Topics covered in this article include:
- Report View and Navigation
- Creating Comments on Reports
- Hiding Data Points
- Voiding Reports
- Reopening Finalized Reports
- Downloading Analyzed Images
- Print or Export a Report
Reports can be accessed in two ways.
- From the main navigation bar on the left of the screen click Reports. This will open the reports page with all sites, machines, and schedules that the user is connected to.
- To navigate to reports page click the Schedules page in the main menu. On an individual schedule hover and click the reports button The reports page will open with the reports filtered to the selected schedule.
Reports can be filtered and viewed with the following options:
- View by Sites, Machines, and/or Schedules
- View by Notices (Pass, Action, Warning, Voided, Reviewed, In Progress)
- View by Frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Ad-hoc)
- View by Signed (Yes, No)
- View by Show Inactive (Yes, No)
From the Reports page, you may view the following:
Notices -
- A red background indicates that a failure against an action limit has occurred.
- A yellow background indicates a warning against an alert limit has occurred.
- A green background indicates all limits have passed.
- A blue background indicates an In Progress report.
- A black background indicates a report that has been reviewed and signed off.
Tests Performed -
- Displays number of how many tests completed out of total tests.
- Displays number of test set(s) as NA that are not counted.
Signed By and Signed On -
- Displays who and when report was signed.
Comments -
- Displays most recent comment at the time of Finalizing or Signing a report
Click on any report to open to view, sign or export to PDF.
Opened reports indicate the pass-fail status of measurements, test completions, sign off status and comments.
The chart below shows the test status indicators:
Creating Comments on Reports
Additional information may be added to reports by the addition of comments. Comments may be added to reports by clicking on the "+Add comment" button in each test result section.
To close a comment, once it is opened, click the "- Close comment" or "Save" buttons.
Once a comment is created it will show up as shown below:
If needed, the comment may be edited by clicking the "+Edit comment" button.
Hiding Data Points
It is sometimes necessary to remove points from reports where an incorrect setup or other external factor makes the result irrelevant. Users with physicist administrator or owner permissions can remove and restore points in reports with explanatory notes.
If the user has sufficient permissions they will see a button labeled Hide data points at the top of the report.
Clicking on the button will highlight items in the report that may be hidden in a pale blue color. Clicking on an item selects and highlights it. If you want to select all the data in a report you can click the Select all datapoints button. If you have selected all the data points using the Select all datapoints, you may deselect all the data points by clicking the button again.
Once all the points that are to be hidden are selected click on the Confirm hidden data points button at the top of the report. To cancel the selection click Cancel datapoints.
Once the user has confirmed the hiding of data points they may add an explanatory note.
The hidden points will be noted at the top of the report. Clicking on the link will expand the list of hidden points. Hidden points may be restored by clicking Restore next to the point in the list. In the report, the hidden points will be grayed out with a strikethrough the data. The links to longitudinal graphs will still function.
Hidden data points will not:
- Count as passes or fails on the report
- Be displayed in longitudinal reports
- Be counted in data comparison statistics.
When viewing a longitudinal graph any hidden points will be noted at the top of the graph. The list can be expanded and the points restored if desired.
Voiding Reports
If an entire report needs to be voided, this can be done at sign off by a physicist administrator user. The report will be marked as voided on both the report itself and the summary report table. No recorded values will be included in longitudinal data.
Reopening Finalized Reports
Reports that are finalized but have not yet been signed may be reopened by users with physicist and physicist administrator roles.
To reopen the report click on the reopen button in the top right of the report page. If the button does not appear then the most likely explanations are that the user lacks permission to reopen or the report has been signed off.
You may edit values in the reopened report and delete and upload image sets.
Reopened reports can only be finalized but not saved.
An annotation will appear in the comments at the top of the report when the report is finalized
Downloading Analyzed Images
If the report contains images that have been uploaded for analysis there will be download buttons at the top of the report corresponding to each image series uploaded into the report.
Clicking on the button will download a zip file containing the images in the series.
Print or Export a Report
Reports may be printed or exported as a PDF file. Click the Print/Export to PDF button:
The pop up will contain several options:
The top portion includes all of the report sections. Any sections checked will be included in the print or export.
The bottom section includes additional selections to show or omit a listing of meta-items, a listing of incomplete tests, or tolerance tables:
Show common meta items will show table meta-items below the table in the report:
Tolerance tables will show the tolerances used at the time the report was finalized and may difer from current tolerances.
In addition to printing or exporting the report itself, any file attachments may also be exported.
Note that files for image processing will not be included in the attachment export but may also be downloaded using the instructions found in the Downloading Analyzed Images section of this article.
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