This article contains the following topics:
Summary reports may be created for schedule and will provide a customizable summary of data, out of tolerance events, machine log events, and longitudinal graphs over the desired period.
The report may have the following sections, depending on the selections when the report was generated:
- Summary Data Statistics
- Process Capability
- Longitudinal Graphs
- Out of Tolerance Events
- Machine Log Incident Statistics
The user will select which sections will appear in the report. Summary Data Statistics, Process Capability, and Longitudinal Graphs will be displayed in a group for each selected test. Out of Tolerance Events and
Machine Log Incident Statistics will be displayed at the end of the report.
Summary Data Statistics
The summary data statistics displays a table of summary data statistics for the test results over the period selected. For each numerical test in the schedule following calculations will be performed for each combination of test and meta items (i.e. energy value):
- N: number of measurements for the test for each meta item combination
- Mean: arithmetic mean for the data
- Standard Deviation: sample standard deviation for the data
- Median: median value for data.
- Max: maximum value for the period
- Min: minimum value for the period
For non-numeric tests, such as pass/fail, the following statistics will be provided:
- N: Number of measurements for the test for each meta item combination
- Pass: number of passing tests
- Fail: number of failing tests
- Warning: number of tests with a warning if applicable
- % Pass: percentage of passing tests for the period
- % Fail: percentage of failing tests for the period
- % Warning: percentage of tests with a warning for the period, if applicable
Process Capability
The summary statistics will also include Process Capability table that includes statistics for numeric tests if there are enough events in the summary statistics table. These are measurements comparing the variability of the data to the specification limits to determine whether the process is capable of running within specifications. The following formulas are used to calculate Process Capability (Cp) and Process Capability Index or Centered Process Capability (Cpk):
- USL=Upper Specification Limit (upper action limit set in baselines and tolerances)
- LSL=Lower Specification Limit (lower action limit set in baselines and tolerances)
- SD=Standard Deviation of the measurement values over the report period
- Cp = (USL-LSL) / 6 x SD
- Cpl = (Mean – LSL) / (3 * SD)
- Cpu = (USL – Mean) / (3 * SD)
- Cpk= Min (Cpl ,Cpu)
Cp and Cpk values >= 1.1 will be shown with a green background. Cp and Cpk values >= 1.0 and < 1.1 will be shown with a yellow background. Cp and Cpk values <= 1.0 will be shown with a red background. To only display Cp and Cpk values in black uncheck the Show Process Capability Pass-Fail-Waring box as shown below:
Longitudinal Graphs
The longitudinal graphs are similar to those available in QA reports. Clicking and highlighting an area can be used to zoom in. Clicking legend items will hide or display the data trace.
Hovering over individual data points will display additional information in a popup.
The three bars to the upper right of each graph may be used to export data tables or images of the graph, print a graph, or view the graph in a full screen mode.
Out of Tolerance Events
Each out of tolerance event during the period will be shown in a table with the name of the section and test, the date, the report number, and the event type (Warning or Action Limit). Clicking on the report number will take the user to the report where the out of tolerance event occurred.
Machine Log Incident Statistics
The Machine Log Incident Statistic contains four sections. The first, a summary, includes incident statistics for the period specified when the report was created:
The next section describes incidents by the machine equipment which can be thought of as an accessory or sub-section. Incidents where equipment is categorized as none are for the machine itself (i.e. linear accelerator, CT Simulator, etc.).
A longitudinal graph showing incidents over time is provided and is similar to those available in QA reports. Clicking and highlighting an area can be used to zoom in. Clicking legend items will hide or display the data trace. Hovering over individual data points will display additional information in a popup.
A table is also provided that list each incident. Clicking on any individual line will take the user to the specific Machine Log incident.
The example above shows truncated descriptions. To show the entire description, check the box marked below when generating the report:
Generate Summary Reports
To generate a summary report, navigate to Reports Generate Summary Report:
If you have created and saved summary report configurations a list of those saved configurations will be displayed. If desired, find a saved configuration and click the Load link to prepopulate the settings.
Select the site for the summary report:
Click the Schedules links as needed and select machines and schedules that should be included in the summary report.
Note that the results may be grouped by meta-item. Click the MetaItem Grouping button, expand sections and tests as needed, and select the meta-items as desired.
Select the date range from the available options:
- All Dates,
- Last 7 Days
- Last 30 Days
- Previous Month
- Last 90 Days
- Last 365 Days
- Current Month
- Current YTD and Custom Range
Select any elements needed for the report by checking the box next to the desired section.
You can use the buttons shown above to run the report, update the loaded configuration, or save the configuration as a new configuration respectively.
View Prior Summary Reports
To view previously generated summary reports, navigate to Reports - Summary History:
Next click the View link to the right of the desired report:
The search box may be used to filter report by the search text. By default reports are sorted by the run date but the up/down arrows on any of the column headings may be used to sort by that heading.
Finalizing and Signing Off Summary Reports
Summary Reports may be finalized and signed. To finalize and sign a report, navigate to Reports, Summary Report History, Select the report of your choice, and click view to open the report. Once in the report, click on Finalize button in the top right hand corner.
A notification window will pop up. Click Finalize Report.
To Sign off on a Summary Report, you may click on the Sign off button on the next screen after Finalizing.
A window will then open giving you the option to enter in your Email address, password, and any comments. Be sure to click the Sign Report button.
Scheduling Summary Reports
Summary reports may be generated automatically on a given frequency. To schedule a summary report, navigate to Reports - Generate Summary Report and click the Frequency link for the desired report.
A dialogue window will open where the following may be set:
- Frequency - ad hoc, weekly, monthly, or annually may be selected. Once an option is selected a "Repeat every" section will open up specific to the frequency selected.
- Starts on - date the report will run for the first time.
- Ends - date the schedule will run for the last time.
- Summary - a summary of the frequency and dates set.
- Send email notifications to: - a list of users who will be emailed with a link when the report is generate
Click the Save button to save any changes.
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