Topics covered in this article include:
- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Adding Tests to QA Templates
- Connecting a myQA Daily
- Importing Data
- Setting Tolerances
- Troubleshooting
The myQA Daily device is a device for daily quality assurance measurements in radiation therapy. The detectors are ionization chambers arranged in a special pattern for obtaining accurate results in a most efficient way. With the myQA Daily SW, daily QA and trend analysis of dose output, flatness, symmetry, center, field size, and energy are finished in one measurement.
Before attempting to configure the MPC Import, ensure that the following items are in place:
- the latest Equipment Hub version is installed
- the location of the myQA Daily database
- a service account or user who has file access to the myQA Daily database
- the list of energies that will be captured
Adding Tests to QA Templates
The myQA Daily tests can be added to QA templates in the same manner as selecting other tests when setting up your QA templates and schedules. The myQA Daily tests are listed under the Daily Linac QA [TG-142] in the Dosimetry section. Select the X-Ray Output Constancy (IBA myQA Daily) and Electron Output Constancy (IBA myQA Daily) tests. These tests can be combined with other test types to customize the template.
Connecting a myQA Daily
In the service, the myQA Daily import will need to be set up from the “Manage - Measurement Devices” page.
1. Navigate to the "Manage - Measurement Devices".
2. Click the + Add Device button.
3. Select IBA myQA Daily device from the "Device Type" drop down menu.
4. Enter a description for the device in the Device Label field, for example: myQA SN 12345.
5. Select a site for the device. Note that when a site is selected the device is only available on schedules for that site.
6. Click the Active radio button.
6. Optionally, add a description in the "Device description" field.
7. Optionally, upload a picture of the device using the Choose File button..
8. Optionally, add the serial number in the "Serial Number" field.
9. Enter the full path and file name for the database in the "Database path" field. The database is installed under the directory where the software is installed, "myQA Daily". The full default file specification is C:\ProgramData\IBA Dosimetry\myQA Daily\dqa.db.
10. Select the correct Equipment Hub service from "Equipment Hub" drop down menu.
11. Optionally, click the "Check connection to equipment" button to ensure the connection to the database.
12. Click the Add Device button.
13. Navigate to the "Manage Schedule Configurations" page. Select the schedule that the MPC Import device will be used with and click the pencil icon for Schedule Settings.
14. Expand the Dosimetry section (this may have been renamed in your settings) and then expand the "X-Ray Output Constancy (IBA myQA Daily)" test. Click the Edit Test Settings button.
15. Select the correct Equipment and Equipment Hub from the down menus.
16. Select the checkbox for each energy that will be imported.
17. As each energy is checked, a dropdown will be created under the "EXTERNAL ENERY" column, select the correct corresponding energy from the myQA Daily database.
18. The SSD, Dose Rate, and Field Size are not automatically imported from myQA Daily but may be preset. Also, if not all fields will be imported, they may be deselected.
19. Click the Save Machine Schedule Settings button.
20. Repeat steps 14 through 19 for the "Electron Output Constancy (IBA myQA Daily)" test.
Importing Data
Once the schedule containing the tests are created and configured, performing QA and importing data is fast and simple.
- Open the Schedules page.
- Click the schedule containing the tests you wish to perform. The data entry page will open.
- At the top of the page in the "QA Device date filter" box, set the date to the date for which you wish to import data and click the Get results button to the right of each test
- All data for a given date will be imported. If more than one set of results exist on the given date, only the most recent will be included on the report. If no data exists on the given date, a notification will appear saying no results could be found.
Setting Tolerances
Typically tolerances will not be set in TotalQA for myQA Daily imports. The import includes the action limits set in the IBA software. The warning and action limits from IBA software may be overridden by setting them in TotalQA.
Please see the following articles to troubleshoot common problems:
- Error: Unable to connect to the equipment hub, please make sure it is running
- Error: No matching measurements found
- Error: Measurements were found on the given date but they do not belong to any of the energies used in this test
- "[database_path]" was not found or the Equipment Hub doesn't have access to the database file.
- Troubleshoot Connections
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