This article covers the following topics:
- Prerequisites
- Standard Imaging PIPSPro Configuration
- Adding Integrated PIPSpro Tests to QA Templates
- Setting Up a PIPSpro database in QA Equipment
- Schedule Settings for PIPSpro tests
- Importing PIPSpro Data
- Troubleshooting
To use daily QA devices, you must have the latest Equipment Hub installed. Instructions on how to install the Equipment Hub can be found here.
Beginning with PIPSpro version 5.2 test data can be easily transferred from the PIPSpro database. The following tests can be imported:
- Radiation - Light Field Coincidence
- Winston-Lutz Results (2D and 3D)
- Star Shot Results
PIPSpro Integration Configuration
Before performing this configuration ensure that the PIPSpro database is installed and functioning correctly. The PIPSPro will need to be set up from the “Manage Measurement Devices” page.
- Navigate to the “Manage - Measurement Devices” page.
- Click the + Add Device button.
- Enter a description for the PIPSPro in the Equipment Label field, for example: QABC +.
- Click the Active radio button.
- Optionally add a description in the "Device description" field.
- Optionally add the serial number for the PIPSPro in the "Serial Number" field.
- Select PIPSPro from the "Device Type" drop down menu.
- Enter the user name for the PIPSPro database in the "Database user" field.
- Enter the password for the PIPSPro database in the "Database password" field.
- Enter the server URL for the PIPSPro database in the "Server" field.
- Select Yes or No from the "Integrated Security" drop down menu to match the PIPSPro database setting. No is the default setting.
- Select the correct Equipment Hub service from "Equipment Hub" drop down menu.
- Click the Add Device button
- Navigate to the "Manage Schedules" page. Select the schedule that the PIPSPro will be used with and and click the pencil icon button for that schedule.
- Under the "External Equipment Database" section, pick the correct Equipment Hub from the first drop down menu.
- Under the "External Equipment Database" section, pick the correct measurement device from the second drop down menu.
- Under the "Default Energies" section, select the checkbox for each energy used for the QA device.
- Click the Save Machine Schedule Settings button.
Adding Integrated PIPSpro Tests to QA Templates
PIPSpro integrated tests can be added to QA templates in the same manner as any other test when setting up your QA templates and schedules. Simply look for the tests that are labeled as being PIPSpro tests and select them for your template. The PIPSpro tests can be mixed with other test types to customize your QA protocol. Once a template with the PIPSpro integrated tests is created it can be scheduled like any other template.
Setting Up a PIPSpro database in QA Equipment
You must add your PIPSpro database in order to use it in your QA templates. To add the PIPSpro database to the device:
- Navigate to the Manage Measurement Devices page.
- Click the +Add device button.
- Fill in the description of the PPIPSpro database and pick PIPSpro from the device type drop down menu.
- Click Add Device
Schedule Settings for PIPSpro tests
Once a template containing PIPSpro integration tests is scheduled the schedule settings to complete the connection need to configure. From the Manage page click Schedule Settings. In the QA select the template that has the PipsPro integrated tests you wish to import.
If the schedule settings for the scheduled template have not been set previously the settings will appear as shown below. If they have been set the current schedule settings will be displayed. Click the Edit Schedule Settings button to edit the settings
In the device drop-down menu, select the PIPSpro database you established in your Measurement Devices.
The description and serial number that you entered will populate. The database will be queried for a list of LINACs. Note that the Equipment Hub must be running for this to occur. If the LINAC dropdown fails to populate the most likely explanations are that the Equipment Hub is not running or the Equipment Hub is not connecting to the database.
Select the Linac that you wish to pull data from for this schedule.
Click Save Machine Schedule Settings.
Importing PIPSpro Data
Once the schedule containing the PIPSpro integrated tests has been created and configured then performing QA and importing data is fast and simple.
- Open the Perform QA page.
- Click the schedule containing the PIPSpro integrated tests you wish to perform. The input page will open. You will see controls at the top of the page to select the date for which you wish to import data. All data for a given date will be imported.
- Select the date for which you wish to import data and click the Get PIPSpro results. All data for a given date will be imported. If no data exists nothing will happen on the interface.
Below are examples of imported data for each supported test type.
Stereotactic 2D
Stereotactic 3D
Radiation Light Field
Please see the following articles to troubleshoot common problems:
- Error: Unable to connect to the equipment hub, please make sure it is running
- Error: No matching measurements found
- Error: Unable to connect to PIPSpro database (Problem occurred ...)
- Troubleshoot Connections
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