Under Manage Sites & Machines, edit the Linac to and select SAD or SSD for photons. At this time SSD is the only selection for Electrons.
Under Manage Sites & Machines, edit the Linac to set factors for photons:
Enter the SSD or SAD
Enter the depth
Enter the field size
Select the energies used on the Linac
For SAD setup enter Clinical TMR (depth, field size) factors for selected energies or for For SSD setup enter Clinical %dd(depth) factors for selected energies
Enter expiration dates (optional)
Under Manage Sites and Machines, edit the Linac to set factors for Electrons:
Enter cone size.
Select either Calculate from I50 or Enter R50 method
Enter I50or R50 factors
Enter PDD (dref, cone size) factors
Enter expiration dates (optional)
Create an electrometer in measurement devices and set the Pelec and any setting notes under calibration.
Create the Ion chamber to be used for the TG-51 report in measurement devices:
Either select a predefined chamber or create your own by providing the cavity radius and the kecal.
Under calibrations enter the N60CoD,w factor for the chamber
Under calibrations enter the machine-specific kQ (photons) and k'R50 (electrons) factors
Add the TG-51 schedules to the Linac. The available templates will depend on the SAD/SSD selection in step 1 above.
In schedule settings you may want to preset the measurement conditions and change the voltage settings. Note do not preset the actual voltage readings.
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