calculation in table. |
Release 22.05.04
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2647 | Added Linear Regression custom test that includes various fit metrics and the ability to add a plot. |
2666 | Updated Machine Log Email notifications so that the latest update is highlighted and the most recent update is shown. Users can still follow the link which is now displayed under the update |
2662 | Updated the Numeric Table custom test to include a Ctp Widget. |
2663 | Added the Task Button on the measurement device edit page. |
2694 | When entering image descriptions in new QA, the description will now autosave. |
2716 | Added support for SRS in description for Flatness and Symmetry test with the ability to recognize SRS in the RT image description. |
Reference Number | Details |
2684 | Resolved issue in new QA where the Save and Finalize buttons at the top were no longer shown if the side navigation was used. |
2700 | Fixed issue with HDR Monthly source measured output getting locked to the first row. |
2704 | Improved Las Vegas images by lowering the number of 100 pixels to 80 pixels for a valid contrast object on low resolutions images. |
2705 | Fixed Catphan issue where the SSP routine gives an error when there are no good slices identified. |
2708 | Resolved issue with Periodic Reports displaying "No Out of Tolerance Events for this Schedule" when QA report included out of tolerance calculations. |
2714 | Updated the TG-51 finalized report to render the Adjusted Final Dose. |
2715 | Fixed Winston Lutz display error when greater than 30 images were used in the analysis. |
2717 | Fixed issue where the SNC MV-QA ROIs were misidentified. |
Release 22.04.13
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2648 | Updated Equipment Hub web socket Server to the most recent Web Sockets version 4.x. This requires Equipment Hub version |
2659 | Added Proton Monthly Output test for centers doing primarily monotonic tests. |
2686 | Added horizontal and vertical field sizes to the results of the Flatness and Symmetry test. |
Reference Number | Details |
2691 | Fixed issue where the Schedules tab was not visible on the sidebar when specific custom role permissions were chosen. |
2698 | Catphan Fixes and Improvements:
2699 | Improved Las Vegas images to to handle uneven backgrounds. |
Release 22.03.30
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2685 | Added support for older imagers to the VMAT tests. When the x-direction pattern offset for VMAT patterns does not match a standard pattern we will apply a custom offset based on the edge of the narrower field. |
Reference Number | Details |
2676 | Fixed issue with Missing "Calculate" or "No R_50 value entered" when updating TG-51 calibration factors. |
2649 | Resolved issue with receiving Machine Log Error when updating a Machine Log. |
2675 | Fixed issue with Row Calculation fields missing results in reports. |
2677 | Resolved the issue with being unable to save Ion Chamber/Electrometer Combos in schedule Settings. |
2681 | Fixed issue when navigating to Manage Measurement Devices page while logged out would give a 404 error instead of sending the user to the login page. |
2682 | Fixed issue on the Catphan tests where an MTF bead was detected but gave no results. |
2683 | Fixed issue with MPC imports where the new QA displayed the tolerances set in the Results.csv file rather than those set in TotalQA. The report always showed the correct tolerances. |
2680 | Resolved issue where pressure units displayed in schedule settings were not the same units showed in the site settings. |
Release 22.03.23
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2597 | Improved Machine Level Longitudinal Plots which include:
2657 | Improved custom numeric table tests by adding the ability to reference previous table tests. |
2656 | Improved custom numeric table with the ability to add units to custom numeric column, row and table tests. |
2667 | Improved handling of older EPID images for VMAT tests to scale the images with the Rescale slope and intercept to get reasonable results. |
2669 | Updated the Doselab RadLight to make the detection of the 15x15 BBs more resilient to edge-like artifacts. |
Reference Number | Details |
2652 | Fixed issue with rendering of QCkV phantom results in new QA. |
2654 | Resolved issue with reopened reports linking back to the current new QA when navigating using the left grey pane. |
2661 | Fixed issue with Custom Numeric Table not updating tolerance colors properly. |
2651 | Updated the edit source page for radioactive sources with the ability to upload additional documents. |
2665 | Fixed issue with not being able to change the filter after a user filters the Manage Measurement Devices Filter for a custom device type. |
2668 | Fixed the issue with the "Go to Edit" link in the kQ popup going to the wrong page. |
2670 | Fixed issue in the DoseLab Light Field Center to Radiation Field Edge Distance test where Top-Right results appeared twice and Bottom-Right results were missing. The duplicate T-Right was removed and Bottom-Right results were added. |
Release 22.03.09
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2554 | Improved Creating Custom Tables with the ability to create custom calculations input. |
2627 | Improved Custom Numeric Tables by adding division to the list of built in tests for numeric tables |
2646 | Added a division option to numeric custom tests. |
2636 | Added a Default Schedules View in the My settings portion the the user settings with three options: All, Due, or Unsigned. The default is All. |
Reference Number | Details |
2411 | Preset rows will no longer be removable. |
2641 | Resolved issue with MPC imports via the API where tolerances were not being applied. |
2650 | Fixed issue where deactivating machine energies could remove equipment hub settings in schedule settings. |
2653 | Fixed issue where numeric tables cells could not be preset in schedule settings. |
2655 | Resolved issue where Crosschecker / Startrack / MatriXX PDF analysis would fail if expected tests did not have results in the PDF. Any missing tests in the PDF will now be ignored. |
Release 22.03.02
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2624 | Machine headings on the the Schedules page have been changed to a hover over menu bar. The add machine log button (ML+) is always visible without hovering. |
Reference Number | Details |
2632 | Fixed the rendering of quotes for the CT Daily section in the template editor. |
2638 | Corrected that Waterbath analysis will now be recognized as a CTP777 and passed into Catphan uniformity analysis. |
2634 | Fixed View schedule Settings Sections not showing if only n/a and hidden tests setting are used. The sections now show in view schedule settings with just n/a and hide tests settings used so users can easily see whether they set the display options. |
Release 22.02.23
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2572 | The standard user roles can now be copied, modified, and new roles can be created. Permissions can be assigned granularly for each role. Initially only owners of an account are able to view and modify role permissions. |
2623 | Changed the Review page for owners so that owners will only see machines to which they are connected rather than all machines. |
2608 | Added the following calculation types to the numeric tables custom test:
2613 | Added support for the Doselab RLf phantom to the Asymmetric Field test. |
Reference Number | Details |
2411 | Resolved issue in new QA where rows with preset meta-items could be deleted. The delete option is no longer available for rows that have been preset in schedule settings. |
2631 | Fixed issue where a child custom test could still be seen in schedule settings after the child test was deleted if the name of that child test was reused for another custom test. |
2614H | Resolved issue finding beads near the edge of the Doselab RLf phantom. |
2616H | Resolved issue where an artifact in image could cause an error on the Leeds scaling measurement. |
2617 | Improved detection of contrast objects on the Las Vegas phantom. |
2622 | Resolved issue masking out extraneous areas on the SNC MV phantom. |
2630 | Improved finding the edge of a Las Vegas phantom when the field was collimated moderately close to the edge of the phantom. |
Release 22.02.16
New Features
Reference Number | Details |
2314 |
Added Contrast to Noise Ratio test for Elekta Catphan. Below is the formula used to calculate CNR: |
2603 | Added the ability to designate Winston Lutz angles through the Series Description tags. See the Winston Lutz help article for full details. |
Reference Number | Details |
2611 | Improved BB positioning indicators for the Winston Lutz test in cases where the BB was very close to the collimated radiation field. |
2610 | For Catphan test, improved finding of low contrast objects when the pixel size is < 1mm and Field Of View > 512mm. |
Release 22.02.09
New Features
Additional field sizes added to built-in tests. | Added 25x25, 30x30, 35x35, and 40x40, if not already present, to built in tests that use field size. Below are the built-in tests where field sizes were added:
Added kV scaling for the Leeds phantom. | The Leeds tests will now include an option for scaling based on the diameter of the phantom. |
Improved new machine request. | The new machine request form will now include all of the information needed for Support to create the machine. |
Added dose profiles and CAX dose to IC Profiler tests. | Dose Profiles and CAX Dose test are new available for IC Profiler imports using PRM files. |
Resolved issue for tolerances when set by meta-item. | When displaying report results by deviation rather than absolute, in cases where tolerances were set by meta-item, the values reported were incorrect. This is now resolved. |
Fixed issue with schedule settings for specific tests. | Resolved issue where users were unable preset and save depth field in the X-ray beam quality (PDD or TMR) or Electron beam quality (R50) tests in schedule settings. |
Resolved issue with TG-51 worksheets. | Fixed issue where choosing one raw reading for energy dependent tests removed the average and standard deviation columns. |
Improved rendering of Rad/Light on 30x40 imagers. | Fixed rendering of results of DoseLab and Iso-align radiation/lightfield phantoms where 30x40 imagers were used. |
Fixed issue where page navigation and count of incidents were not displayed. | Resolved issue where the pagination controls were missing and the total count of Machine Log incidents displayed by the filter were improperly shown as zero. |
Release 22.01.12
New Features
Added multiple day option to weekly schedules. | When users are creating or editing a schedule with a weekly frequency, multiple days may now be selected rather than a singe day. The schedule will advance through the days selected then the due date will advance to the next week. |
Updated Equipment Hub library. | Updated the web sockets library on Equipment Hub server to avoid connection issues some customers were seeing. |
Improved search for Machine Log. | Searching or filtering Machine Log incidents is now faster. |
Improved EDW Factor test to pull open field value. | The EDW Factor test will pull the value for the open field from the X-ray output & energy constancy output test "Avg." field if one is present for a given energy. |
Added date to tolerance history pages. | Added the date a set of historical tolerances was created on to each historical tolerance set page. |
Resolved an issue unassigning measurement devices from a site. | When editing a measurement device the site field can now be set to blank, unassigning it from any sites. |
Resolved TG-51 worksheet display issue. | Corrected display issue when the actual voltage reading was left blank when completing the adjustment section in a TG-51 worksheet. |
Corrected tolerance source for MPC Imports. | When viewing the tolerance table in a report that includes the MPC import, the calibration uniformity test showed the tolerance coming from the device when no tolerance was set. This has been corrected. |
Resolved issue with deviation child tests. | When a deviation test was created as a child test the reverse order option was ignored. This has been corrected. |
Resolved an issue where MPC results were unavailable. | When attempting to obtain MPC import result via the API, the results were not always imported. This has been corrected. |
Release 21.12.08
New Features
Chamber and electrometer can now be selected separately for monthly schedules. | Users may select chamber and electrometer separately for monthly dosimetry calculations after calibration factors are set for each. |
Doselab kV phantom is now supported. | Automated image analysis for the Doselab kV phantom is now available under the monthly imaging tests. |
Doselab MV phantom is now supported. | Automated image analysis for the Doselab MV phantom is now available under the monthly imaging tests. |
Granular notifications settings are now available. | Administrators and physicist administrator roles can now select whether a users receives notification by site or machine level under Manage Users. |
Refined schedules where multiple energies were included for TG-51. | TG-51 worksheets will now show trends for any value that a tolerance can be set on, the report title now shows all energies included in the report, and resolved issue where correction factors are not shown when user accidently enters a reading into the voltage setting field. |
Resolved issue were users could delete required rows for TG-51. | If electrometer readings were removed for TG-51 they could not be added back in. The ability to delete required Electrometer Readings rows in schedule settings has been removed. |
Long meta-item names will display correctly. | Resolved issue where long meta-item names were incorrectly displayed in new QA forms. |
Resolved Machine Log incident display filtering issue. | Filters for Machine Log incidents can no longer be changed until the incident list has been fully populated. |
Limited issue where PDF could trigger security restrictions. | Certain PDF files cannot be saved in a file attachment test because they falsely triggered a security filter. Enabled upload when there was no security risk. |
Fixed graphics display in reports with image processing. | Fixed an issue where floating image images in the left margin of the report could block report text. |
Release 21.11.03
New Features
TG-51 worksheets now support multiple energies. | Users can now record multiple energies on the same TG-51 worksheet. |
Sections and tests can now be preset as hidden or NA. | Sections and individual tests can now be preset as hidden or NA using the schedule settings. Any test marked hidden will automatically be NA as well. A list of hidden and NA tests will be shown on the report. |
Users now have an option to hide inactive schedules and templates. | Under Manage Templates and Manage Schedule Configurations, users may hide inactive templates and schedules by clicking a radio button in the upper right named Show inactive. |
Resolved in issue reusing custom test group names. | A bug blocked reusing group names. This has been fixed and reusing a group name from a deleted group will work. |
Release 21.09.27
New Features
Filters for the Manage Measurement Devices page are now "sticky" | The filters for the Manage Measurement Devices will retain their value until cleared for a given user if cookies are allowed. |
Limit for number of rows on numeric tables increased. | Users may now select up to 50 rows when creating or editing numeric table custom tests. |
Created new EDW built in test. |
A new EDW test is available with a energy meta item. This is a ratio test that uses the open field reading from the output test as the denominator. The numerator is the average of EDW readings. |
Factor changes to measurement devices and machines will now be logged. | Any factors changed when editing a measurement device or machine will be logged and users are able to view prior settings. |
Added warning when attempting to email a user with notifications turned off. | When creating or editing a task, users will be warned if they select the "Email assignee" option and the assignee has notifications turned off. In either case the task will be created and assigned. |
QABC+ results marked "Do not chart" will now be ignored. | When importing QA Beamchecker+ results, any result marked "Do not chart" will not be imported. Other results for that day will be imported. |
Manage User no longer requires that the landing be page be set. | Previously the landing page could not be left blank when editing a user under Manage User. Now leaving the landing page blank is allowed and when left blank will default to the landing page designated for the user's role. |
Release 21.09.01
New Features
Added functionality to the difference custom test. | Added functionality to the difference custom test:
The rollover point for any custom test set to angular can now be set. | If the angular option is set for any custom test, the rollover point can be set. The rollover point defaults to 360. |
Machine Log incident count is now always displayed. | Initially the Machine Log incident count was only shown when there was more than one page in the search results. Now, the count will always be shown. |
Search functionality has been added when creating a Machine Log. | When creating a new Machine Log incident, users can now search for similar incidents based on information in the newly created incident. |
Improved the delete custom test function. | When deleting a custom test, a list of templates where the test is use will be displayed and an option to cancel the deletion. |
Resolved issue where graphics could cover headings. | Corrected an issue where thumbnail graphics could float to the wrong section or cover headings. |
Corrected error display when finalizing ad hoc reports. | Removed erroneous error report stating could not get due date for ad hoc reports with no due date. |
Fixed an issue accepting files with non-standard series time tags. | Resolved an issue where uploads fail for Dicom files when the series time tag is less than 6 characters (hotfixed). |
Release 21.08.11
New Features
Added support for conversion factors for proton energies. | When adding conversions factors for an electrometer/ion chamber pair, users can now add conversion factors for proton energies. Note: all proton energies will be available for now. In the future proton energies will be filtered by the energies specified for that machine under Mange Sites and Machines. |
Added custom fields for measurement devices. | Users may now create text, list, and yes/no/maybe custom fields for measurement devices. |
User name will now be recorded for calibrations and conversion factors. | When a calibration or conversion factor is added or changed the user who made the change will now be displayed. |
Added similar results to filtered Machine Log incident list. | When users filter the Machine Log incident list, a list of similar results will be shown at the bottom to assist users in finding potential solutions for similar incidents. |
Template subcategories are now collapsible. | When creating or editing templates, users can now collapse subcategories to make navigating easier. |
The edit Equipment Hub page will only show supported devices. | When editing Equipment Hubs, only device types supported by the hub are shown, making device selection easier. |
Resolved issue setting the Equipment Hub in measurement devices. | Users can now select another Equipment Hub for a measurement device if the current Equipment Hub is marked inactive. |
Refined selection of the slice used for uniformity testing. | The best possible slice in the uniformity section will now be used. (Hotfix) |
Refined BB search in the FC-2 algorithm. | For the FC-2 radiation/light field algorithm, the BB search radius reduced by about 25% for low resolution images. |
Resolved issue saving file uploads. | Files uploaded using the file attachment will now be saved, even if other associated tests are left blank. (Hotfix) |
Resolved incorrect empty test warning. | When finalizing a schedule with Daily QA 3 tests where some results are not imported due to schedule settings, there will no longer be an empty test warning due to fields intentionally not imported. |
Resolved issue identifying CORGI phantoms. | CORGI phantoms will now be properly identified when the manufacturers tag is Elekta. |
Release 21.07.21
New Features
Added ability to create custom measurement devices. | Users can now choose "New type" when adding a measurement device. The new type will be added to the device type dropdown when adding future measurement devices. Measurement devices will also be able to be filtered by the new type. |
Reports can now be marked as reviewed. | Reports have a new available status of Reviewed. This status is meant to convey that any action items have been resolved. |
Resolved issue with the kQ interpolation. | Resolved issue when using the interpolation method to find kQ. Originally the formula kQ = (%dd10x-ddL)/(ddH-ddL) x (KQH -KQL ) + KQH was used. This has been corrected and now the formula used for the interpolation method is kQ = (%dd10x-ddL)/(ddH-ddL) x (KQH -KQL ) + KQL. |
Corrected an issue pulling in FFF energies on QA Beamchecker+. | When getting results from QA Beamchecker+, FFF and other custom energies will now be displayed. |
Release 21.07.14
New Features
Added support for Crosschecker/ IBA Startrack/ MatriXX. |
Crosschecker/ IBA Startrack/ MatriXX PDF reports are now supported and will be parsed automatically upon upload. |
Equipment Hub now supports TLS 1.2. | TLS 1.2 is now supported on Equipment Hubs and higher. |
Improved physicist role. | The physicist role will now only have visibility of manage tasks for sites to which the user is connected. |
Sections can now be marked NA in schedule settings. | Sections may now be marked NA in the schedule settings. This will allow templates to be used across more schedules. |
Added location field to measurement devices. | A new text field named location was added to measurement devices as a way to track the location of the device. |
A picture field has been added to measurement devices. | A new image field named "Device Picture" has been added to measurement devices. The uploaded device profile picture will be scaled to fit the page. |
Resolved incorrect CTP values in new QA. | Corrected an issue where the new QA was using the site temperature and pressure settings rather than that used by the daily QA device (i.e. Daly QA 3, QABC, Beamchecker, etc.) |
Corrected issue where Daily QA 3 password was required on all changes to the device. | The Daily QA 3 password field will no be lost when editing the measurement device. The password will be displayed as a series of dots to indicate that the password field is populated. |
Release 21.06.30
New Features
Added support for federated login. | Support for federated login through Cognito has been added. Contact support to configure your account for federated login. |
Added support for obtaining products in custom tests. | Added support for product calculations for numeric tests, numeric energy, and numeric table custom tests. |
Renamed tolerance limit to warning. | Changed Tolerance Limit label to Warning Limit when setting baselines and tolerance for clarity. |
Added an API call to clear variables in a schedule. | Added an API Call to clear out tests and image processing in a given schedule. |
Added support for proton SADs for QCkV-1 phantom analysis. | Allow for SADs other than 1000mm on QC-kV-1 phantom analysis. |
Added support for GammaKnife Catphan images. | The new support for GammaKnife Catphan images, provides a workaround for image sets with missing tags. |
Corrected issue when merging templates with custom section names. | Merge conflicts now properly displays sections with custom names. |
Resolved issue where PIPSpro results were not displayed in new QA. | PIPSpro results are now displayed in new QA. |
Resolved issue where the Clear results button was not displayed for PIPSpro. | The Clear results button is now properly displayed for PIPSpro tests. |
Release 21.06.16
New Features
Added capability to reorder Machine Log elements. | Machine Log room equipment, custom fields, categories, and resolutions can now be ordered under Manage Machine Log sections. |
Custom numeric tables are now able to be preset. | Data cells in custom numeric tables can now be preset in schedule settings. |
Fixed issue where DQA3 version was not settable. | When creating or editing Daily QA 3 measurement devices the 3.1.1 or greater is now visible. |
Added more support for partial GE phantom scans. | When processing the GE CT phantom, partial scans are more likely to succeed/. |
Release 21.06.02
New Features
Added the ability to calculate kQ. | The kQ can now be calculated when setting ion chamber factors. |
Added new difference custom test. | Added difference calculation for numerical tables and custom tests. |
Added support for Daily QA 3 using SQL server. | Daily QA 3 version 3.1.1 has migrated to a new database schema and from Firebird to SQL Server. The new schema and SQL server are now supported. |
The password field for Daily QA 3 measurement devices is now hidden. | The password field for the Daily QA 3 database will now be hidden when adding a new measurement device when the type is Daily QA 3 and blank when editing a Daily QA 3 measurement device. |
Support added for GE Quality Assurance Phantom. | The GE Quality Assurance Phantom is now supported and tests can be added to any template that includes the CT devices. |
Resolved issue where completion circles were incorrect. | Corrected an issue where test completion circles were not updated when tests were completed in new QA. |
Resolved issue where needed rows could be deleted in schedule settings for TG-51 schedules. | The electrometer reading rows can no longer be deleted from a TG-51 schedule in schedule settings. |
Resolved issue where HD in the filename for picket fence images was not used. | When the analysis type dropdown is set to PicketFence, the analysis will now check if HD is included in the filename and act accordingly. |
Release 21.05.26
New Features
New functionality added to periodic reports. |
There are two new checkboxes. Process Capability, when checked, will show the pass-fail-warning colors fpr Cp and Cpk. The default will be checked. When unchecked Cp and Cpk are printed in black. Print the Full Incident Description, when checked will add the full description of Machine Log incidents to the periodic report. The default will be unchecked. |
Ratio test can now be preset in schedule settings. | Ratio test numerators and denominators may now be set in schedule settings. |
Changed handling of Equipment Type field in Machine Log. | For clarity the Equipment Type Field has been moved to the top when creating a Machine Log incident and removed from the edit Machine Log incident page. |
Added API call to pull task dates. | Task due dates can now be pulled via the API. |
Limited API key visibility. | Users will now only see their own API keys. Account owners can see all keys. |
Machines with no schedules will now be shown on the Schedules page. | Machines with no schedules can now be seen on the Schedules page. |
Improve image processing failure messages. | Processing Failure" and "Failure in preparing scan" Emails will now contain links to the report in question. |
Improve Radiation/Lightfield analysis. | Changed the BB refinement algorithm to improve BB location on noisy FC-2 images. |
Changed defaults for EMR 051 and EMR 021 phantoms. | Change the NCC Cull Threshold for EMR051 and EMR 121 from -4 to -6. |
Changed order of tolerance page to match schedule settings. | Both the schedule settings and the tolerance pages will display tests in the same order. |
Resolved issue where MLC plots were not shown. | MLC Plot will now be shown in MPC imports where the test is selected. |
Improved rendering of list type tests in Machine Log incidents. | Resolved issue where list custom field were truncated. |
Release 21.05.05
New Features
Tasks may now be added to any page and assigned to a user. | The task functionality has been expanded from the measurement devices page, to any page. See the Managing Tasks help page article for more details. |
Entire sections may now be marked as NA. | A section can now be marked as NA which will automatically mark all test in that section as NA |
Added magnitude calculation type to custom tests. | Magnitude to list of calculation types in custom tests. The calculation of the magnitude is sqrt(r1^2 + r2^2+ .... rn^2) |
Added granularity to DQA3 imports. | When importing fields from DQA3, the fields may be selected or deselected for import individually in the schedule settings. |
Tolerances can now be set via the API. | Added the ability to create baselines and tolerances through the API. |
Remove spurious browser console errors. | Suppressed missing source maps warning in the browser console. |
Corrected issue where Image processing tolerances not saving correctly. | Resolved issue when saving tolerances by the series description meta-item. |
Resolved issue handling Catphan CTP401 module. | Corrected incorrect handling of CT Summary HU Constancy with CTP401 module. |
Release 21.04.14
New Features
New GammaKnife Timer Error, Uniformity, and Transportations tests. | New tests are available under type other for GammaKnife. |
Improved the file upload section of reports. | The upload section now includes the type, title, description, and a download button for each upload. |
Resolved issue with pressure settings from site not reflected in TG51 templates | The pressure unit selected in the site was not always used in TG-51 templates for that site; this has been corrected. |
Resolved issue entering row and column numbers in custom tables. | When entering the number of rows or columns for custom table tests, the spinners must be used to select the number. |
Resolved wrong section name being displayed in reports. | If a section was marked as incomplete, out of tolerance, or NA, the section name would revert to the built in section name. The section name will now correctly show the custom name if one has been created. |
Resolved issue where child test could not be saved under an empty file attachment test. | Child tests can now be saved normally if the the parent test is a file attachment test without an attachment. |
Resolved issue where some documents were not shown. | Resolved an issue where users would not see documents in the Document Repository if they were not connected to all machines the document was connected to. |
Resolved issue where pulling site information via the API was incorrect. | The correct users will now be shown when the site information is pulled via the API. |
Resolved an issue where fields were cleared when editing measurement devices. | When editing a measurement device all fields will now be displayed and properly saved. |
Fixed an issue displaying CT summary. |
CT summary results are now displayed, prior, it was not displayed when contrast curve is over 1. |
Fixed schedule settings problem for EMR051 and 121. | The schedule settings associated with EMR051 and EMR121 are now saved properly; prior some values were reversed. |
Resolved issue where incorrect site equipment was shown. | Fixed an issue when creating a new Machin Log incident where site equipment that the users is not connect to was shown. |
Fixed an issue processing CT/CBCT analysis with varying slice widths. | Fixed an issue where a low contrast disk was erroneously detected when varying slice widths are used. |
Resolved an issue with CTP 700 HU Uniformity | Resolved issue where sensitometry plugs could be misidentified on a CTP 700. |
Resolved an issue processing Las Vegas phantoms on low resolution EPIDs. | Las Vegas phantom images taken on low resolution imagers will now process. |
Release 21.03.31
New Features
HDR source strength date will update until console strength is saved. | The HDR source strength date will update on each open of the new QA until the console strength is saved. This enables new QA to completed but still maintain the correct source strength date for the calculations. |
A new user account lockout threshold policy is now available. | A new option to lock out a user after a set number of failed logins within a set period of time is now available. The user will be locked out for a set period of time. The number of login attempts, the reset interval, and the lockout time can be set individually. Setting the lockout time to zero will disable this feature. Please contact support to enable this feature for your account. |
Tolerances can be set for images series by description. | When uploading images sets for image processing, a description may be added. The description will be used as a meta-item. This is to allow tolerances to be set by meta-item for image processing tests. For example, the tolerances might be different for a head Catphan versus a pelvis. The description will auto populate with the contents of the DICOM series description tag. |
New comment section is available at top of report. | An addition comment section has been added at the top of the new QA to record QA wide comments. |
Signing off on a report will exit the report and take you back to the prior page. | Signing off a report will now take users to the prior page which should speed up signing off on multiple reports. |
Include Catphan Summary test for machine types that support Catphan phantoms. |
The Catphan Summary is now available for CT and Linac machine types as well as CBCT. |
VMAT tests will now support open field images of a different size. |
The VMAT tests will support image sets where the open field image is a different size than test image. |
Improved Las Vegas phantom analysis for uneven backgrounds. |
Improved Las Vegas phantom image processing to better handle uneven background. |
Added note to Catphan noise and mean values plot for clarification. | Added not to the Caphan noise and mean values plot test that reads: " Note: The noise value for the center region is from an ROI covering 40% of the phantom diameter. All other measurements are from ROIs covering 10% of the phantom diameter." |
Resolved issue where machines of type other were not displayed in Machine Log incidents. |
Machines of type other were not displayed for selection when creating or editing in Machine Log incidents; this is now fixed. |
Resolved issue where rooms without a schedule did not show in Machine Log incidents. |
Fixed issue where rooms without a schedule were not visible for selection in Machine Log incidents. |
Resolved issue where the owner did not receive out of tolerance notification emails. |
The owner will now receive notification emails for out of tolerance if the notifications are set in the owner profile. |
Field size now usable as a meta-item for Radiation/Lightfield Coincidence and Asymetric Field tests. |
The internal formatting of field sizes was changed for Radiation/Lightfield Coincidence and Asymetric Field tests so that the field size could be used as a meta-item in cases where users want to set tolerances based on the field size. |
Non default ranges are now supported for the SNC IC Profiler PDF Import. | The default 80/20 limits for the SNC IC Profiler penumbra can be changed. Initially we only supported the default values but now support any value. |
IC Profiler PRM file imports will now identify FFF fields. |
When importing IC Profiler results via PRM files, FFF energies will now include the FFF designation. |
Resolved issue where waterbath phantoms were not processed. | Resolved issuer where Waterbath phantom image sets would not process if the SerieDescription tag was missing in the DICOM file. |
Release 21.03.17
New Features
Added new custom test type for numeric tables. | Tables can now be created with sum, average, and standard deviation calculations available for rows, columns, or on specified cells table wide. |
The API can now pull device specific calibration factors. | The API can now pull device specific calibration factors in bulk or for an individual device. |
Added Proton machine type. | Added a built in machine type Proton which should be used for proton machnes to support calibration factors. |
Added new stand alone temperature and pressure test. | A new test has been added under Proton Daily that allows temperature and pressure to be entered and that Ktp factor to be compared against those of chambers. |
Added option to import zeros as blanks for Daily QA3 devices. | For Daily QA3 measurement device create and edit screens now contain an option to import zeros as blanks. This is intended to alert physicist that measurements were likely not captured by the device. |
Added IEC 61223 Noise ROI graphic. | While no calculations were changed, the noise ROI graphic now includes display of the 40% of phantom diameter. |
Fixed spelling error in Winston Lutz error message. | Corrected misspelled couch in a Winston Lutz error message. |
Release 21.02.24
New Features
ILS incidents can now be filtered. | Added filtering options for ILS. Incidents can now be d filtered by date, site, categories, severities, hazards, status, and frequency. |
Physicist role can now manage some items. | Users with the physicist role can now manage all items under manage Site and Machine and Device Configurations. |
The star shot analysis will now support smaller beams. | The recommended beam width is 4 mm or larger as determined by the resolution in the file, however the analysis will attempt to process beams as small as 1 mm. |
Film is now supported for table and collimator starshots. | The table and collimator starshots will now support film. When the images are uploaded either the file name or type should include the type of starshot. To specify the type in the filename use either table or coll for collimator. |
Improved report rendering time. | Reports that include a large number of calculated tables will now render much quicker. |
The uniformity tests in the Elekta Catphan group will now report units correctly. | Uniformity tests in the Elekta Catphan section will now report the units in percent and show to two decimal places. |
Release 21.02.17
New Features
Custom categories and fields for Machine Log will only appear for site equipment if those categories or fields have site equipment selected | When creating custom categories and fields for Machine Log, the sites and site equipment for which those categories or fields should appear can be selected. |
ILS now supports custom categories and fields. | Custom fields and categories can now be created for ILS similar to those created for Machine Log. |
Removed the calibration devices section for TG-51 schedules in schedule settings. | Measurement devices for TG-51 schedules are selected in the new QA form. The calibration devices section in the schedule settings for TG-51 schedules has been removed to avoid confusion. |
Equipment Hub no longer imports 0 if a Daily QA3 field is blank. | If a field in the Daily QA 3 database is blank, it will be left blank in the new QA when the "Get results" button is clicked. |
Added kV Scaling Test (FC-2) for the FC-2 phantom. | Added tests for kV scaling using the FC-2 phantom and the kV imager. |
Added new magnitude column to the Winston Lutz tests. | The Coincidence of radiation and mechanical isocenter (image coordinates) test will now have an additional column for magnitude. |
Increase the number of decimal places on the Winston Lutz measurements. | The measurements in the Winston Lutz test are now reported to two decimal places. |
Improved the Las Vegas image processing tests. | Improved the robustness of algorithm that detects the polarity of Las Vegas images. |
Improved the Leeds image processing test. | Improved the robustness of algorithm that detects whether or not Leeds images are inverted. |
Resolved an issue where some of the rich text editor buttons were hidden in the Custom Test screen. | The rich text editor for custom test now displays all options. For additional options click the blue + sign. |
Resolved an issue where Equipment Hubs could not be deleted. | Equipment Hubs can now be deleted as needed. |
Release 21.01.27
New Features
Added ability to hide main sidebar. | The sidebar can be hidden by clicking the left arrow to create more screen space. |
Add sum and standard deviation options to numeric custom tests. | Numeric and energy dependent numeric custom tests will now have options to display the sum or standard deviation of multiple inputs. |
Machine Log custom list fields now allow multiple list items to be selected. | When creating or editing a Machine Log incident, multiple items on a custom list field drop down may be selected rather than just a single item. |
Added new policy for failed login attempts. | An account wide policy can be set to limit the number of failed login attempts and the duration of the lockout. When the limit is exceeded the user will be locked out for time set by policy. |
Added a warning if user attempts to set QABC+ dynamic rooms with an Equipment Hub that does not support that feature. | If a user attempts to set up a dynamic room for a QA Beam Checker Plus in schedule settings with an Equipment Hub that does not support dynamic rooms, a warning will be issued alerting the user to update the Equipment Hub. |
Added tasks or due dates due to the Review page. | The Review page will now include a list of calibrations or tasks due, coming due in 90 days, or overdue. |
Changed Machine Log list and yes/no fields such that empty items cannot be selected. | Users will no longer see empty items for the list and yes/no type custom fields. |
Added warning to not include PHI to ILS incidents. | The description field will now contain a warning not to include patient protected health information. |
Test type is now displayed on the Custom Tests page. | The Manage Custom Tests page will now include the test type next to each custom test created. |
Add opted option to include instructions for a specific machine when a user creates a Machine Log incident. | Added option to include instructions under the ML setup link on Manage Room Equipment page. |
Corrected a role specific issue displaying Machine Log incidents on the Review page. | Corrected an issue where Machine Log incidents were not displayed on the Reports page for users with the physicist role. |
Resolved issue where extraneous fields were displayed in Machine Log emails. | Resolved issue where custom fields not associated with a room were displayed in the Machine Log notification email. Also cleaned up the formatting of the emails. |
Release 21.01.06
New Features
MPC results can now be pulled via the API. | Machine Performance Check (MPC) data can now be automatically pulled via Equipment Hub using the API. |
Removed requirement for phone number when creating or updating users. | The phone number field is no longer required when adding new users. |
Added API call to report all image processing tests included in a schedule. | Added API call to report all image processing tests included in a schedule or in all schedules. |
Embedded schedule instructions can now be collapsed. | Embedded schedule instructions can now be collapsed to save screen space. |
Enhanced the API for image processing tests to include the file type. | Added the option to specify the file type when passing image processing files. |
Added support for QABC Dynamic rooms. | Created a new test for dynamic rooms for the the QA Beam Check Plus. If that test is included in a schedule, deliveries can be selected from within schedule settings for that schedule. |
Improved out of tolerance emails to include longitudinal links for every out of tolerance item. | Out of tolerance emails will now include a longitudinal link for each out of tolerance item rather than only the first item. Additionally a link to the report will be added to the top of the email. |
New maximum displacement test added to Winston Lutz tests. | The Winston Lutz image processing test can optionally contain a maximum displacement test. |
Corrected an issue where units inconsistent between new QA and final report. | Corrected an issue where the wrong units were shown in the report in HDR schedules that contained the Source Activity Test. |
Machine Log Yes/No/NA custom fields can now be saved without editing NA default text. | When creating a Machine Log custom Yes/No/NA field, NA or empty is now a valid option for the NA option. |
Corrected incorrect custom fields showing in Machine Log summary | Corrected an issue where Machine Log custom fields that were displaying in the summary for unconnected machines. Custom fields will now only appear in the summaries for machines they are connected to. |
Resolved spurious "Please fill out all required fields" when updating Machine Log incidents. | Resolved issue where physicist and owners could not update existing Machine Log incidents when custom fields were in use. Physicists and owners would receive "Please fill out all required fields". |
Uploading CSV files now gives a proper error message. | When attempting to upload a CSV file to the upload widget in new QA, we throw an error stating that it is an unsupported file type. |
Resolved an issue with file attachment tests that had a child pass/fail test. | Corrected an issue where a pass/fail with a child file attachment test would erroneously mark the child test as failed when a file was attached but neither the pass or fail buttons were pressed. |
Release 20.12.09
New Features
New QA Setting option for separate file processing upload widgets. | Users now have the option to select separate upload widgets for each file processing test. When using separated upload widgets file naming conventions will not be required. |
Test type can now be set in the file processing upload widget. | When uploading files via a single upload widget, the file type can optionally be selected from a pull down rather than using the file naming convention. |
A new sidebar has been added to the Reports page. | The Reports page has a new navigation sidebar to navigate to QA reports, periodic reports, periodic report summary, and machine log incidents. |
Periodic report configurations can now be saved. | The option to save periodic report configurations was added so that reports can be re-run as needed. |
A history of periodic reports run is now available on the Reports page. |
Users can view previously run periodic reports form the Reports page navigation sidebar. |
Users can set their landing page. | Under user configurations (accessed by clicking the user's name in the lower left), users can now select which TotalQA page appears after logging in to TotalQA. |
Added automated calculations for K'R50. | K'R50 can now be automatically calculated. This can be selected under the specific ion chambers machine calibration, if the ion chamber is marked to be used for TG-51. See the specific calibration link the Manage Measurement Devices page. |
Restricted changing the status of a Machine Log incident. | Now only physicist and higher roles can change the status of a Machine Log incident. |
Filter settings are now saved in the browser cache. | Filters such as the machine log incident filter and expanding/collapsing sites are now saved in the browser cache so that they are "sticky" and return to how they were last set. |
Empty sections can now be added to templates. | Users can now add empty sections to templates to make customizing templates easier. |
Release 20.11.18
New Features
Added preview to schedule settings pages. | The schedule settings page will now show a preview of tests. Any changes made to the settings will change the preview in real time. |
Ratio and deviation tests can now be selected as child tests. | Ratio and deviation tests are now allowed as children tests. |
Added TG-51 tolerances. | Tolerances can now be added to TG-51 worksheet outputs and selected other entries. |
Added several new options to periodic reports. |
The tables and plots below can now be selected when creating a periodic report:
Improved printing of periodic reports. | Changed formatting of periodic reports so that long tables and graphs are not truncated. |
Added formulas used on TG-51 worksheets. | Ppol and and Pion equations have been added to the descriptions of the electrometer readings. |
Factors are cleared when a measurement device type is changed. | When a measurement device type is changed, the factors will be cleared to avoid mismatches in the factor type. |
Added support for Las Vegas phantoms. | Tests are now available to be selected in templates for Las Vegas phantoms. The image filename must include lasvegas. |
Added support for Halcyon VMAT tests. | Tests are now available to be selected in templates for Halcyon VMAT tests. |
Release 20.10.28
New Features
Refined email alerts for out of tolerance. | Email alerts now show the measurement as well as the tolerance limits for clarity. |
Machine Log now supports Yes/No/NA and list custom fields. | Machine log incidents can now contain list and Yes/No/NA fields. |
Removed PDF Export button. | As in browser PDF rendering is now superior to most third party renderings the PDF export button has been removed. To save as a PDF use the print button. |
Resolved issue where MPC tests were missing tolerances after updating template. | When adding new MPC tests to a template with existing MPC tests, the new tests were not shown on the tolerances page. This is now resolved. |
Release 20.10.21
New Features
Improved save time for new QA. | New QA should now save more quickly. |
The upload list will now be cleared when "Start Processing" button is pushed. | The file list in the image processing box will now be cleared when the "Start Processing" button is clicked. |
Resolved Machine Log incident filtering issue. | Fixed an issue where room equipment was not shown when Machine Log incidents were filtered for "All my sites. |
Resolved average tests rendering issue. | Resolved an issue where average tests could be rendered incorrectly in reports. |
Release 20.10.14
New Features
Renamed Save button when editing templates. | Renamed the Save button to continue on the first template edit screen. |
Resolved issue where child tests were not saving. | Fixed an issue where child tests were not saved if the parent test is incomplete. |
Fix display of Electrometer Readings Depth Notes. | Depth notes will no longer be truncated in schedule settings or TG-51 worksheets. |
Resolved issue where Service Engineers could no see some Machine Log incidents. |
Service Engineers can now see site equipment when viewing machine log incidents. |
Release 20.10.07
New Features
Improved password security options. |
Policies can now be established by account that control the following:
Please contact support to set these options for your account. |
Periodic reports can now be grouped by meta-item. | When creating a summary report, meta-items can now be used to form groups. |
Temperature and pressure units can now be set by site. | Pressure and temperature units can now be set under per site under Manage Sites and Machines. |
Additional information is now sent for Machine Log emails. | Machine Log custom categories and fields are now included in alert emails. |
Improved handling of averaging for averaged angular deviation test. | Averaged angular deviation test will now use the smallest angle to calculate averages. |
Increased open text entries from 127 to 255 characters. | Open text fields will now support 255 characters. Certain fields, such as paths, were not long enough to support customer needs. |
Resolved issue filtering Machine Log incidents. |
Service engineers will now be able to see both site equipment and room equipment Machine Log incidents. |
Release 20.09.23
New Features
Added MAD value to custom deviation tests. | When creating custom deviation tests, there is now the option to add a mean absolute deviation that will average the deviation for all measurements. |
Added timer linearity test to the HDR Daily preset. | New timer linearity test is now available for selection in HDR templates. It has also been added to the HDR Daily preset. |
Added ability to connect service engineers to site equipment under Machine Log. | Users with the service engineer role can now be attached to site equipment and will see all incidents associated with that equipment under Machine Log. |
When creating a Machine Log incident, machines will be listed in the same order as the Schedules page. | The Machine Log incident creation page will now list machines in the same order as they are listed on the Schedules page. |
TG-51 reports will now show the field size correctly. | TG-51 reports will use the field sizes found in the Manage Sites and Machines settings for the specific machine referenced in the report. |
Release 20.09.02
New Features
Machine Log text fields and categories can be limited to specific machines. | When creating or modifying machine log categories or fields, they can be limited to specific machines. |
Added the ability to set a common nominal value to the custom deviation test. | A common nominal value can now be set that will used for all additional rows of data. |
Added ability to average entries for the custom ratio test. | The ratio custom test now supports averaging multiple entries. |
Added the ability to set a common denominator for the custom ratio test. | A common denominator value can now be set that will used for all additional rows of data. |
The new QA report date will now be used to determine due dates. | To provide more control, the report date will now be used instead of the finalize date for determining the next due date. |
Corrected an issue where pass/fail child tests did not retain set value. | Children pass/fail tests will retain the last set value after a save or finalize. |
Corrected issue where image processing tests did not reflect completion in new QA. | Image processing tests will now show the correct status indicator in new QA. |
Resolved machine log export issue. | Machine Log incidents can now be exported without if issue if filtered for only site equipment. |
Release 20.08.26
New Features
Added dwell time maximum test for HDR machines. | Added dwell time maximum as an available test for HDR machines and added the test to the HDR Daily preset template. |
Added transit does test for HDR machines. | Added transit does as an available test for HDR machines and added the test to the HDR Daily preset template. |
Added ability to average entries for selected custom tests. | The numeric, numeric energy and deviation custom tests now support averaging multiple entries. |
Users can now open in progress reports from the review page. | The review page now provides a button to open in progress reports directly from the review page. |
Corrected issue with progress indicators on image tests. | Progress indicators for image test should now update within new QA. |
Release 20.08.19
New Features
Made change so that re-opening a report does not advance the next due date. | When reopening and finalizing a report, the due date will remain unchanged. |
Release 20.08.12
New Features
Added a clear search button to the Manage Machine Logs page. | Machine Log search filters can now be cleared using the clear search button. |
Added support for site equipment to the Machine Log search filters. | Machine Log incidents can now be filtered by site equipment. |
Resolved issue where MPC Imports required at least one energy output test. | Resolved issue where at least one MPC Import energy output tests was required to set up the MPC Import in schedule settings and to display all tolerances. |
Release 20.08.05
New Features
Added support for Sun Nuclear MV-QA phantom. | Tests for the Sun Nuclear MV phantom, MV-QA, are now available under Planar Imaging. |
Added energy value to Beam Flatness and Symmetry test. | The energy value will now be displayed on the Beam Flatness and Symmetry tests in cases where it can be determined from the DICOM tags. |
Next due date is now displayed when finalizing new QA. | When finalizing a new QA that would advance the next due date, the next due date will be displayed in the finalize screen. |
Release 20.07.29
New Features
Simplified the due date configuration for schedules. | The scheduling component for schedules has been simplified. For full details, see the Create and Manage Templates and Schedule Configurations help article. |
Fields that were fixed after a Machine Log incident were created are now editable. | When editing an existing Machine Log incident, 'Site: Machine', 'Room Equipment', and 'Machine Down' fields can now be changed. |
Chamber and Electrometer TG-51 factors are no longer editable in the Worksheets | Electrometer and ion chamber factors that are specific to TG-51 will no longer be editable in the TG-51 worksheets and can only be edited in the measurement device calibration page where a sign off is required. |
Resolved rounding difference between new QA and reports. | Resolved an issue where the displayed value could be different between the data entry in new QA and the report due to rounding. |
Release 20.07.15
New Features
Added capability to support multiple daily QA devices and MPC imports in a single schedule. | Multiple daily QA devices can now be added to a single schedule in schedule settings. |
Added the ability to preview tests before adding them to a schedule. | Tests can be previewed on the Manage Custom Test, Edit Test Description, and template test selection pages. |
Resolved issue where tests marked NA were counted on the analysis page. | When calculating the test count on the analysis page, tests marked NA will no longer be counted. |
Release 20.07.08
New Features
Added support for TG-51 | TG-51 worksheets can now be added to a schedule. |
Release 20.06.24
New Features
Added sign off to all measurement devices | When creating or editing a measurement device, sign off will now be required. |
Release 20.06.17
New Features
Option to display files for attachment test in report | Added an option to the file attachment test to display PDF and PNG files in line in the report. |
Corrected problem where image processing tests could incorrectly flagged as failing | Resolved an issue where if an image processing test is removed from a template, it will still be evaluated and potentially flag an action. |
Corrected an issue where duplicate machine log incidents could be created | The update button is now disabled after the first press to avoid duplicate incidents in cases of lag. |
Release 20.06.10
New Features
Added feature to adjust date range as necessary to encompass clicked-on measurement when navigating to longitudinal graphs | When clicking on any data point in a longitudinal graph or clicking trends from the schedules page, the start of the date range will get at least one point if any finalized points exist. If the standard date range will show data then the standard date range, if not, then set the start of the date range back to get at least one point if one exists. |
Added capability to sort machine log incidents by the new site equipment. | Machine Log incidents can now be sorted by site equipment. |
When changing measurement devices in a schedule, measurements not related to a calibration factor will be retained. | Originally changing a measurement device would clear all measurements entered. Now any measurements not related to a calibration factor will be retained. |
Added support for alternative coordinate systems in the Winston Lutz analysis. | Added support for IEC, Varian, or Varian-IEC coordinate systems for the Wnston Lutz analysis. To include the collimator angle a new method to specify the angles in the filename was added, GTC (Gantry/Table/Collimator). The default coordinate system is Varian-IEC using GC in the filename to specify gantry and couch angles. |
Improved PDF exports. | Made improvements to the look of PDF exports. |
Corrected problem sorting the Reports Page by the date column. | Sorting the Reports page by the date column now sorts correctly by the dates shown. |
Release 20.06.03
New Features
Added the ability to filter longitudinal plots by meta items. | Longitudinal plots can now be filtered by meta-items. |
The Analysis page can now be sorted by schedule. | The Analysis can be filtered by schedule, after which, only tests in the template associated with the schedule will be shown. |
Added an empty status on image processing jobs that would not show results. | When an image set would not provide a result a pop up status will alert the user to the problem. |
Improved visibility of inactive machines and inactive schedules. | Inactive machines are now displayed highlighted in red in the Report page filters. |
Added the ability to add site equipment to Machine Log that is not associated with a room. | Equipment not associated with a specific machine can now be added to a directly to a site. |
Resolved issue setting meta specific tolerance on a test where the parent test not numeric. | On a child test where the parent test is not numeric (such as a file attachment) but the child is numeric tolerances could not be set on a meta specific tolerance. The tolerance now saves correctly. |
Resolved an issue where changing measurement devices in a schedule would clear presets. | On schedules where changing the measurement device is allowed, an issue was resolved where when the device was changed presets set in schedule settings were cleared. |
Release 20.05.20
New Features
Added ability to generate conversion factors for an Ion Chamber/Electrometer System from a report. | Physicist and physicist administrators, are now able to generate new Ion Chamber/Electrometer System conversion factors from a monthly output report. |
Removed View Current Report button from new QA. | As image processing results are now visible in the new QA page, the View Current Report button has now been removed. |
Clarify error message for non-axial CT image uploads. | When uploading CT images that where Scan Options tag (0018,0022) is not AXIAL MODE, the error message now reads, "CT Images must contain AXIAL in the Image Type tag. The image does not contain data suitable for processing". |
Resolved a Java script crash in new QA form. | When picket fence images with more than 60 leaf pairs are uploaded, it will no longer cause a Jave script crash. |
Release 20.05.13
New Features
Added ability to view image processing results in new QA. | Image processing results can now be viewed as they are processed in the new QA page. |
Added feature to embed schedule specific instructions. | Instructions can now be embedded instructions into a schedule in the schedule settings. |
Allow rich test and images in saved in Machine Log reports. | Users can now save rich text and images to Machine Log descriptions and updates. |
Release 20.05.06
New Features
Depreciate the conversion factors page. | Conversion factors associated with measurement devices are now kept on the on the Manage Measurement Devices. The Manage Conversion Factors page will now link back to the Manage Measurement Devices page. |
Allow tolerances to be set on various image processing tests. | Baselines and tolerance can now be set Leeds, Elekta Catphan, Radiation/Lightfield Coincidence, and Picket Fence tests. |
Release 20.04.29
New Features
Added warning when attempting to edit schedule Settings with a new QA open. | When a user attempts to edit the schedule settings for a schedule with new QA in progress a warning will be displayed. |
Release 20.04.22
New Features
Combined Sign-off and update buttons. | Sign off and update are now combined into a single operation. |
Improve navigation on Manage - Users page. | When managing users, the display can be sorted by any column. Search capability has also been added. |
Added support for XA modality for uploaded DICOM images. | Users can now upload DICOM images in the XA modality. |
Added calibration date column; and link to conversion factors to the measurement device list. | The measurement device list now includes calibration date and a link to the calibration factors. |
Added functionality to expand and collapse sections in new QA. | Individual sections in new QA can be collapsed out of view or expanded into view. |
Release 20.04.15
Resolved issue displaying tolerance history for PIPSpro. | The tolerance history can now be viewed for PIPSpro. |
Resolved issue with zero baselines. | A zero baseline can be set on non-percentage based tolerances. |
Release 20.04.08
Added warning when invalid text entries are entered into numeric meta values in schedule settings | Corrected an issue where QA setting could be saved when text was entered into a numeric field. |
Release 20.04.01
New Features
Added support for Calypso. | Added support to import and parse Calypso files. |
Added option to apply tolerances by meta items. | Users will now be able to set tolerances per meta item if desired. |
Release 20.03.18
New Features
Added energies to machine management. | Specific energies can be selected per machine and only the selected energies will be available in schedule settings for schedule attached to that machine. |
Chamber independent factors moved to Machine Setup from Conversion Factors | In anticipation of TG-51, chamber specific factors can now be saved under each machine under Manage Sites and Machines. |
Navigation improvements on tolerance pages. | The tolerance pages can now be searched and each section is now collapsible. |
Release 20.03.11
New Features
Added custom machine types. | Custom machine types can now be created and assigned to any machine type of other. Custom tests can be assigned to the newly created machine types. |
Added trend graphs for pass/fail/warning tests. | Pass/Warning and Pass/Warning/Fail tests are now included in trends and are graphical representation. |
Release 20.03.04
New Features
New parameters are available for the MagphanRT and EMR-162 phantoms in schedule settings. | New parameters are now available for the MagphanRT and EMR162 phantoms in schedule settings:
For full details, please visit the Magphan RT help article.
Added ability to revert schedule settings to default for Magphan RT, EMR162, and future MRI phantoms with presets. | QA setting specific to MRI phantoms can now be reset to default values from within schedule settings. For full details, please visit the Magphan RT help article. |
Release 20.02.26
New Features
Added box and whiskers plot visualization to Analysis page. | A box and whiskers plot has been added to the Analysis page to show the variability among data sets. |
Added data export of underlying data from analysis page. | Added data export to the Analysis page that allows export of all measurement used in the summary analysis. |
The Machine Log section of the Review page now only displays incidents where user is connected. | When Machine Log incidents were added to the Review page, all open incidents were inadvertently included instead of one for which the user was connected. This has been resolved and users will now only see incidents for machines to which they are connected. |
The first meta item in a schedule settings preset can now be removed. | Resolved an issue where the first meta item that was preset in schedule settings could not be removed from the preset. |
Machine Log incidents can now be created or edited if required custom field is set to 0. | Resolved an issue where Machine Log incidents cannot be saved if a required custom field was set to zero. |
Release 20.02.19
New Features
Added multiple item selection in filters for the Analysis page. | On the Analysis page, the results can be filtered by site, machine, schedule and selected meta items. This change allows the selection of more than one item in a category. |
Added list of open Machine Log incidents to the Review page. | The review page will now include a new section that shows Machine Log incidents, filtered for machines the user is connected to and open. |
Moved ion chamber K_ecal factors from conversion factors to measurement device setup. | The K_ecal factor has been removed from the conversion factor page and added under ion chamber devices in the measurement device page. If a standard model ion chamber is used the K_ecal factor will be pre-filled. Note: individual ion chambers will not be used for calculations until TG-51 support is rolled out. |
Release 20.02.12
New Features
Load times improved for the Edit schedule Settings page. | Settings for daily QA devices are now cached to speed loading of the Edit schedule Settings page. |
The date filer for the Analysis page has been enhanced. | The ability to remove date filtering of the date entirely and quickly set preset date ranges using a drop down menu next to the date filter has been added. The following preset filters are now available:
File attachment functionality has been improved. | The ability to add multiple file attachments, as was done in the report finalize screen, has been added throughout. The functionality has been changed on the following places:
Added percentage passing deviations at 0.5 and 1 mm to Picket Fence tests. | Percentage passing deviations are now added for picket position deviation, summary, and Segmental IMRT or moving window IMRT tests. |
Tolerances can now be set for CTP591 MTF tests. | Individual tolerances can be set on CTP591 MTF tests and tracked longitudinally. |
Fixed issue where extra lines would appear in file upload tests in reports. | Resolved issue where marking a file upload test NA and saving the QA could result in two blank lines in the report. |
Release 20.02.05
New Features
Within schedule settings for schedules that use daily QA devices, energy lookup values are now editable. | Energy value lookups in the schedule settings, for schedules with daily QA devices, are now editable to cut down on the proliferation of custom energies used to map to daily QA device energies. The saved energy lookup values will be used to filter the data retrieved from equipment hub devices for that energy. |
The order of sites, machines, and schedules on the Schedules can now be changed. | From the Manage Schedule Configurations page, the order of sites, machines, and schedules can now be changed by dragging the site, machine, or schedule title to the desired location. |
Resolved issue where hidden meta items were interfering with presets in schedule settings. | If a meta-item was hidden and the preset associated with that meta item in schedule settings was subsequently changed, changes to the preset would not be reflected when entering new QA. This has been resolved. |
Resolved issue where marking a test NA could cause the test to be populated with an errant zero. | When marking a numeric test as NA, the test could populate with an errant zero after saving the new QA and reentering that new QA causing the test to be shown in the associated report. This has been resolved. |
Release 20.01.29
New Features
Common energies were added to globally defined energies. | The following energies: 10X, 18X, 15e, and 18e were added to the globally defined energies. Customers with existing 10X, 18X, 15e, or 18e energies now see those energy labels appended with " (duplicate)". Those pre-existing energies with the duplicate designation can be left as they are or schedules can be remapped to the globally defined energies. |
The Analysis page has been redesigned. | Machine data can now be compared based on tests independent from shared templates and will work with any test or custom test with numeric output. Once a test is selected child test and meta items can be selected as a subset. The results can be filtered by site, machine, or schedule. |
Tolerances can now be set on Planar kV test values using the QC-kV phantom. | Individual tolerances can be set on the Planar kV image processing tests, using the QC-kV phantom, and tracked longitudinally. |
Tolerances can now be set on Planar MV test values using the QC-3 phantom. | Individual tolerances can be set on the Planar MV image processing tests, using the QC-3 phantom, and tracked longitudinally. |
Tolerances can now be set on EPID Flatness and Symmetry test values. | Individual tolerances can be set on the EPID Flatness and Symmetry image processing tests and tracked longitudinally. |
Tolerances can now be set on Starshot test values. | Individual tolerances can be set on the Table, Gantry, and Collimator Starshot image processing tests and tracked longitudinally. |
Tolerances can now be set on MLC Transmission test values. | Individual tolerances can be set on the MLC Transmission image processing tests and tracked longitudinally. |
Tolerances can now be set on Radiation/Lightfield Coincidence test values. | Individual tolerances can be set on the Radiation/Lightfield Coincidence image processing tests and tracked longitudinally. |
Email address verification notifications now include how long a the verification link is active. | When a new user is created, an email notification is sent with a link to verify the email address used for the new user. This notification will now include how long before the link expires. |
Release 20.01.22
New Features
Tolerances can now be set on asymmetric field test test values. | Individual tolerances can be set on the asymmetric field test image processing tests and tracked longitudinally. |
Improved handling multiple image sets on the asymmetric field test. | If multiple sets are being uploaded, each set should have unique series instance UID DICOM tags (tag 0020,000E) to correctly break the images into sets. Below are the steps taken to process multiple image sets without unique series instance UIDs:
Tolerances can now be set on Winston Lutz test values. | Individual tolerances can be set on the Winston Lutz image processing tests and tracked longitudinally. |
Release 20.01.15
New Features
Reports can now be sorted by select columns. | The Reports page can now be sorted site, machine, schedule, date, and created-by columns. Clicking the column header will sort or reverse the sort order. |
Additional filters added to the Reports page. | Reports can now additionally be filtered by notices and sign-off status. |
Tolerances can now be set on kV Planar Leeds test values. | Individual tolerances can be set on the kV Planar Leeds image processing tests and tracked longitudinally. |
Custom vendor email subject line issue resolved. | The last release inadvertently disabled custom vendor email subject lines when sending emails regarding Machine Log incidents. This issue has been resolved. |
Release 20.01.08
New Features
Consider only the latest measurement when using the add measurement button to set pass/warning/fail indicator. | When adding a measurement using the add measurement button, only the most recent measurement will be used to set the pas/warning/fail indicator in the report. Only measurements where all of the meta items match will be considered the same measurement. For more information see Create and Manage Baselines and Tolerances. |
Tolerances can now be set on Picket Fence test values. | Individual tolerances can be set on the Picket Fence image processing test and tracked longitudinally. |
MPC Import test speed improvement for slow networks. | MPC imports measurement device types will now contain a Recursive search checkbox in the new/edit page. If the box is unchecked only the top level folders will be checked for the Result.csv files, which will speed the import. The default is for the box to remain unchecked. |
Release 19.12.18
New Features
Added support to override QABC tolerances. | Adding a tolerance in a schedule to a QA Beamchecker test will now override any tolerances that may be set in the QA Beamchecker database. |
Added tolerance history log. | A history is now kept of tolerance changes and this history can be displayed on a schedule's tolerance page. |
Improved image processing email notifications. | Updated help links, link to report, and the machine and schedule names are now given in the email notification. |
The Reports page now loads faster. | Made improvements so that the reports page will now load much more quickly. |
Added filter to Machine Log incident view. | Machine Log incidents can now be filtered my all sites a user is connected to, all sites, or any individual site a user is connected to. |
Added API call: ReportImageSeries | Added API functionality to get a list of all image series, list of it's files in a report, and get a link to download each image file set. |
Fixed issue where only first measurement in day was exported. | Resolved issue where only the first measurement in a day was shown when longitudinal data was exported. |
Fixed tolerance issue on DQA3 devices. | Resolved an issue where tolerances were not reported correctly when measurement was 0 on Daily QA3 devices. |
Release 19.11.20
New Features
Added option to display tolerances in completed reports. | There is now a toggle in completed reports to display the tolerance used. There are also options to display tolerances when printing a report or exporting it to a PDF file. |
Added link to reports to download images used. | In any report that contains image results will now contain a link to download the original image. |
The ability to add custom statuses to machine logs is now available. | Custom statuses can now be created for machine logs. |
Release 19.11.13
New Features
Added informational bubble in some contexts. | When hovering over values in a report or new QA a text bubble will appear containing additional information such as tolerance levels, deviation when the report shows deviation but the input is in absolute, and conversion factors. |
More compact Machine Log emails. | Internal and vendor emails are now more compact. |
Some tests will now allow the number of raw readings to be set. | There is now a drop down menu to select the number of raw readings on selected tests, primarily output tests. |
Release 19.11.06
Image tests names will now appear in new QA. | The names of image tests and their completion status will now be displayed in new QA to provide a visual on which images are needed and which are complete. |
Machine Log incidents can now be deleted. | Account owners and physicist administrator roles can now delete Machine Log incidents after signing off on the deletion. |
Release 19.10.30
User roles can now be given custom names. | New user roles names can be created based on existing core roles. |
Added descriptions to section heads. | Descriptions can now be added to sections. These descriptions will be displayed when entering new QA. |
Release 19.10.16
Added Machine setup as a field for Linac Machines | The Edit Machine page, Under Manage Sites & Machines, now contains a Machine setup field which can be unassigned, SAD, or SSD. |
Added Guest role | Created new user role which can be selected from the Create User or Modify User pages. Gust users are restricted to viewing reports, documents, and Machine Log incidents. |
Added attachment fields to report sign-off | When signing off a report, one or more documents can be added to the report. |
Machine Log incident pages are more compact | Machine Log incident create and update pages have been reformatted for a more compact display. |
Release 19.10.10
Added filter and search capability to the Manage Measurement Devices page. | Measurement devices on the Manage Measurement Devices page can now be searched and filtered by site, type, and status. |
Release 19.10.02
Added the ability to add custom fields to Machine Log incidents | Custom fields can now be added to Machine Log incidents. The custom fields are text fields that can be ordered and either required or not. |
Added electrometer model field to measurement devices | If the device type electrometer is selected for a measurement device, a field for the model is displayed. The field is optional and can be left blank. |
Release 19.09.25
Introduce new measurement device types. | The new measurement device types are Ion Chamber, Electrometer, Ion Chamber/Electrometer System, and Other. The introduction of the separate chamber and electrometer device types supports ongoing development for TG-51 and simplification of conversion factor management. The Ion Chamber/Electrometer System is a nomenclature change from manual entry. The other and Ion Chamber/Electrometer System types currently function identically. This may change in future releases. |
Added API call to retrieve data from equipment hub. | Added an API call to pull data from daily QA devices such as Daily QA3, QA Beacm Checker, PIPSPro, and PTW QuickCheck. |
Added management tools for measurement devices to schedule tasks and add documents. | Task can now be associated with measurement devices to track tasks associated with a particular device (i.e. preventative maintenance or schedule calibrations). Documents can also be associated with a particular measurement device. |
Added optional site field to measurement devices. | The new site field for can be used to show which site a measurement device belongs to. |
Added ability to toggle display of hidden tests in custom test page. | Users can now select not to display tests that have been hidden in the Manage Custom Tests page to present a cleaner view. |
Machine Log now include downtime start and end fields. | Machine log incidents now include downtime start and end fields which will automatically calculate and fill the Downtime(in minutes field). The Downtime field can also be manually entered. |
Release 19.09.04
PTW Quickcheck now supported. | The PTW Quickcheck is now supported as an available measurement device. See Connecting PTW Quickcheck for more details. |
Adjustments to energy measurements now shown in longitudinal graphs. | Previously if an energy dependent measurement was adjusted it would now be included in the longitudinal graphs. Longitudinal graphs will now include energy adjustments. |
Resolved issue where only one energy would be graphed in reports that included .PRM file import tests. | Now when multiple PRM files are uploaded into an IC Profiler .PRM test, graphs will be shown for all energies. |
Release 19.08.28
Added feature to allow sharing of templates within the broader Total QA® community. | Templates can now be shared across the user community. Physicists using TotalQA may share their template creations with other TotalQA users in the spirit of open exchange of ideas and giving back to the community. For full details on this new feature see the Sharing Templates with the TotalQA Community article. |
Release 19.08.21
Improved robustness of picket fence tests. | The picket fence test will now ignore small artifacts that could be construed as a picket. |
Added PHI warning to Machine Log text box. | When users create or edit a Machine Log incident, the text box will now contain a warning not to include patient health information (PHI). |
In some cases overdue schedule and calibration expiration notifications were not sent. | Resolved issue where notifications were not sent for overdue schedules or calibration expirations. |
Removed "No start date" checkbox from the schedule configuration unless ad-hoc was chosen as the frequency. | Resolved issue where users could select "No start date" from the schedule configuration when the frequency was not ad hoc. Regularly scheduled schedules should have a start date. |
Release 19.08.07
Added feature to allow users to merge templates. | When creating or editing templates, one or more templates with the same machine type can be added to the existing template using the merge controls. |
Email notifications are now more granular. | In order to make email notifications more granular, they are sent based on attached machine rather than site. |
Winston Lutz test now allows DICOM gantry and couch angle tags to be overridden. | Gantry and couch angles are typically obtained from the appropriate DICOM tags. In the event that the tags are missing or need to be overridden, the gantry and couch angles can be specified in the file name. For more information visit the help page article here. |
Various report images are larger. | Various test such as the Winston Lutz or Radiation/Light Field Coincidence now have larger images to make them more readable. |
Winston Lutz image test now allows more than eight images to be displayed on the report. | Previously only eight images were displayed on the report. That limit has now been removed. |
Inverted Winston Lutz images are now supported. | If Winston Lutz test images are inverted, they will now process and produce results. |
Resolved issue where test count reported could be incorrect if a test was marked NA. | Issue where the number of completed test on a report could be under counted has been corrected. |
Release 19.07.31
New column added to the HDR Source Strength test. | The HDR Source Strength test now contains a new column, Expected Activity, which is prefilled. |
New Jaw Parallelism test added to MPC Import. | The MPC Import now supports the Jaw Parallelism test. |
Users cannot login unless assigned to a schedule. | Users can now login even if they cannot see any schedules. If the users cannot see any schedules they will now see a warning message when viewing the Schedules page. |
Release 19.07.03
Allow multiple attachments for reports. | Multiple files can now be selected and attached to reports. |
Added link to template on edit QA schedule screen. | Added link to the associated template in the edit QA schedule screen. The link will open in a new tab on the browser. |
Resolved missing longitudinal reports on MPC imports. | Resolved an issue where there were no longitudinal graphs for energy dependent MPC import tests. |
Release 19.06.26
Fixed completion indicator for MPC imports. | Fixed an issue where the completion indicator for the MPC Import tests could incomplete when all test were complete. |
Release 19.06.19
Machine Log incidents can be filtered by category. | The machine log incident list can now filtered by category using a drop down at the top of the Manage Machine Logs list. The categories will also now be displayed within the machine log summary. |
Fixed formatting issue in the Machine Log incident list. | Resolved an issue where using rich formatting in the incident description could cause the incident list to be improperly displayed. |
Inactive room equipment is no longer available in drop downs. | Inactive Room Equipment will no longer show in the room equipment drop down menu while creating a machine log. |
Release 19.06.12
Allow users to notify vendor after incident has been created. | Originally vendors could only be notified upon creation of a Machine Log incident, now vendors can be notified during any update. |
Add multiple attachments in machine log updates. | Users can now attach multiple files to a Machine Log incident either one at a time or all at once. |
Add ID column in Machine log and ILS incident lists. | Both Machine Log and ILS incident lists will include the ID of the incident for easy reference. |
Release 19.06.5
Varian MPC supported. | The import of results from Varian's Machine Performance Check (MPC) is now supported. MPC is a Varian tool used with the Isocal phantom to verify the operation of TrueBeam and Halcyon linacs. For more information click here. |
Missing report comments. | Resolved issue where imaging test report comments could disappear after reopening a report and finalizing that report again. |
Results from IC Profiler PDF import missing. | Resolved an issue where some results from a PDF import could not be detected. |
Absolute radio button incorrectly selected in reports after viewing longitudinal data. | When viewing a report and changing from Deviation to Absolute then viewing longitudinal data, upon returning to the report the deviation values are displayed but the radio button selected is Absolute. This issue has been corrected and the correct values are displayed and the correct radio button is selected. |
Release 19.05.29
Add functionality to add comments in a report. | Users can now make comments in reports, including for imaging tests, until a report is signed off. Reopening a report will allow comments to be added. |
When processing a PRM file, capture meta items. | When processing a PRM file, capture the meta-items for Filename, Beam Type and Energy for display on the report. |
Allow multiple email addresses for Machine Log vendors. | Machine Log vendors can now be configured with multiple email addresses. Addresses must be separated by a comma. |
Resolved test completion indicator issue. | Resolved issue where dosimetry test could show complete even with incomplete electron results. |
Release 19.05.22
Added support for VMAT tests 2 and 3. | VMAT tests 2 and 3 are tests of the VMAT (Volume Modulated Arc Therapy) system’s ability to deposit a constant dose while varying parameters such as dose rate, rotational velocity, and leaf speed. Visit our help pages for more information here. |
Release 19.05.15
Zeros render as blanks in reports. | During data entry into a custom numeric test, zeros are displayed but when viewing the report zeros are displayed as a blank field. Zeros will now be rendered in reports for custom numeric tests. |
Some energy results may be missing when importing from QA Beam Checker. | When importing data from a QA Beam Checker some energies may not populate. If the QA is saved and the "Get results" is pressed a second time, the missing energy may be populated with results from the wrong. All energies will now populate on the first attempt and subsequent attempts will populate the results correctly. |
Child tests for MLC Leaf deviation plot are not being displayed in the report | The report will now show all tests correctly. |
Release 19.05.08
Added date filters for Machine Log incidents. | Added occurrence to and from date filters when viewing Machine Log incidents. |
Added total down time display for Machine Log. | When viewing Machine Log incidents, a cumulative display of downtime, in minutes will be displayed for the current list. If the list is filtered downtime will be calculated on the filtered incidents. |
Machine Log incident summary export. | When viewing Machine Log incidents, the summary of those incidents can be downloaded into a comma separated value (csv) file. The fields exported are Occurred, Updated, Site, Machine, Equipment, Reporter, Description, Machine Down, Machine Down Minutes, Status, Resolved Date, Resolved By, and Tags. If the list is filtered, only the filtered incidents will be exported. |
Machine Log incident detail export. |
When viewing Machine Log incidents, the detail of those incidents can be downloaded into a comma separated value (csv) file. The summary fields exported are Occurred, Updated, Site, Machine, Equipment, Reporter, Description, Machine Down, Machine Down Minutes, Status, Resolved Date, Resolved By, and Tags. Additionally each comment and the date of that comment will be exported. The report will produce a line for every comment it has. If a report has no comments it will still show as a single line with comment date and text as blank. For example, if a report has 3 comments there will be three lines in the report. The summary fields will be repeated on each line and the comment date and text fields will be filled in for each comment. If the list is filtered, only the filtered incidents will be exported. |
Release 19.05.01
Users can now customize vendor subject lines. | On the Manage Machine Log Vendor page, users can now customize the subject line for emails that are sent to machine log vendors. |
Machine Log links now proceed directly to the page linked after login. | When a user creates a shortcut or uses a link to TotalQA that references a Machine Log page and is not logged in, the user will be taken to the link after logging in. |
Release 19.04.24
The conversion factor is displayed in hover text in new QA and reports. | When hovering over the output measurement in new QA or hovering over the output in a final report the conversion factor will be displayed if the schedule uses a calibrated measurement device. |
Added the Ctp value to settings on final reports. | The Ctp value used during QA entry will now be displayed in the report with the other settings. |
Fixed issue where text meta items with no preset cannot be edited after save. | When saving a new QA and re-entering the QA, tests that contained text meta items but with no presets will now allow the meta items to be added or edited. Test with text meta items with a preset in schedule settings will continue to disallow editing or adding of new text meta items. |
Fixed issue where displayed values used inconsistent rounding. | Initial internal calculations converting the raw readings to the output are performed at full double precision and stored as such. However some values were truncated when displayed in derivative calculations. This has been corrected and the value will be rounded to the correct precision. |
Fixed units and widths of conversion factor displayed in empty fields. | When a conversion factor field is blank the unit of measurement could be displayed incorrectly and the width of the field was too narrow to display the full unit. The correct value has always been used in all calculations. The field now displays the correct unit of measurement and is wide enough to display it in its entirety. |
Release 19.04.17
Display basic test information when hovering over that test in a template. | When creating or updating a template, hovering over a test will now pop up a text box with information on that specific test. This can be especially helpful for custom tests. |
Tests can be moved to any section in a template and sections can be renamed. | When creating or updating a template, tests in the right hand pane can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping the test. Previously a test could only be moved within a section. Now tests can be moved to any section, sections can be renamed, and empty sections will not appear in scheduled QA. Changes to a template will not impact reports that have been signed off (see following feature for more details). |
Changes to a template should not change a previously signed report. | Changes to a template will not change a report that has been signed off in any way. This includes but is not limited to:
Ability to create and access Machine Log incidents via the API | Users can now create Machine Log incidents, download a specific incident, or download all incidents. |
Release 19.04.10
Added ability to move tests from form to form or into a custom form. | Tests can now be moved to any section in a template. Test sections can also be renamed. If a test section is emptied due to moving test, it will not be displayed during QA entry or on the report. |
Users can create custom categories for Machine Log incidents. | Users can create custom categories for Machine Log incidents. The categories can be renamed or deleted at will. The categories will appear as check boxes when viewing, creating, or updating an incident. |
Machine Log incidents are now searchable. | Machine Log incidents can now be searched by site, machine, equipment names, dates, or categories. |
Removing a test from a template could remove it from completed reports. | Completed test will now be maintained on completed QA reports for historical record if a test is removed from a template. |
The items under the Manage your QA menu could become truncated without a scroll bar. | The Manage your QA menu will display a scroll bar if they items become truncated due to the size of the browser window. |
The list test type under custom tests displays as complete in all cases. | The list test type under custom tests will now display the correct status. |
Selecting items from the Manage ILS section highlight the ILS menu. | Clicking menu items in the Manage your QA menu will no longer highlight other menu items in the main menu window. |
Intermittant issue where links to uploaded files in reports would not work.
Links to uploaded files now work. |
Release 19.04.03
Upper one-sided absolute tolerances are not saved | The use of only an upper tolerance without a lower tolerance is now supported. |
Image/file processing help link needs update | The image/file processing help link now points to the new self service portal. |
Completion indicators incorrect when tolerance does not exist for all values of a test | The completion indicator now shows the correct status when a tolerance is not set for a tests. |
List tests never show as complete | The completion indicator now shows the correct status for list tests. |
Release 19.03.27
Added Machine Log incident shortcut | Added a shortcut to open a new Machine Log incident to the schedule page that creates an incident with the machine pre-populated. |
Added file processing for IC Profiler PRS files | Added the capability to process Sun Nuclear IC Profiler PRS files (a variant of PRM files). |
Changed naming used for the Equipment and Schedule menus for clarity | The "Manage - Equipment" section is now named "Device Configurations" and its sub-menu "QA Devices" is now named "Measurement Devices". The Schedules sub menu under "Manage - Schedules" is now named "Schedule Configurations". |
Release 2.27 March 10, 2019
Added Incident Learning System (ILS) feature. | ILS is a feature to track and review internal incidents, near misses, and unsafe conditions. |
Include partial completion indications in pass/warning/fail colors |
The pass/warning/fail colors now include a hollow center when a section is only partially completed. |
API call to determine if a schedule is in use | A new API call was added that returns whether or not a given schedule is in use. Detailed information on API calls can be found here. |
Add date to equipment information | Reports now include the date that data was acquired (may not be same as report date) for DQA3 data and all data imported through the equipment hub. |
Service Engineers should not see schedules | The service engineer role can no longer be assigned to any schedule. |
Unable to Override Tolerances for QABC | Administrators can now override tolerances or set absolute/deviation in Manage - Schedules - Manage Tolerances for schedules with QABC devices. |
Release 2.26 January 16, 2019
Added Machine Log feature. | Machine Log allows users to record issues, downtime, and track resolution of machine and equipment incidents. QA report longitudinal data can be compared to Machine Log incidents. The intent is to monitor trends to predict potential downtime and prevent it. Machine Log also provides the capability to automatically notify vendors in the event of an incident. The aim is to simplify the creation of service tickets, help the vendor plan for preventative maintenance, and ultimately reduce down time. |
Issue where custom test description was lost | Fixed issue where the description on a custom test was lost when the label was changed. |
Issue where schedule frequency not being saved. | Resolved issue saving a schedule where the frequency (weekday versus day of month) was not being saved. |
Release 2.25 October 16, 2018
Implemented additional QA devices into Equipment Hub. | Implemented support for the following QA devices into Equipment Hub: PIPSPro, Daily QA3, QABC Beamchecker, Fluke, and Raysafe X2. |
Ability to void reports | Reports can now be voided. |
Add custom document types to documents page | Custom document types can now be added on the Documents page. |
Set customer time zone from management portal | The time zone for the customer can now be set from the management portal. |
Add kPa option as a unit of pressure | Both mmHA and kPA can be set in the management portal. |
Preset meta items on tests disappearing on save | Resolved issue where preset meta items were lost upon save. |
Release 2.24 October, 2018
Equipment Hub Version 3.0 | Allows enhanced security with HTTPS along with improved installation and support features. |
Void completed reports | Physicist admin roles can now void entire completed reports. |
Custom document types | Added the ability to create custom document types in the repository for better organization. |
Release 2.23 May 28, 2018
Edit Test Descriptions | Added ability to edit the descriptions for the built in tests. |
Add attachment to reports | Users can now add attachments to completed reports when finalizing. |
Designate deviation test as angular | Added ability to designate a custom deviation test as angular. |
Upload energy dependent tests | Added ability to upload energy dependent tests through the API. |
List type custom tests | Now additional items can be added to lists after initial creation. |
Custom energy slections | More flexibility in designating and selecting custom energies. |
Make due dates optional | Added ability to make due dates optional on ad-hoc schedules. |
Release 2.19-2.22 February 5, 2018
Added Search Feature to Template Page | Added a search feature to the template construction page to make finding tests easier. |
Not Applicable (NA) Option added | Tests may now be deliberately marked NA to indicate tests that have purposely been skipped. tests marked as NA do not count as incomplete. |
Enhanced Tolerance Display | Tolerances can be displayed for all numeric types now in longitudinal graphs. |
Signoff date added to reports page | The date a report was signed has been added to the reports summary page. |
Test Completion Statistics added to reports page | The number of completed and non-performed tests are now displayed on the reports summary page. |
Two pieces of QA equipment can be added to a schedule | Situations that require 2 pieces of QA equipment as data sources for a schedule can now be accommodated. |
QA Equipment added to finalized report | Reports now show the QA Equipment that was used when creating the report |
Improved naming of downloaded file attachments. | Files attachments to reports now get the original filename when downloaded. |
Daily version of Monthly output tests added. | A daily version of the monthly output tests has been added to avoid confusing labeling in schedules. |
Issue with email notification system | Fixed an issue with the email notification system stopping without notice |
Fixed local save issue | Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances values from a completed report could be seen in a newly created report . |
Fixed units issues on reports | Fixed an issue on pressure unit display for existing reports when units for an account were changed. |
Fixed test descriptions | Fixed issue where some test descriptions were not displaying properly. |
fixed spurious rows added to test when saving | Fixed issue where spurious rows were added to some tests when saving. |
Fixed custom tests description disappearing | Fixed issue where custom test descriptions can disappear when editing other parts of a custom test. |
Fixed saving of QA setting with no EH running | Fixed issue where if the user edits a QA schedule with daily QA devices the room selection is lost if they do not have the equipment hub running. |
Fixed current day on graphs not showing in some timezones | Future dates can now be selected as endpoints for graphs and the default is one day in the future to avoid this problem. |
Release 2.15-2.18 November 13, 2017
Independent energy selection for energy dependent tests | Each energy dependent test in a schedule can now have its own unique selection of energies. See here for more details. |
Determine order of energies for energy dependent tests | The order of energies for energy dependent tests can be determined in the QA schedule settings. |
Collapsible section headings on schedules and custom tests pages | Collapsible section headings on schedules and custom tests pages make larger account navigation easier |
Search function on schedules page for easier navigation | A search function on the schedule page for easier finding of schedules. |
Support for one-sided tolerances | Tolerances may be one-sided now. See here for more details |
Rich formatting available for custom test descriptions | Descriptions for custom tests may be richly formatted now including inserting pictures for enhanced test instructions. See here for more details. |
List type custom test | A list type custom test has been added to the available parent test types. See here for more details |
Better navigation between various schedule configuration pages | Direct links between the schedule editing, tolerances and schedule settings to make the process of creating schedules more streamlined. |
Uploaded files for analysis may now be downloaded. | Files that have been uploaded for analysis may now be downloaded so that users don't have to keep separate image archives. See here for more details. |
Improvements to processing on Leeds and Radiation Light field tests. | Improvements have been made to robustness on Leeds images from Varian EPIDs and radiation lightfield images from FFF fields. |
Loading multiple Leeds Tor18 images not processing | Fixed an issue where when multiple Leeds TOR18 images were loaded simultaneously some would not process |
Custom test with multiple entries and drop-down not saving | Fixed an issue where a custom test with a list meta-item and allowing multiple entries did not retain selections on save. |
Incorrect Ctp calculation for DQA3 displayed with accounts set to mmHg pressure units | Corrected the display of the Ctp for DQA3 database imports when the account is set to use mmHg for pressure. |
Report with only IP tests gives error when trying to save | Fixed issues with error message showing when saving report containing only image processing tests. |
Custom test groups with no name can be created | Fixed issue where custom tests with no name can be created. |
Signing comments not appearing on report list | If there is no normal comment in report, now the newest signoff comment appears in report list. |
Ability to remove "added rows" missing | Fixed issue the control to remove added rows was missing. |
View Current Report not visible after error in IP | Fixed issue where the view current report button would disappear after an image processing error. |
Release 2.14 September 19, 2017
Series Descriptions for Uploaded Images | Uploaded images series may now have descriptions added to them to help distinguish them in reports. See Image QA Overview for more information |
Framework for Future Machine Log | Some behind the scenes framework was added for the upcoming Machine Log capabilities. |
FFF Beam type from Equipment Hub Supported | FFF beam type in the DQA3 databases are now supported. The equipment hub has been updated to version |
List meta items not replicating properly on +add Measurement | Fixed an issue where List type meta items were not replicating properly when the +Add Measurement button was clicked in report data entry. |
Typos on Edit Schedule page | Fix 'an name' and fix header as shown below in screen shot on edit schedule page |
Emails being sent out to non active users | Fixed emails being sent to inactive users |
Issues with local save when re-opening a report | Fixed issues with the local browser save when re-opening a non-finalized report. |
Release 2.10-2.13 August 8, 2017
Date selector for longitudinal graphs | Longitudinal graphs now have a date range selector to customize the plotted date range. See longitudinal graphs for more information |
Ability to have different energies for output and energy ratio tests | The schedule settings for a schedule now allows users to set the energies for TPR and PDI tests to a subset of the energies selected for output. This is useful in situations where output measurements do not have corresponding energy ratios.See here for more details. |
Ability to delete unused custom tests,meta-items and child tests | Unused custom tests, meta-items and child tests may be removed from the database. See here for more details |
Add serial number and internal number to machines for future use | For future 3rd party connections via API some additional ID number were added to machines. |
Fix units on Maximum Deviation in Light field test | Maximum deviation units in light field were corrected to cm (not mm). |
Custom test group descriptions do not appear in QA forms | Fixed issue where Custom test group descriptions do not appear in QA forms |
Hidden child tests show up in baselines and tolerances if parent test used | Fixed issue where hidden child tests show up in baselines and tolerances if parent test was selected in a template |
Documents added to conversion factor updates added twice | Fixed an issue where documents added to conversion factor updates would appear twice. Also fixed issue with corruption of attached csv and xlsx files. |
View current report button not visible after IP error | Fixed issue where if an error occurs in image processing the bad set cannot be deleted and the View Current Report button does not appear. |
Fixed issue with Asymmetric field images from Clinac | Fixed an issue with recognizing and analyzing asymmetric field image from older Varian Linac. |
Fixed issue with displaying field size on some Elekta Images | Fixed an issue displaying correct field size for some Elekta radiation light-field images. |
Fixed issues with Adjusted Measurement display | Fixed some UI issues with the display of Adjusted values where labels appeared on incorrect lines. |
Fixed pass-fail indicator dots on all pass fail sections | Fixed issue where after saving a QA report the indicator circle for sections that consist of all pass-fail or pass-fail-warning type tests would not display. |
Fixed Automatic meta items on custom tests not showing up initially | Fixed issue where when creating custom tests that automatically create meta items the meta-items do not show up until custom test refreshed. |
Fixed issue with custom test with multiple entries and drop down not saving | Fixed an issue where tests with a drop-down (list) type meta item would not display multiple entries. |
Fixed an issue with meta items getting associated with incorrect items after save | Under some circumstances tests with preset meta items got jumbled when additional rows were added and the report saved. This was fixed. |
Release 2.9 July 20, 2017
Option to use mmHg for units of pressure. | Accounts may elect to use mmHg as their unit of measure in place of hPa for entry on energy dependent tests. To change units of measure for an account contact Image Owl support. |
Energy Order user Definable | Users may change the order that the energies appear in for energy dependent tests. |
Improvements to imports from Sun Nuclear DQA3 | Tolerances and metadata for measurements in the DQA3 database can now be automatically retrieved. This requires installation of version 2.1.2 of the TotalQA Equipment Hub which is available here |
Release 2.8 April 26, 2017
Links to instructional documents or web pages can be added to a schedule through the schedule settings page. | Documents and links to web pages can be added to a schedule to provide administrators with a convenient way to provide instructions and background material to users performing QA .See here for more details. |
Users may be connected to machines | Previously users were associated with sites and were connected to all machines within a site when assigned to a site. Administrators now can have more fine grained control and assign users to individual machines within a site. See site management and user management for more details |
Release 2.7 April 20, 2017
Sidebar navigation when performing QA | Section navigation has been added as a sidebar to the input screen when performing QA to help with long forms. See Perform QA for more details. |
Export CSV data from longitudinal graphs | CSV data can be exported directly from longitudinal graphs. The data table can also be displayed under the graph as well. See here for more details. |
API: Upload File Attachment Test | The API now allows file attachment type tests to be uploaded. |
API: Get Longitudinal Data | The process for retrieving longitudinal data for schedule variables has been simplified to a single API call that greatly speeds up the process for larger data sets. |
Fix changing custom test device type | Fixed issue where the the device type(s) for a custom test group could not be changed after creation. |
Change report date after initial save | Fixed issue where the report date could not be changed after an initial save of the report. |
Fix issues with meta values lost after save | Fixed issue where preset meta values for multiple test items were lost after saving report |
Internet Explorer 11 Display Issues | Fixed some display issues for Internet Explorer 11 on the schedules page. |
Release 2.6 April 4, 2017
Ability to reopen finalized reports | Reports that have been finalized but not signed may now be reopened for editing by physicist users. See Reopening Finalized Reports for more details. |
Hide all values option in reports | When hiding values in reports a hide-all values option has been added. |
Retesting allowed on more tests | Most tests have been modified to allow more than one entry while entering data. |
Reports Navigation Menu Item Restored | The Reports link has been restored to the main navigation menu. |
Percent deviation custom test added | Deviation tests may now be designated as percent deviation tests. |
Ratio custom tests added | Ratio custom tests have been added to the custom test types. |
HDR Nominal Wire Positions | The nominal wire positions for the HDR daily tests can now be preset in the schedule settings |
Report page pagination controls issue | Fixed issue where report page pagination controls would disappear when another site/machine/schedule was selected. |
Deviation values as baselines | Fixed issue where deviation values could not be selected as a baseline. |
QABC retain tolerance colors on save | Fixed issue where tolerance colors on variables retrieved from a QABC device were not retained when a saving a report. |
Schedule Order | Fixed issue where schedule or in the Schedules page did not match the schedule order in the manage Schedules page. |
Release 2.1-2.5 February 28, 2017
Navigation Menu Highlighting | The navigation menu items on the left now highlight when selected to aid navigation |
API: Report dates | Report dates may be set for upload-only schedules |
Dynamic Navigation Bar Location | The navigation bar location now relocates in response to the browser window size |
Improved CBCT test organization | Some obsolete tests were removed from the CBCT test list. Slice thickness test from the wire ramps was added for 504 and 604 phantoms. Default test selection for built in TG142 Monthly template optimized for 504. Suggested test selection for 504, 503 (Elekta) and 604 phantom included in documentation. |
Calculation note errors | Calculation notes generated during CBCT analysis are no longer treated as failures. |
Template test selection has collapsable sections | In the test selection step of Template creation the test sections are now collapsible for easier navigation. |
Parent-Child Custom tests | The ability to add child tests to a custom test was created. This allows for creation of more sophisticated custom test protocols. See Creating Custom Tests more information. |
Editable Pass-fail-Warn Buttons | The labels for the buttons on Pass-Fail and Pass-Fail-Warning custom test types can now be edited when creating these types of tests. |
Units for numeric custom tests | Units can now be added to numeric custom tests |
Hidable Pass-Fail-Warning type tests | Pass-Fail-Warning type tests can now be 'hidden' like numeric tests |
Back button issues | Fixed back button not working after reports signed off |
Report list header not updating | Fixed report page headers not updating correctly on report listing page |
Password update issue | Fixed issue where a password could be updated without filling in confirmation text box. |
Report entry and presentation issues | Fixed issue with display of out of tolerance readings at top of report. Fixed issue with out of tolerance colors updating at the time of entry. |
Release 2.0 November 24 2016
Updated UI |
The user interface for the TotalQA has been updated to be cleaner and more compact. The major functional changes are:
API: Create Schedules | Schedules may be created through the API now. |
Known document types open in browser | When opening documents from the document manager if the document type is known to the browser and the browser is set to open known doc types they will be displayed in the browser instead of being always downloaded. |
Release 1.10 May 15, 2015
Customizable tests capability added | TotalQA allows you to create your own custom test groups and individual tests so that you can accommodate any regulatory or institutional protocols and requirements. Tests are organized into groups and subgroups and are added to the available tests when creating protocols. |
Confirmation dialog when deleting a template | A confirmation dialog now appears when a user deletes a template to prevent accidental deletions of critical templates. |
Better hiding of inactive templates and schedules. |
Release 1.11 September 2, 2015
Ability to add meta-items to custom tests added. | Numeric, list and text style meta-items can be added to custom tests. |
Release 1.12 September 2, 2015
PIPSpro Integration for stereotactic, starshot, rad/light data. | TotalQA allows you to easily import data from PIPSpro version 5.2+. This release supports the importation of stereotactic (Winston-Lutz) test data, radiation light-field data and starshot data. |
Correct units for MV and kV noise | The units for kV and MV measurements have been changed from HU to none. |
Bug Fixes September 11, 2015
Auto email header branding for QAP version of the system. | Changes so an SI customer of TotalQA gets email alerts from and identifying the sender as TotalQA |
Bug Fixes September 28, 2015
Possible to get reading with no energy on output | Under certain circumstances when editing a QA report in progress from multiple browsers or computers it was possible to get an output reading with no energy associated. This was fixed. |
Bug Fixes October 1, 2015
Valid Absolute Tolerances Not working | Absolute tolerances with values like [8,12] for tolerance limits and [7.5,12.5] for action limits were not recognized as valid. This was fixed. |
Accidentally using commas instead of decimal point causes strange behavior on data entry | Fixed undesirable UI behavior on data entry using commas in the place of decimal points for numeric entry. |
Bug Fixes October 5, 2015
Schedule settings not working for older templates | Fixed schedule settings not working for some older templates. This was fixed. |
Release 1.13 December 17, 2015
Three new custom test types. | Three new custom test types are available: Photon and Electron energy dependent tests allowing you to associate energies with your custom tests. Deviation tests allow you to create tests that measure the deviation of an entered value from a nominal value. |
Installer for Equipment Hub | A formal installer for the equipment hub has been made.The installer checks for the proper.NET prerequisites, installs the software in a known location and configures daily QA devices and PIPSpro databases as appropriate. |
Custom tests and test group names may not be empty. | Previously it was possible to create custom tests and test with empty names. This has been fixed. |
Correct number of tests completed now reported. | Previously the incorrect number of tests completed was reported when tests with multiple sub-tests or repeated measurements were made for a test. This has been fixed. |
Clarify warning messages when entering tolerances | Clarified the wording on warning messages when entering tolerances and fixed no warning message if tolerance limits are higher than action limits. |
Correct update of MU | Under certain circumstances, a manual change to the MU in output measurements would not be accurately reflected in calculations. This has been fixed |
Release 1.14 December 17, 2015
New Customer Communication System | A new customer communication system has been implemented to communicate news to customers or subsets of customers through messages in the software and emails. |
Direct link to a longitudinal graph from alert email. | When an alert email is issued for a tolerance being exceeded a link to the appropriate longitudinal graph will be included in the message. |
Able to hide items from list-type meta-item | The ability to show/hide items in custom test list meta-items has been added. |
Release 1.15 December 17, 2015
Multiple Rooms for QABC+ and DQA3 | For the Standard Imaging and Sun Nuclear DQA3 devices users may now choose to retrieve data from multiple rooms within the schedule settings for a single scheduled template. This allows users to accommodate the workarounds in the respective device databases necessary to handle duplicate SRS and regular treatment energies. |
Columns in User Management Overlapping. | Fix for columns in user management overlapping in Chrome browser. |
Custom test manage group update not working | Custom test group names not updating correctly. This has been fixed. |
Spurious zero values appear on longitudinal graphs | Under certain circumstances, spurious zero values could appear on longitudinal graphs.This has been fixed. |
Release 1.16 February 27, 2016
Version numbers in Equipment Hub Installer | Equipment Hub Installer now has version number visible to assist users in knowing which version they are installing. |
Revision to report ordering. | Previously the latest report for a schedule (visible on the Review QA page) was determined by an internal index number that could result in reports sometimes never appearing on the review QA when 2 or more users started the same report. This was revised to display the report with latest report date. |
Release 1.17 February 27, 2016
Changes to underlying system frameworks | Major changes to the underlying system frameworks were made to facilitate future development. |
Longitudinal Graphs not working properly for PIPSpro integration data. | Fixed longitudinal data display for Stereotactic, Starshot, and Radiation/LF imports. |
Energy list not refreshed properly when adding energies. | The energy list does not have to be manually refreshed when new energies are added. |
Accidentally using commas instead of decimal point causes strange behavior on data entry. | Fixed undesirable behavior if commas used in place of decimals in certain data entries. |
Release 1.18 March 22, 2016
Add HDR QA Capabilities | Added capabilities to manage radioactive source exchanges and HDR QA. |
Add Key Generation for API system | Added system to generate keys for upcoming API system |
Release 1.19 March 22, 2016
Activity Check for HDR Source | Added capability to record activity checks against the in-service sources. The activity check is then compared to the time adjusted activity given the initial date, source type half-life, and activity. |
Add Source Strength to manage radioactive sources page. | Display and manage source strength for radioactive sources |
Release 1.20 May 24, 2016
Increase display time on error messages. | Increased time error messages are displayed to make them easier to read. |
Undesirable page leaving behavior on Firefox. | Fixed Firefox asking to confirm leaving page even if data entry was saved. |
Longitudinal graphs not showing up | Fixed some longitudinal graphs not appearing. |
Release 1.21 May 24, 2016
Added Gantry star shot test (film) | Added the capability to analyze TIFF images of gantry star shot films to the automated image processing |
Added Asymmetric fields test | Added the capability to analyze asymmetric field test from EPID images to the automated image processing. |
Need to be able to un-select test Pass Fail Warning answer choice. | Made pass fail warning selections unselectable |
Release 1.22 May 24, 2016
Added EPID Starshot test | Added the capability to analyze EPID images for collimator starshot tests |
Need warning when an insufficient number of Winston-Lutz test images are uploaded. | Warning now shown to inform the user that they did not upload enough images. |
Warning missing when % deviation box is not populated | Added warning when baseline not set for % deviation so user understands why deviation does not appear |
Release 1.23 May 24, 2016
Alignment on add rows is off in schedule settings. | Fixed alignment on add rows in schedule settings page |
File attachment custom test has multiple problems with deletion | Fixed issues with deleting files added for multiple custom file attachments |
Release 1.24 May 24, 2016
Added MLC Transmission Test | Added the MLC transmission test from EPID images to the automated image processing |
Added Dosimetric Leaf Gap Calculation | Added the dosimetric leaf gap test from EPID images to the automated image processing |
Overhaul of Report formatting and features | Improved report formatting and navigation features. See Reports for more details |
Longitudinal data not displayed correctly for PipsPro import | Fixed some issues on longitudinal graphs for PipsPro imports. |
Releases 1.25-1.29 June 23, 2016
Revised Report Workflow | The report workflow was revised to only allow one in-progress report per schedule and to allow multiple contributors to a report. |
Added ability to edit Radioactive Sources | The ability to edit existing radioactive sources was added. |
QABC+ Reading date and baseline date displayed in report | The QABC+ reading date and baseline dates are now included in the reports when data is pulled from that device. |
Eliminate suppress all dialogs option on leave page. | Replaced browser dialog with a custom dialog to eliminate users accidentally suppressing all dialog in the future for a page. |
Default email on sign offs is current user | The default email displayed for sign offs is now the email of the current user. |
Table Starshot Analysis Added | The ability to analyze images to measure table rotation accuracy was added. |
EPID Flatness Symmetry Measurements Added | The ability to evaluate flatness and symmetry measurements from EPID images was added. |
Added additional links to upload control | Added links with additional links information on naming conventions and other information to the upload control. |
Display Problems in Manage QA | Fixed display problems where template or schedule names were split between rows |
Comments not appearing when test saved and reopened. | Fixed comments to tests within a QA not appearing report when QA report is saved, closed, opened and then finalized. |
Fixed upload issue | Fixed an issue where sometimes the actual number of uploaded images did not match the manifest created of the image upload. |
Releases 1.30 July 20, 2016
Release 1.30 contains no user-facing changes.
Releases 1.31-1.34 August 17, 2016
Gantry Angle Deviations Near Zero Not Calculated Correctly | Angle deviation for gantry and collimators were not being calculated correctly (e.g. 0 nominal, 359 measured is -1-degree deviation not 359 degrees.) This was fixed. |
Rounding discrepancies between graphs and reports. | Fixed differences in rounding between reports and longitudinal graphs. |
Tests with quotation marks in names unable to be reordered | Fixed an issue where tests with quotations in the names could not be reordered when creating or modifying templates. |
Time Zone Control for radioactive sources missing any UTC+10 cities | Improved coverage for Australia and Asia when recording radioactive source exchanges. |
Able to inactivate template even though it's connected to schedules | Fixed being able to inactivate templates connected to active schedules. |
Document sign-offs not working when account has no users | An error message now appears if document sign-offs attempted with no users in account |
Longitudinal graphs showing data from multiple schedules | Fixed a situation where longitudinal graphs could display data from longitudinal graphs. |
Unnecessary email check when updating account information | Eliminated an unnecessary email check when updating non-email information that was making it difficult to update account information. |
Custom group names had to be universally unique | Fixed a restriction on custom group names that they have to be universally unique. They now only be unique within an account. |
Release 1.35 August 31, 2016
Tolerances on all CBCT measurements | All CBCT measurements may now have tolerances set on them. |
Navigation from Longitudinal Plots for Reports | The ability to click on points in longitudinal graphs and open the corresponding report was added. See Reports for more information. |
Data points can be hidden. | The ability to hide and data points from reports, graphs and analyses with an explanatory note was added. See Reports for more information. |
Empty Values recorded as failures on Perform QA | Fixed a situation where empty items would cause the color indicators on the Perform QA to show red. |
Error when going to analysis on account with no templates | If an account has no templates then if the user attempts to go to the comparison analysis which requires templates the user will be taken to the Manage Template page |
In data comparison energies were sometimes not shown. | Fixed an issue in some energy dependent measurements the energy column was not appearing. |
Counts incorrect in data comparison. | Fixed an issue where the data comparison tables were not showing the correct count. |
Release 1.36 September 22, 2016
Notifications for overdue QA schedules | Notifications for overdue schedules may now be set. |
Improvements to the Equipment Hub | Improvements for Sun Nuclear Daily QA 3 device and PIPSpro software where the database is located remotely were implemented. Users are encouraged to download the latest version of the Equipment Hub |
Uploading of images implemented in API | Images may now be uploaded for processing via the API. |
Incorrect incomplete test counts | Fixed situations that were sometimes causing incorrect counts of incomplete tests on reports |
Error on invalid report ID |
Release 1.37-1.38 October 17, 2016
Warning on incomplete tests when finalizing reports | When finalizing reports if any tests in the schedule have not been completed they will be noted in the finalize dialog giving the user an opportunity to go back and complete the tests. |
Added preset Tg142 and HDR templates | Added a number of preset templates for Tg142 and HDR tests to serve as a basis for quickly developing templates. |
Creation of custom tests implemented in API | Custom tests may now be created through the API. |
Improved plotting of output variables | Output variables that do not have baselines set can now be plotted. |
Schedules can be copied | Schedules may now be copied along with their baselines and tolerances and schedule settings. |
Incorrect incomplete test counts | Fixed situations that were sometimes causing incorrect counts of incomplete tests on reports |
Fix rendering issue on Firefox | Fixed the rendering of the account name on Firefox |
Fix issue on date filter on reports page | Fixed the behavior of the reports page when filtering on a single date. |
Fixed the display of imaging variables on the analysis page | Fixed an issue that caused certain CT imaging variables to not be able to be analyzed on the analysis page. |
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