This article includes the following topics:
Conditions and Factors
Only one photon energy for a TG-51 schedule can be completed at a time. Select the energy from the Energy drop-down and then optionally complete "Participating Physicists" and "reason for Calibration" fields.
Select the ion chamber to be used from the "Ion Chamber" drop-down. Only ion chambers that a calibration set for the specific linac will be shown. After selecting the ion chamber, the remaining fields in the table will auto-fill if the fields were completed as part of the ion chamber setup. For any fields that did not auto-fill either check your prior setup or complete them manually.
Select the electrometer to be used from the "Electrometer drop-down. After selecting the electrometer and the electrometer setting, the remaining fields in the table will auto-fill if the fields were completed as part of the electrometer setup. For any fields that did not auto-fill either check your prior setup or complete them manually.
Under measurement conditions, Depth, SSD, "Field Size X", and "Field Size Y" fields will auto-fill from the linac specific factors if they have been set under Manage Sites and Machines. The "Collimator Angle" and #MUs fields will auto-fill if they have been preset in Schedule settings. Complete the MU Rate and any missing fields.
The "Beam Quality Factor, kQ" fields will auto-fill from the machine specific ion chamber calibration factors if available. The Update kQ button may also be used to complete the kQ worksheet without leaving the new QA.
Enter the Temperature and Pressure fields. The TW and PTP fields will calculate automatically.
Enter the "Voltage Actual" for each row; typically it is the same as the "Voltage Setting" as set in the Schedule settings. Enter the Readings measured with polarity. The Avg. field will be automatically calculated from non-empty Readings fields.
The Ppol and Pion fields will calculate automatically once all rows above have an Avg calculated.
Calculated Dose
If it has not been preset in Schedule settings, enter the Prp and the remaining fields will calculate automatically. If any do not calculate automatically check for any empty fields above.
If the output needs to be adjusted select Yes from the Adjustments drop-down. Enter the proper value in the "# of MUs" field and the "Target Reading" will calculate automatically. The "Target Reading" is the measurement that would result in a Final Dose of 1.
Enter the "Voltage Actual" for each row; typically it is the same as the "Voltage Setting" as set in the Schedule settings. Enter the Readings measured with polarity. The Avg. field will be automatically calculated from non-empty Readings fields.
Note that both the "as found" and adjusted (as left) doses will be tracked longitudinally.
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