In order to maintain a secure environment, the following requirements must be met on the host where Equipment Hub is installed:
- Windows Version: the version of Windows or Windows Server must be fully supported by Microsoft. For products covered by the Microsoft's Modern Lifecycle, such as Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019, this means that the latest feature update must be installed or the prior feature update must be installed and within Microsoft's servicing timeline. For products on Microsoft's Fixed Lifecyle, such as Windows Server 2012, this means that the product must be under mainstream or extended support and the service pack must also be supported. To determine these dates for your specific version of Windows or Windows Server, please see Microsoft's Lifecycle Information page. In either case, the latest security updates are required.
- .NET version 4.8 or higher
- TLS version 1.2
- Internet connection on port 443 with a minimum of 10 Mbps download speed and 1 Mbps upload speed
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